of May 7, 2013 No. 77-FZ
About parliamentary control
Accepted by the State Duma on April 23, 2013
Approved by the Federation Council on April 27, 2013
This Federal Law governs the public relations connected with implementation by chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, committees and the commissions of chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, senators of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the parliamentary commission on investigation of the facts and circumstances which formed the basis for conducting parliamentary investigation, Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation of parliamentary control on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Laws, this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, regulations of chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Main objectives of parliamentary control are:
1) ensuring compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, execution of the Federal constitutional Laws, Federal Laws;
2) protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
3) strengthening of legality and law and order;
4) identification of key problems in activities of state bodies of the Russian Federation, increase in system effectiveness of public administration and drawing attention of the relevant state bodies and officials to the shortcomings revealed during implementation of parliamentary control for the purpose of their elimination;
5) anti-corruption;
6) studying of practice of application of the legislation of the Russian Federation, development of the recommendations submitted on enhancement of the legislation of the Russian Federation and increase in efficiency of its execution.
1. Parliamentary control is exercised on the principles:
1) legality;
2) observance of rights and freedoms of man and citizen;
3) separations of the authorities;
4) independence and independence of subjects of parliamentary control;
5) systemacities;
6) publicity.
2. Information on parliamentary control is open for society and mass media, including can extend by means of the Internet. The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation provides general availability of information on parliamentary control, except for to information, access to which is limited according to the Federal Laws.
3. Implementation of parliamentary control does not substitute justice implementation, investigation of crimes, the operational search activities, activities of public authorities and local government bodies performed within their competence. Intervention of subjects of parliamentary control in implementation of the specified activities is not allowed.
1. Treat subjects of parliamentary control acting for the purpose of implementation of parliamentary control:
1) chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - The Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (further - the Federation Council) and the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (further - the State Duma);
2) committees and commissions of chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
3) the parliamentary commission on investigation of the facts and circumstances which formed the basis for conducting parliamentary investigation;
4) senators of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma.
2. The Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation which is the permanent supreme body of external state audit (control) accountable to Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation participates in implementation of parliamentary control in the cases, procedure and forms provided by this Federal Law and the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 41-FZ "About Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation".
Parliamentary control is exercised in the following forms:
1) consideration of the question of confidence by the State Duma to the Government of the Russian Federation;
2) carrying out by chambers Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, committees of chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation of actions for implementation of preliminary parliamentary control, the current parliamentary control and the subsequent parliamentary control in the sphere of the budget legal relationship;
3) hearing of annual reports of the Government of the Russian Federation by the State Duma on results of its activities, including answers to the questions raised by the State Duma;
4) consideration of annual statements of the Central bank of the Russian Federation by the State Duma and decision making on them;
5) hearing of reports of the Chairman of the Central bank of the Russian Federation on activities of the Central bank of the Russian Federation in case of submission of the annual statement and the main directions of single state monetary policy;
6) implementation concerning the Central bank of the Russian Federation of parliamentary control in other forms according to the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ "About the Central bank the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)";
7) direction chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of parliamentary requests;
8) the direction senators of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of requests of senators of the Russian Federation, requests of deputies of the State Duma (further - deputy request);
9) hearing at meetings of chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of information of members of the government of the Russian Federation, heads and officials of federal executive bodies, other federal state bodies, state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, answers of the specified officials to questions of senators of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma within "government hour", and also hearing of information of the specified officials on committee meetings and the commissions of chambers of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
10) hearing for the purpose of receipt of information on the questions having extreme character, the Russian Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers of Russia, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Central bank of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of Russian Central Election Commission, other officials;
11) position assignment and dismissal of the Chairman of Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation, vice-chairman of Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation, auditors of Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation;
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