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of April 12, 2013 No. 256

About approval of some regulations on enforcement of the Law No. 228 of November 25, 2011 on modification and amendments in the Law on publishing No. 939-XIV of April 20, 2000

(as amended on 14-02-2024)

Based on Articles 18, 21, 22, 22-1 Law on publishing 939-XIV of April 20, 2000. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2000, No. 70-72, of the Art. 511), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve:

Regulations on selection, the edition and purchase of the national book by the financial means provided in the government budget according to appendix No. 1;

Regulations on participation of the Republic of Moldova in the international book fairs, according to appendix No. 2.

Regulations on funding mechanism for magazines on culture at the expense of means of the government budget, according to appendix No. 2-1

Regulations on funding mechanism for transfer and the edition of the national book abroad at the expense of means of the government budget according to appendix No. 2-2.

2. Recognize invalid some orders of the Government, according to appendix No. 3.

Prime Minister

Vladimir Filat


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Affairs


Valery Lazer

Minister of Cultural Affairs

Boris Foksha

Minister of Finance

Vyacheslav Negrutsa

Appendix №1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of April 12, 2013 No. 256

Regulations on selection, the edition and purchase of the national book by the financial means provided in the government budget

Chapter I. General provisions

1. The regulations on selection, the edition and purchase of the national book by the financial means provided in the government budget (further - the Provision), establish procedure for allocation, use and accounting of the financial resources provided in the government budget for the edition and purchase of the national book.

2. For support of the edition and purchase of the national book (in дальнейшемиздание / purchase of books) bodies of the central or local public authority annually provide in own budgets financial resources in the limits provided in the relevant budgets.

Chapter II. Organization of tender for selection of offers

3. Distribution of assignments according to Item 2 is performed based on selection of offers, the events on competitive basis in one or in two stages once within financial year.

4. Tender on selection of offers for the purpose of edition/purchase of books will be organized by bodies of the central or local public authority according to the current legislation about public procurements and this Provision.

5. On edition/purchase of books publishing houses and organizations with the edition right can participate in tender (further - publishing houses). Possible tenders of the manuscripts provided by authors in private procedure cannot be subject of this provision.

6. Obligatory standard documents on edition/purchase of books are developed for tenders by bodies of the central or local public authority.

Chapter III. Requirements to offers

7. The offers connected with the edition of books are presented to the central or local authorities of public management in the form of the publishing project.

The publishing project assumes the edition of books by means of their creation, transfer, technical editing, illustration, seal and publication according to the priorities established by the central or local body of public management.

The publishing project is followed by the list of books in which bibliographic data and technical characteristics of editions, and also data concerning are specified:

a) surnames, name of the author and name of the book;

b) edition amount in publishing sheets;

c) suggested price of the edition in lei for copy;

d) summary of the book (summary of work);

e) reviews, depending on the circumstances signed by celebrated personalities in this field of activity.

Reviews can be requested by the commission on selection if the area of the book is beyond competence of members of the commission. The reviews provided by participants of tender are not urgent.

7-1. Conditions of submission of the publishing project:

a) publishing houses under the personal liability represent the declaration on the additional circulation (at least 300 copies) printed by publishing house;

b) in selection process of offers one publishing house cannot offer more than 10 names of books;

c) one modern writer can be approved to the edition only once in 3 years.

The corresponding rule belongs to original works of recent authors (poetry, prose), but not to the editions prepared by them at the request of publishing house;

d) reissuings (including the editions translated to Romanian, but which were published in the Republic of Moldova in other languages) can be approved only after 15 years from the date of the publication of the last edition in the Republic of Moldova;

e) total amount on one applicant cannot be more than 20% of the total amount provided in the government budget for this purchase / this stage.


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