of December 28, 2012 No. 73
About approval of Rules on safety control of transportation of dangerous goods by railway transport on the territory of the Republic of Belarus
Based on subitem 7.4 of Item 7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2006 No. 756 "About some questions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations" the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules on safety control of transportation of dangerous goods by railway transport on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
2. This resolution becomes effective since February 1, 2013.
Minister |
V. A. Vashchenko |
It is approved Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus December 19, 2012 |
A. A. Sivak |
It is approved Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus December 17, 2012 |
M. A. Shchetkina |
It is approved Acting as Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus militia major general December 14, 2012 |
V. V. Mikhnevich |
It is approved Minister of Defence of the Republic of Belarus lieutenant general December 17, 2012 |
Yu.V.Zhadobin |
It is approved Chairman of the State boundary committee of the Republic of Belarus December 14, 2012 |
A.D.Boyechko |
It is approved Acting as Chairman of Committee for State Security of the Republic of Belarus December 19, 2012 |
W. P. Weger |
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2012 No. 73
1. These rules are developed in pursuance of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 6, 2001 "About transportation of dangerous goods" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 56, 2/775; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 24.07. 2013, 2/2060) (further - the Law "About Transportation of Dangerous Goods") general requirements and the main conditions of safety control of transportations of dangerous goods by rail also determine, obligations of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods (further - subjects of transportation).
2. Transportation of dangerous goods by rail in the intra republican message, and also in the international message between countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (further – the CIS) shall be carried out according to requirements of these rules, Rules of transportations of dangerous goods for the railroads (further – PPOG), Rules of transportations of liquid cargoes in bulk in tank cars and cars of bunker type for petrobitumen transportation (further – PPZhGN), accepted within Council for rail transport of the State Parties of the Commonwealth, and in the international message (except for transportations between the CIS countries) – according to requirements of Rules of transportations of dangerous goods (Appendix 2 to the Agreement on the international railway freight traffic (further – Appendix 2 to SMGS).
Movement of dangerous goods on the territories of the Republic of Belarus, including import, export, transit, is performed with observance of the rationing arrangements established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the Customs union and (or) Eurasian Economic Union.
3. If international agreements in the field of transportations of dangerous goods establish other requirements other than these rules, then subjects of transportation shall be guided by international agreements.
4. Action of these rules does not extend on:
technological transportations of dangerous goods in the territories of the organizations performing their production, conversion, storage, application and (or) destruction if such transportations are performed without exit to railway tracks public;
transportations concerning the objects of transportation included in the list of potentially dangerous objects, productions and the related types of activity having specifics of military application, which are subject to supervision approved by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
5. In these rules the following terms and determinations are used:
emergency situation – the conditions other than conditions of normal carriage of goods connected with ignition, leakage, prosypaniye of dangerous substance, damage of container or railway vehicles with dangerous goods which can lead to explosion, the fire, poisoning, radiation, diseases, burns, frostbites, death of people or animals, dangerous effects for the environment, and also cases when in accident zone on the railroad there were cars, containers or cargo pieces with dangerous goods;
the tank car – the car which body is the boiler (reservoir) intended for transportation and storage of gaseous, liquid and other substances;
visual survey – detection of defects, defects or nonserviceability in nodes and details (mechanical damages, cracks, fistulas, corrosion) without use of technical means;
depot repair (further – DR) – the repair which is carried out for recovery of operability and partial recovery of resource of the car with replacement or recovery of constituents of the limited nomenclature and control of technical condition of constituents;
DISK, KTSM – means of automatic monitoring of technical condition of railway vehicles on the run of the train (control remote information system – DISK, the complex of technical means upgraded – KTSM);
major repair (further – the KR) – the repair which is carried out for recovery of operability of car resource, complete and close to complete recovery, with replacement or recovery of any its parts including basic;
major repair with prolongation of useful life (further – KRP) – control of technical condition of all bearing components of design of the car with recovery of their appointed resource, replacement or recovery of any its constituents, including basic, and purpose of new service life;
