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The document ceased to be valid since  December 10, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 24, 2015 No. 941


of February 5, 2013 No. 87

About approval of Operational regulations of rail transport

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 12.11.2013 No. 1213)

According to subitem 22-1) of Item 1 of article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 8, 2001 "About rail transport" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Operational regulations of rail transport.

2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of the first official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

S. Akhmetov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 5, 2013 No. 87

Operational regulations of rail transport

1. General provisions

1. Operational regulations of rail transport (further - Rules) are developed according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About rail transport" and establish method of operation of rail transport, including repair of objects of the main infrastructure, constructions, railway vehicles and special railway vehicles.

2. In these rules the following terms are used:

1) automatic cab signaling as independent means of the alarm system and communication - system in case of which train movements on stage are performed on signals of engineman's indicators and operation points are the designated borders of block sites;

2) low-active sites - sites with amount of movement of passenger and freight trains (in the amount) according to the schedule no more than 8 couples a day;

3) removable mobile units - removable section cars, repair towers, traveling cars, track measuring, defektoskopny carts which are removed from way the workers servicing them manually;

4) distillation communication - communication for conducting office negotiations between persons on duty on railway stations and the workers performing works and being on stage;

5) stage - the part of rail line limited to adjacent stations, traveling, outdistanced Items or traveling posts;

6) special railway vehicles (further - Union of Right Forces) - the self-propelled and non-self-propelled rail vehicles intended for works on content, servicing, recovery and repair of the high-level railway net and sidings;

7) crew of special railway vehicles (further - crew of Union of Right Forces) - the workers appointed for management and servicing of Union of Right Forces. For management of Union of Right Forces the crew - the driver and the assistant driver or the driver and the assistant to the driver of section car is appointed (according to the operating manual of the corresponding machine);

8) the air space (the isolating interface) - interface of adjacent sites of contact network to electrical insulation (tokorazdet);

9) the heavyweight freight train - the freight train which weight for the corresponding series of locomotives on 100 tons and more exceeds the weight regulation established by the traffic schedule on the site of following of this train;

10) arrow - the part of the railroad switch consisting of stock rails, funnymen and shift mechanism. In the presence of crosspieces with the movable core the crosspiece also enters concept of the shooter;

11) pointer post - one or several railroad switches of not centralized operation serviced by one person on duty of pointer post;

12) the pointer area - group of the adjacent pointer posts which are under control of one senior pointer post on duty;

13) the railroad switch - the device serving for transfer of railway vehicles from one way on another. Railroad switches consist of arrows, crosspieces and connecting tracks between them. Crosspieces happen to the rigid or movable core. Leading particulars of crosspiece without mobile elements are the core, two usovik, two counterrails, prikrepitel and liners, connection fastenings and bolts with washers and nuts for consolidation of usovik and the core in single design in case of combined crosspieces;

14) pointer communication - communication for conducting office negotiations between the person on duty on railway station with interlocked and control posts of railway station concerning preparation of routes (including check of svobodnost of railway tracks and arrows) and fixing of railway rolling stock on converging railway tracks;

15) neutral insert - the site of the contact suspender between two air spaces (the isolating interfaces) on which there is no tension, providing electrical insulation of the integrated sites when passing current collectors of electrorailway vehicles;

16) the companies of economy of the alarm system and communication - the companies intended for the organization of maintenance and repair of devices of automatic equipment, telemechanics and telecommunications for the purpose of ensuring their safe smooth operation;

17) the block site - part of end-of-siding-to-end-of-siding block in case of automatic lock-out or in case of the automatic cab signaling applied as independent means of the alarm system and communication, limited to traffic lights through passage (borders of block sites) or the traffic light through passage (block site border) and the entrance traffic light of railway station, and also the output traffic light and the first passing traffic light through passage (block site border);

18) side track - way on which when following the railway vehicles deviate on the railroad switch;

19) special wayside markers - borders of railway right of way, the index of switch number, sign of axis of the passenger building, signs on linear roadway buildings, reference points of the beginning and end of simple curves, and also began, the middle and the end of easement curves, hidden constructions of subgrade, the highest horizon of waters and maximum height of wave;

20) wayside marker - the permanent index of profile and extent of rail lines;

21) the companies of traveling facilities - linearly - the traveling companies intended for repair and content of railway track and its constructions;

