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The document is cancelled since  December 4, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2015 No. 993


of February 20, 2013 No. 79

About approval of Rules of the organization of the international activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

For the purpose of enhancement of the international activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of the organization of the international activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. To impose control of execution of this order the pas of the chief of staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan Okasov S. K.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of signing.


Minister V. Bozhko

Approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 20, 2013 No. 79

Rules of the organization of the international activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. General provisions

1. These rules of the organization of the international activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the Ministry) are developed according to Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 1112 approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 28, 2004 and determine the main directions of the international activities of the Ministry and its structural divisions, departments, territorial authorities and subordinated organizations.

2. The international activities of the Ministry are activities of the Ministry, it structural divisions, departments, territorial authorities and the subordinated organizations which is connected with authorized bodies of foreign countries, the international organizations and foreign legal entities in the field of Civil defense, the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, fire and industrial safety, the state material reserve, rendering emergency medical and psychological assistance.

3. The international activities of the Ministry are performed according to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory legal acts, international treaties which participant is the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also these rules.

4. Coordination of the international activities of the Ministry is performed by Department of international cooperation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The basic concepts used in these rules

5. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:

1) the international treaty of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the international agreement signed by the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign state (foreign states) or with the international organization (the international organizations) in writing and regulated by international law irrespective of contains such agreement in one document or in several documents connected among themselves, and also irrespective of its specific name;

2) the international organization - interstate or intergovernmental organization;

3) the conclusion of the international treaty - expression of consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan to obligation for it the international treaty;

4) the interstate agreement - the international treaty of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed on behalf of the Republic of Kazakhstan and signed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or other official authorized on signing of this international treaty by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan including in oral form just before its signing;

5) the intergovernmental agreement - the international treaty signed on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and signed by Premyerministr or the representative on making of this act from his name by the first head of the central executive body of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) the interdepartmental agreement - the international treaty signed on behalf of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and signed by the Minister or person replacing it.

7) the regulating documents having the international nature, but not having the status of the international treaty - plans of interaction between territorial authorities of border areas with the relevant divisions of the departments dealing with issues of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, the states bordering on the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - plans of interaction);

8) structural divisions - departments and independent managements of central office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

9) departments - committees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) territorial authorities - departments on emergency situations of areas and of Astana and Almaty the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

11) the subordinated organizations - public institutions, joint-stock companies, research establishments, limited liability partnerships, the republican state companies and the republican state state companies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Main directions of the international activities

6. The international activities of the Ministry are provided by the following main directions:

1) participation in realization of state policy of development of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and forming of offers on investment attraction in the field of Civil defense, the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, fire and industrial safety, the state material reserve, rendering emergency medical and psychological assistance;

2) organization of events and implementation of international cooperation in the field of Civil defense, the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, fire and industrial safety, the state material reserve, rendering emergency medical and psychological assistance, including within intergovernmental and interservice agreements of the Republic of Kazakhstan, agreements signed by the Ministry with the international organizations and also within the international programs and projects;

3) development and the conclusion of international treaties in the field of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations;


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