container tank – the unit of the transport equipment corresponding to determination of the term "container", consisting of the case and equipment components including the equipment providing the possibility of movement of container tank without considerable change of its provision used for transportation of the gaseous, liquid, powdery or granulated substances and the having capacity of more 0,45 of CBM (450 liters);
tank boiler – reservoir (for the room and deduction of loads) on which case details and nodes of the operating and constructive equipment are mounted;
the list of the dangerous goods allowed to transportation – transfer of dangerous goods in alphabetical order, in ascending order of No. of the UN with references to specific requirements which shall be applied in transit dangerous goods;
carrier – the organization performing transport transaction on transportation of dangerous goods according to the signed transportation agreement;
operating equipment of the boiler – the device of filling, draining, ventilation, safety, heating and heat insulation, and also measuring instruments;
regulated railroad crossing – the railroad crossing equipped with devices of the crossing alarm system informing transport drivers on approach to moving of the train, or serviced by the duty worker;
vessel – reservoir for the room and deduction in it of substances or products, including any means of packing;
specialized cars – the cars of different types having special design (special body styles, the device, the equipment and devices), intended for transportation of one or several groups of the loads close on the properties and imposing special requirements to condition of carriages, loadings and unloadings;
container – vessel, either reservoir, or other materials intended for packaging and content of substances and products;
container emergency – special container in which the damaged, having defects or the leaking packagings with dangerous goods or the filtered or waking up dangerous goods for transportation for the purpose of recuperation or removal are located;
running repair – the repair which is carried out for providing or maintenance of the car and consisting in replacement and (or) repair of separate nodes and details;
technical diagnosing – determination of condition of metal, welded connections and construction materials and assessment of conformity of this condition to requirements of technical regulatory legal acts;
maintenance of the car – complex of transactions or transaction on maintenance of working capacity or operability of goods wagon in the created or transit trains, and also empty car by preparation for transportations without its uncoupling from structure or group of cars;
materiel failure – the defect menacing to safety of transportation of dangerous goods;
transport packaging set – the means or complex of means providing protection of dangerous goods of class 7 against damage and losses, protection of life and human health, environment protection against pollution in course of carriage;
packaging – the complete product of transactions of packing consisting of container and content, prepared for transportation;
carriage part of the car – car frame, the autocoupling device, the brake equipment, carts and wheel pairs.
Other terms applied in these rules are used in the values determined in article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About transportation of dangerous goods", article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About rail transport", Item 3 of the Charter of rail transport public and also in rules of the carriages of goods approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in accordance with the established procedure.
6. Classification of dangerous goods is made depending on type and degree of danger of the transported dangerous goods. Dangerous goods on nature of dangerous properties is subdivided into classes:
Class 1. Explosive substances and products;
Class 2. Gases;
Class 3. Flammable fluids;
Class 4.1. Flammable solid substances, the self-reactive (self-decaying) substances and solid desensibilizirovanny explosive substances;
Class 4.2. The igniting spontaneously substances;
Class 4.3. The substances emitting the igniting gases in case of interaction with water;
Class 5.1. The oxidizing substances;
Class 5.2. Organic peroxides;
Class 6.1. Toxic (toxic) agents;
Class 6.2. Infectious substances;
Class 7. Radioactive materials;
Class 8. Caustic (corrosion) substances;
Class 9. Other substances and products.
7. Dangerous goods according to their physical and chemical properties, types and degree of danger in transit can be subdivided into classes, subclasses, categories and groups according to Chapters 4-16 of these rules and tables 1.1-1.15 of appendix 1 to these rules.
8. Reference of dangerous goods to certain class, category, degree of danger and group of compatibility is performed by the consignor according to Chapters 4-16 of these rules, tables 1.1-1.15 of appendix 1 to these rules and on the basis of the international principles of classification established by Standard rules of the UN.
9. Treat dangerous goods of class 1: explosive substances (further - VM), capable to chemical transformation in case of external mechanical, electric, thermal and other impacts, the pyrotechnic substances and structures, products containing one or several explosive or pyrotechnic substances.
10. Dangerous goods of class 1 is subdivided into six subclasses:
1.1 carry to subclass substances and products which are characterized by explosion hazard weight (explosion by weight - explosion which almost instantly extends to all load).
1.2 carry to subclass substances and products which are characterized by danger of scattering, but do not create explosion hazard weight.
