of April 12, 2013 No. 259
About implementation of some regulations of the Code on subsoil
For the purpose of implementation of provisions of Item j) Article 9 and article 52 of the Code about subsoil No. 3-XVI of February 2, 2009. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009, No. 75-77, of the Art. 197), with subsequent changes, and also for ensuring rational and complex use of subsoil DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve:
Regulations on state examination of inventories of minerals according to appendix No. 1;
Regulations on the State Commission on Mineral Reserves according to appendix No. 2;
Structure of the State Commission on Mineral Reserves according to appendix No. 3.
2. Determine that in case of release of members of the commission from posts, their duties in its structure will be fulfilled by the persons or persons who are temporarily providing these obligations again appointed to these positions without edition of other order of the Government.
3. Recognize invalid some orders of the Government according to appendix No. 4.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of the environment.
Prime Minister
Vladimir Filat
Countersign: Minister of Finance |
Vyacheslav Negrutsa |
minister of the environment |
George Shalaru |
Appendix №1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of April 12, 2013 No. 259
1. State examination of inventories of minerals is carried out by the geological experts elected by the State Commission on Mineral Reserves according to Regulations on it.
2. State examination of inventories of minerals is carried out on the reconnoitered subsoil plots for the purpose of ensuring rational and complex use of subsoil, and also for assessment of accuracy of the information about quantity and quality of inventories of minerals, degree of study of the reconnoitered resources, conditions of their bedding, other properties of the subsoil determining their value or danger.
3. State examination of inventories of minerals can be carried out at any stage of geological studying of the field provided that the represented by the company which performed studying, geological materials allow to give objective assessment to quantity and quality of inventories of minerals, mining, hydrogeological, ecological and other conditions of their industrial development.
4. Provision of subsoil plots in use for production of the reconnoitered minerals is allowed only after conducting state examination of materials of inventories of minerals and approval of inventories of minerals in accordance with the established procedure.
5. Statement of inventories of minerals on the state balance or their write-off from the state balance and from balance of the mining company is performed according to the decision of the State Commission on Mineral Reserves made based on the conclusions of geological experts.
6. State examination of inventories of minerals is performed on paid basis at the expense of means of the subsoil user based on the agreement signed with the Agency on geology and mineral resources (further - the Agency).
7. The amount of payment for the state examination of inventories of minerals executed on the complex field is established on mineral which inventory quantity on this field is the greatest.
8. Materials with geological, hydrogeological and ecological information on the mineral deposits for the first time reconnoitered or explored for the purpose of stock gain of minerals are exposed to state examination of inventories of minerals.
9. State examination of inventories of minerals is performed by monitoring procedure and the analysis of materials on:
1) to geological structure, hydrogeological, engineering-geological, ecological and mining conditions and degree of study of the field, and also studying of quality and technological properties of minerals;
2) to the made stock counting of the minerals reconnoitered or in addition reconnoitered regardless of type, quantity, quality and the direction of their industrial use;
3) to the feasibility statement on operational conditions for stock counting of minerals.
10. For conducting state examination of inventories of minerals the company which was carrying out exploration works directs to the address of the Agency materials with geological inventory information of minerals (the geological report, the explanatory note) on paper (in 3 copies) and on the electronic medium.
11. The materials with geological inventory information of minerals provided to the Agency are registered and go to the secretary of the State Commission on Mineral Reserves who checks their compliance to requirements of Item 10. Incomplete packets of materials return to the company which was carrying out exploration works for check and completion.
12. The secretary of the Commission based on the agreement signed between the Agency and the subsoil user according to requirements of Item 6, sends to the geological experts hired by the Agency, materials with geological information (reports, the explanatory note) for conducting examination and receipt of the conclusions of geological experts.
13. The term of conducting state examination of inventories of minerals is established depending on type of minerals, complexity of geological structure of the subsoil plot and amount of the provided materials, but no more than 30 days.
to Regulations on state examination of inventories of minerals
The rate size for conducting state examination of inventories of minerals
№ payment order |
Examination type |
Mineral type |
Unit of measure |
Quantity of reserves |
Rate for the expert opinion (lei) |
Number of the necessary conclusions |
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