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The document ceased to be valid since  April 3, 2024 according to Item 3 of the Resolution of Board of the Central bank of the Azerbaijan Republic of March 13, 2024 No. 12/3


of July 10, 2012 No. 16/3

About approval of "Rules of issue and use of payment cards"

(as amended on 27-07-2020)

For the purpose of regulation of issue and use of payment cards, and also "About the Central bank of the Azerbaijan Republic" decides risk managements of the Board of the Central Bank payment cards of the Azerbaijan Republic according to articles 22.0.17 and 44 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic:

1. Approve "Rules of issue and use of payment cards" (are applied);

2. Charge to Legal department (R. Melikov), within 3 days to provide submission of this decision to the Ministry of Justice for inclusion in the State register of legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic;

3. Charge to Department of supervision of activities of credit institutions (A. Mamedjyarov) and (K. Kurbanova) to provide to Department of payment systems and calculations implementation of all necessary actions in connection with entry into force of these rules.


Elman Rustamov

Approved by the Decision of the Central bank of the Azerbaijan Republic of July 25, 2012 No. 16/3

Rules of issue and use of payment cards

1. General provisions

These rules are prepared according to article 44 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About the Central bank of the Azerbaijan Republic", and also article 32 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About banks" and regulate rules of issue and use of payment cards in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic.

2. Concepts

2.1. The concepts applied in these rules express the following values:

2.1.1. payment card (further - the card) - the payment instrument used for implementation of cashless payments and for receipt of cash;

2.1.2. the issuer - the legal entity performing issue of cards, provision of services to users of cards, authorization of card transactions (or from the card organization) and payment to ekvayer of cost of the performed operation;

2.1.3. issue of cards (further - issue) - release by the card issuer in the address;

2.1.4 ekvayer - the legal entity performing acquiring services;

2.1.5 acquiring - provided to clients based on the agreement signed with business entity or state body (structure), service in carrying out calculations when rendering trade, household and other types of service including tax payment and the state fees and charges for services (works) provided by state bodies (structures) or cash disbursement of money to users of cards;

2.1.6. the card account - the current bank account opened for accounting of the transactions performed by means of the card;

2.1.7. the owner of the card account (further - the card holder) the physical person or legal entity which signed the contract with the issuer having order rights the card account;

2.1.8. the user of the card - the card holder or person who has the right to use the card;

2.1.9. business entity - person accepting cards as means of payment for carrying out settlings with clients when rendering according to trade, household and other types of service based on the agreement signed with ekvayer;

2.1.10. authorization - the permission provided by the issuer or the card organization serving it for carrying out transaction with use of the card;

2.1.11. The POS-terminal - the equipment intended for carrying out non-cash transactions and also for receipt of cash by means of the card;

2.1.12. the ATM - the software and hardware complex intended for issue and acceptance of cash and also for use of other banking services;

2.1.13. blocking of the card - suspension of carrying out transactions by means of the card;

2.1.14. the corporate card - the card provided to the representative (worker) of the legal entity or the physical person who is engaged in business activity without formation of legal entity (further - the individual entrepreneur), for use of money on the card account, for the purpose of carrying out the payments provided in these rules and receipt of cash;

2.1.15. prepaid card - the card allowing to pay the cost of goods, works and services in volume of funds which are in advance deposited on the card and/or receipt of cash;

2.1.16. the filled-up prepaid card - the card allowing to perform replenishment of earlier deposited funds;

2.1.17. not filled up prepaid card - the card allowing to perform operations only within in advance deposited funds;

2.1.18. the card organization - service center (banks and other legal entities performing processing activities) or the international card organization performing transfer, collection, processing and clearing of information on the operations performed by means of cards and also tactical servicing of issue and acquiring of cards;

2.1.19. personalisation - loading of information about the card holder on the electronic medium (chip) and (or) magnetic tape and printing of identification data on the card in case of production of payment cards;

2.1.20. personal identification number (further - the PIN code) the hidden code identifying the card holder when carrying out transaction and issued by the issuer to the card holder or person authorized by it;

2.1.21. contactless payment - the transaction performed by applying of the card with the radio-frequency identifier established in it or the means used for establishment of the user of the card to the ATM, the POS terminal or other payment terminal;

2.1.22. the mode of real time - the transaction making moment.

3. Issue and acquiring of cards

3.1. Issue and acquiring of cards is performed by banks and the national operator of mail service (further - banks) performing activities in the Azerbaijan Republic.

3.2. The issuer independently determines type emissiruyemy it cards and service in cards.

3.3. On the card, at least, it is necessary to specify the following details:

3.3.1. the data identifying the issuer;

3.3.2. number of the card;

3.3.3. card expiration date;

3.3.4. contact telephone numbers of the issuer or the organization supporting the card accepting requests 24 hours a day without interruption.

3.4. Issue of the card (except for prepaid cards) is performed based on the agreement signed between the issuer and the card holder. The agreement signed with the card holder shall be written is legible and is constituted by the font providing comfortable reading in usual conditions (12) suffice.

3.5. In the agreement signed between the card holder and the issuer it is necessary to specify the following, at least:

3.5.1. personal data of the card holder (data on the identity document);

3.5.2. rights and obligations of the Parties;


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