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of March 13, 2013 No. 180

About liquidation of some consultative, advisory and other facilitative branches formed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

(as amended on 01-03-2017)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Liquidate the consultative, advisory and other facilitative branches formed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to appendix.

2. Make changes which are applied to acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Recognize invalid acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.

4. To the ministries, other central executive bodies to bring own regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

N. Azarov


to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 13, 2013 No. 180

The list of the consultative, advisory and other facilitative branches formed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine which are liquidated

The All-Ukrainian supervisory board concerning ensuring accomplishment of the International program for eradication of the worst forms of child labor

The state extraordinary anti-epidemic commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The external economic council under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The commission on establishment of pensions for special merits in front of Ukraine under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Commission on control of use and alienation of lands of defense and other lands of state-owned property

Commission on questions of implementation of pension reforming

Commission on questions of reforming and development of energy industry

Commission on cases of alternative (not military) service of Ukraine

Committee on carrying out in 2010 auctions for sale of special permissions to use of natural resources

Coordination council on the organization of evaluating public administration for basic indicators of SIGMA

Coordination council concerning agrarian policy

Coordination council on traffic safety issues

Coordination council concerning increase in competitiveness of national economy

Coordination council concerning carrying out functional inspection of the central executive bodies

Coordination council concerning development of small and medium business

Coordinating committee on preparation and ensuring participation of Ukraine in the International exhibition "Expo — 2012"

Coordinating committee on preparation and ensuring participation of Ukraine in the World Fair "Expo — 2010"

Customs and tariff council of Ukraine

Interdepartmental advisory council concerning determination of priorities in production of the new machinery and equipment for agricultural producers

The interdepartmental commission on questions of ensuring price stability on the main socially important goods and services

Interdepartmental commission on questions of the complex solution of the Chernobyl problems

The interdepartmental commission on questions of completing of Armed Forces, other military forming, law enforcement agencies of special purpose and the Public special service of transport by the military personnel who passes military service under the contract

The interdepartmental commission on questions of training in Ukraine foreigners and stateless persons

Interdepartmental commission on questions of carrying out defensive survey

The interdepartmental commission on questions of implementation of the Energy strategy of Ukraine for the period till 2030

Interdepartmental commission on questions of development of power

Interdepartmental commission on questions of transport corridors and transit policy

Interdepartmental commission on support of Bologna Process in Ukraine

Interdepartmental commission on carrying out reforming of housing and communal services

Interdepartmental commission on restructuring of the companies of defense industry complex

Interdepartmental commission on streamlining of system of provision of privileges

Interdepartmental advisory group according to the solution of tasks concerning destruction of antipersonnel mines in Ukraine which fall under operation of the Convention on prohibition of application, stock accumulation, production and transfer of antipersonnel mines and about their destruction

Interdepartmental coordination panel concerning implementation of the Joint statement by results of Joint the EU - Ukraine the international investment conference concerning upgrade of gas-transit system of Ukraine

Interdepartmental coordination council concerning construction of wind power stations

Interdepartmental coordination council concerning ensuring development of communications with foreign Ukrainians

Interdepartmental coordination council concerning protection of cultural heritage

Interdepartmental coordination council concerning development of water resources

Interdepartmental council concerning export, import and return of cultural values

Interdepartmental council concerning enhancement of state regulation of the market of utilities

Interdepartmental council for cooperation with International Atomic Energy Agency

Interdepartmental working group on coordination of actions for creation of system of state registration of the material rights to real estate and their burdenings

The interdepartmental working group on questions of coordination and control of project implementation "Issue of the state acts on the property right to the earth in the rural zone and development of system of the inventory"

Interdepartmental working group on questions of subsurface use

Interdepartmental working group on questions of preparation for ensuring permanent passing of heating season of 2010/11

The interdepartmental working group on preparation for implementation of joint Ukrainian-Japanese projects in the sphere of agro-industrial complex

The interdepartmental working group on preparation for implementation of joint Ukrainian-Japanese projects of reconstruction of stations of water treatment and purification of household sewage and upgrade of boiler rooms with transfer of coppers to alternative types of fuel

Interdepartmental working group on preparation for implementation of joint Ukrainian-Japanese construction projects of the subways and development of infrastructure of transportation of agricultural products

Interdepartmental working group on preparation for implementation of joint Ukrainian-Japanese projects of upgrade of gas-transport system of Ukraine

Interdepartmental working group on preparation for implementation of joint Ukrainian-Japanese projects of reconstruction of thermal power plants

Interdepartmental working group on preparation for implementation of joint Ukrainian-Japanese projects of reconstruction of domestic coal preparation factories

Interdepartmental working group on preparation for implementation of joint Ukrainian-Japanese projects on production and use of gas of methane of domestic coal fields

The interdepartmental working group on preparation for implementation of joint Ukrainian-Japanese projects concerning creation of system of environmentally friendly power supply of the cities on the basis of renewable sources


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