1.3 carry to subclass substances and products which are characterized by fire risk, and also insignificant explosion hazard, insignificant danger of scattering or that and another, but are not characterized by explosion hazard weight:
a) when which burning the considerable heat radiation or scattering is allocated;
b) which lighting up one behind another, are characterized by insignificant explosive effect, scattering or that and another.
1.4 carry VM and products constituting only insignificant explosion hazard in case of ignition or initiation in transit to subclass. Action of explosion is limited to cargo piece, at the same time emission of splinters of the considerable sizes or on considerable distance is not expected. The external fire shall not serve as the reason of almost instant explosion of almost all content of packaging.
1.5 carry substances of very low sensitivity which are characterized by explosion hazard weight to subclass, but have so low sensitivity that there is very small probability of their initiation or transition from burning to detonation under normal conditions of transportation. The minimum requirement for these substances - they shall not explode when testing for external impact of fire.
1.6 carry products of extremely low sensitivity which are not characterized by explosion hazard weight to subclass. These products contain substances, only extremely insensitive to detonation, and are characterized by insignificant probability of accidental initiation or distribution of explosion.
11. Dangerous goods of class 1 in each subclass depending on their properties, assignment and possibility of joint transportation is divided into the groups of compatibility designated by letters from And to N (except I, M), and also S.
12. For class loads 1 classification code consists of number of class, subclass and group of compatibility.
Groups of compatibility of VM are brought in classification table 1.2 of appendix 1 to these rules.
13. In one car, and also in one specialized container joint transportation is allowed:
loads of the same group of compatibility and same number of subclass;
loads of one group of compatibility, but different subclasses according to the requirements to transportation established for the load having smaller number of subclass, at the same time loads of subclass 1.5 are equated to loads of subclass 1.1;
loads of groups of compatibility of C, D and E according to the requirements established for subclass load with smaller number and carried to group of compatibility E (if the load of this group is transported) or With;
loads of group of compatibility of S together with loads of other groups of compatibility, except A and L.
14. Loads of group of compatibility of L shall not be transported with loads of other groups of compatibility. Moreover, joint carriage of goods of group L is allowed only if they treat the same type.
15. Loads of group of compatibility of N, as a rule, shall not be transported with loads of other groups of compatibility, except S. However if such loads are transported together with loads of groups of compatibility C, D and E, then loads of group of compatibility of N should be considered as the loads relating to group of compatibility of D.
16. Carry the substances answering at least to one of the following conditions to class 2:
absolute pressure of vapors at temperature of 50 shs at least 300 kPa (3 kgfs/cm 2);
at temperature of 20 shs and the normal pressure of 101,3 of kPa the products containing them are completely gaseous, and also.
17. Dangerous goods of class 2 is subdivided into subclasses:
subclass 2.1 - the nontoxic gases forming flammable mixes with air;
subclass 2.2 - the gases which are non-inflammable and nontoxic;
subclass 2.3 - poisonous gases which srednesmertelny (lethal) concentration of LK50 does not exceed 5 dm3/m3.
18. Substances and products of class 2 are subdivided into categories:
1. Compressed gases - gases with critical temperature below 20 shs.
2. Liquefied gases - gases with critical temperature at least 20 shs.
3. The cooled liquid gases - gases which because of the low temperature in transit partially are in fluidity.
4. The gases dissolved under pressure - gases which are in transit dissolved in any solvent.
5. Aerosol packages and reservoirs small, containing gas (gas sprays).
6. Other products containing gas under pressure.
7. The gases which are not under pressure to which special rules (samples of gases) extend.
19. Classification of dangerous goods of class 2 with their reference to subclasses and categories is given in tables 1.2-1.3 of appendix 1 to these rules.
20. Flammable fluids which flash temperature no more than 60 shs in the closed crucible (vessel) belong to the class 3.
21. Classification of dangerous goods of class 3 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.6 of appendix 1 to these rules.
22. Belong to the class 4.1:
flammable solid substances and products which can ignite from short-term impact of source of fire or flare up in case of friction;
the self-decaying substances, that is the substances inclined to exothermic decomposition without air access;
VM moistened with such amount of water, alcohol or the containing such number of the plasticizer or phlegmtizator which can suppress potential of explosion.