22) the passenger train - the train for public conveyance, baggage, cargo baggage and mailings created from passenger rail cars;

23) passenger stopping point - the Item on stage which does not have traveling development, intended only for landing and disembarkation of passengers which is not operation point;

24) the works manager - person in charge to who the management of works on the operated railway tracks, constructions and devices is assigned;

25) the rapid passenger train - the passenger train handling motion speeds from 141 to 200 km/h;

26) clearance gage of rolling stock - limiting cross (perpendicular track centers) the outline in which without coming to light is located both the loaded, and empty railway vehicles established on straight-and-level track;

27) means of automatic monitoring of technical condition of railway vehicles on the run of the train - the equipment allowing to find and transfer in automatic mode information to the person on duty on ahead to the lying station, the traffic controller, the driver about availability and arrangement in the train of defective railway vehicles and type of defect;

28) bank locomotive - the locomotive appointed for the aid to the leading locomotive on separate stages or part of stage (in the rear of the train);

29) the warranty site - the site limited to Items of maintenance which extent is determined proceeding from need of safe passing of cars in good repair for the train;

30) stage interon point duty - the stage limited to traveling posts or traveling post and the station;

31) bias - element of long edged profile of railway track, rakish to the horizontal line (rise, descent);

32) track clearance - limiting cross (perpendicular track centers) outline in which no parts of constructions and devices come. The exception constitutes only the devices intended for their direct interaction with railway vehicles (rail brakes in working order, contact wires with fittings, the turning part of column in case of set of water);

33) service braking - braking by steps for reduction of speed or stop of the train in the provided place;

34) the locomotive - the railway rolling stock intended for ensuring movement on railway tracks of trains or separate cars;

35) engine crew - the workers appointed for servicing of locomotives, and also motor car trains;

36) shunting structure - group of the cars linked among themselves and to the locomotive making maneuvers. The locomotive linked to one car is also considered as shunting structure;

37) motor car railway vehicles - motor and trailer cars of which the motor car trains (electric trains, diesel - trains, rail buses) intended for public conveyance are created;

38) outdistanced Item - the operation point on double lines having the traveling development allowing overtaking of trains and in necessary cases, transfer of the train from one main track on another;

39) interlocked point - arrow which funnymen (and in the presence of crosspiece with the movable core and the core) are translated by the special fittings managed from one central Item;

40) non-interlocked point - arrow which funnymen are translated manually by means of shift mechanism directly at arrow;

41) especially heavy traffic of trains - the amount of movement of passenger and freight trains (in the amount) according to the schedule on double-track territor more than 100 couples and on single-line - more than 48 couples a day;

42) heavy traffic of trains - the amount of movement of passenger and freight trains (in the amount) according to the schedule on double-track territor more than 50 couples and single-line - more than 24 couples a day;

43) train conference circuit - communication for conducting the office negotiations between the traffic controller and persons on duty on railway stations entering the serviced dispatching site;

44) radio blocking - system of interval regulation by train movements on the basis of network of digital radio communication;

45) travel - the operation point on single-line lines having the traveling development intended for crossing and overtaking of trains which can carry out commercial transactions;

46) the refrigerator train - the train created from refrigerated cars;

47) safety track - the way intended for the prevention of exit of railway vehicles to routs to follow of trains;

48) long descent - descent in case of the following values of the steepness and extent: Steepness



from 0,008 to 0,010

8 km and more

more 0,010 to 0,014

6 km and more

more 0,014 to 0,017

5 km and more

more 0,017 to 0,020

4 km and more

to more 0,020 and steep slope

2 km and more;

49) the station - the operation point having the traveling development allowing to make transactions on acceptance, departure, crossing and overtaking of trains, transactions on acceptance, issue of loads and servicing of passengers, and in case of the developed trackage layouts - shunting operation on disbandment and forming of trains and technical transactions with trains;

50) the station supervisor - the shift assistant administrator of the station solely disposing of acceptance, departure and the omission of trains, and also other movements of railway vehicles on the main and priyemo-dispatch tracks of the station (where there is no shunting dispatcher - and on other ways);

51) train interexchange communication - communication for conducting office negotiations between persons on duty on railway stations of the next railway stations;

52) end-of-siding-to-end-of-siding block - the stage limited to stations, traveling and outdistanced Items;

53) station signal cabin - post on railway station in which management of group of interlocked points and signals is concentrated;


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