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of April 24, 2013 No. 278

About approval of Sanitary regulations about the materials and products from plastic intended for contact with foodstuff

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 18.12.2017 No. 1090)

Based on article 5 of the Law No. 78-XV of March 18, 2004 on foodstuff (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 83-87, 431), with the subsequent amendments, Art. 6 of the Law No. 10-XVI of February 3, 2009 on the state supervision of public health (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009, No. 67, of the Art. 183), with subsequent changes and amendments, and also for the purpose of ensuring high level of protection of public health, the Government DECIDES:

1. Approve Sanitary regulations about the materials and products from plastic intended for contact with foodstuff it (is applied).

2. These Sanitary regulations about the materials and products from plastic intended for contact with foodstuff become effective on January 1, 2014.

3. Expenses on implementation of the approved Regulations will be determined and be planned along with ensuring accomplishment of provisions of the Order of the Government No. 747 of October 3, 2011 about approval of strategy in safety of food for 2011-2015 and the Law No. 113 of May 18, 2012 on establishment of the general principles and instructions of the legislation on safety of foodstuff.

4. Till December 31, 2013:

the supporting documents specified in Items 34, 35 Sanitary regulations about the materials and products from plastic intended for contact with foodstuff will be based on the main regulations of testing of global and specific migration stated in Hygienic standard rates of migration of toxic elements from products which contact with foodstuff, and the methods of their determination approved by the Chief state health officer the order No. of August 21, 2003, relating to materials and products from plastic with the subsequent takeover and implementation of adjacent standards of testing;

the additives used in protective coatings of the reinforced fiber glass for the plastic materials reinforced by fiber glass which are not listed in appendix No. 1 to Sanitary regulations about the materials and products from plastic intended for contact with foodstuff shall correspond to the regulations on risks assessment provided in Item 48 of Regulations.

5. The materials and products legally entered on the market till December 31, 2013 can be placed in the market till June 31, 2014.

6. To the national agency of public health on January 1, 2014 to cancel Hygienic standard rates of migration of toxic elements from the products contacting to foodstuff and the methods of their determination approved by the Chief state health officer the order No. of August 21, 2003, registered in the Ministry of Justice for No. 350 of September 19, 2003.

7. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment.


Prime Minister

Vladimir Filat


Minister of Health


Andrey Usaty

Minister of Agriculture and food industry

Vasile Bumakov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of April 24, 2013, No. 278

Sanitary regulations about the materials and products from plastic intended for contact with foodstuff

The sanitary regulations about the materials and products from plastic intended for contact with foodstuff (further - Regulations) adopt provisions of Regulations of the European Commission No. 10/2011 of January 14, 2011 about the plastic materials and products intended for the contact with foodstuff published in the Official magazine of the European Union (JO) L 12 of January 15, 2011 and are specific measure in part sense (1) Articles of 5 Items and), c) d), e), f), h), i) and j) Regulations (EC) No. 1935/2004, transferred to the national legal system by the Order of the Government No. 308 of April 29, 2011. "About approval of Sanitary regulations on the materials and products intended for contact with foodstuff".

Chapter I. General provisions

1. These Regulations establish specific requirements to production and delivery to the market of materials and products from plastic:

a) intended for contact with foodstuff;

b) which already are in contact with foodstuff;

c) which can come into contact with foodstuff as appropriate.

2. These Regulations are applied to the materials and products placed in the market of the Republic of Moldova, entering the following categories:

a) the materials, products and their parts made only of plastic;

b) the materials and products consisting of several layers of plastic connected by glues or other means;

c) the materials and products specified in the subitem and) or b) Item 1 of these Regulations, printed and/or put with covering;

d) layers from plastic and plastic coverings which create laying of covers and caps and which together with covers and corking caps constitute set of two or more layers of various materials;

e) plastic layers in multilayered materials and products from various materials.

3. These Regulations do not extend to the materials and products placed in the market for which other specific measures are provided:

a) ion-exchange pitches;

b) rubber;

c) silicone.

4. These Regulations do not mention the requirement for typographical paints, glues or coverings which will be regulated by other regulations.

5. In these Regulations the following determinations are used:

materials and products from plastic - categories of the products specified in subitems and), b), c), d) and e) Item 2 of these regulations;

plastic - polymer to which the additives or other substances capable to function as the main structural component of ready materials and products can be added;

polymer - any high-molecular substance received by polymerization process, such as polyaccession or polycondensation, or any other similar process of monomers and other raw materials; by means of chemical modification of natural or synthetic macromolecules; by microbic fermentation;

multilayered plastic - the material or object consisting of two or more layers of plastic;

polymaterial multilayered - the materials or products consisting of two or more layers of various materials from which, at least, one layer consists of plastic;


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