23. Classification of dangerous goods of class 4.1 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.7 of appendix 1 to these rules.
24. Carry pyrophorous substances to class 4.2 (substances, quickly flammable on air), other substances and materials which are capable to heat up to ignition spontaneously.
25. Classification of dangerous goods of class 4.2 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.8 of appendix 1 to these rules.
26. Carry substances which at temperature of 20+5 shs in case of interaction with water emit self-igniting gases or flammable gases in dangerous quantities with intensity at least 1 dm3 / (kg*ch) to class 4.3.
27. Classification of dangerous goods of class 4.3 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.9 of appendix 1 to these rules.
28. Carry the oxidizing substances sustaining combustion causing and (or) promoting ignition of other substances as a result of exothermic oxidation-reduction reaction to class 5.1.
29. Classification of dangerous goods of class 5.1 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.10 of appendix 1 to these rules.
30. Carry the organic matters having peroxygroup in the structure to class 5.2 [-O-O-] and being derivatives of hydrogen of peroxide in which molecule one or two atoms of hydrogen are replaced with the organic radical.
31. Organic peroxides are thermally unstable substances which at the normal or increased temperature are capable to develop the self-accelerating exothermic reaction. Decomposition can be caused by heat, contact with impurity (for example, with acids, connections of heavy metals, amines), friction or blow. Speed of decomposition depends on composition of organic peroxide and increases with increase of temperature. In case of decomposition gases, unhealthy or flammable can be emitted. Many organic peroxides actively burn. Some organic peroxides can decay with explosion, and especially in the closed space. Separate peroxides even in case of short impact are capable to cause major damages of cornea of eye and skin.
Classification of dangerous goods of class 5.2 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.11 of appendix 1 to these rules.
32. Carry toxic (toxic) agents which on the basis of data on impact on people or results of the experiments made on animals are known that they can do harm to health to class 6.1 or lead to the death of the person in case of hit through airways (in the form of vapors, dust or aerosols), skin or digestive organs in case of single or short-term impact in rather small amounts which indicators of toxicity do not exceed values:
srednesmertelny (lethal) dose of LD50: in case of introduction in stomach of solid substances - 200 mg/kg, liquids - 500 mg/kg; when drawing on skin - 1000 mg/kg;
srednesmertelny concentration of LK50 in case of inhalation of dust or aero suspension of 10 mg/dm3.
33. Classification of dangerous goods of class 6.1 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.12 of appendix 1 to these rules.
34. Carry such substances which contain pathogenic microorganisms (including bacteria, viruses, rikketsiya, parasites and fungi) or their recombinants (hybrids or mutants) who are known to class 6.2 or there are bases to believe that they are causative agents of infectious diseases of animals or the person.
35. Dangerous goods of class 6.2 is subdivided on:
I1 - infectious substances dangerous to people;
I2 - dangerous infectious substances only for animals;
I3 - waste of hospital origin;
I4 - diagnostic samples.
36. Carry radioactive materials which specific activity exceeds 74 kBq/kg (0,002 mkki/g), and the products containing such substances to class 7.
37. Classification of dangerous goods of class 7 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.13 of appendix 1 to these rules.
38. Carry caustic and corrosion substances which affect living skin tissue, mucous membranes and eyes to class 8 or in case of leakage can cause damage of other loads or vehicles, or to cause their destruction and by that to create other types of danger.
39. Classification of dangerous goods of class 8 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.14 of appendix 1 to these rules.
40. Carry to class 9 substances and products which during transportation constitute the danger which is not falling under determination of other classes. The class 9 includes along with others (see tab. 1. 15):
- substances dangerous to the surrounding environment;
- the substances transported at the increased temperature (liquid - not lower than 100 shs and solid substances - not lower than 240 shs);
- genetically changed microorganisms or organisms which are not getting under criteria of class 6.2 (infectious substances).
41. Classification of dangerous goods of class 9 with reference them to categories is given in table 1.15 of appendix 1 to these rules.
It is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of 10.03.2015 No. 5
44. The workers of consignors, carriers, consignees and other organizations connected with transportation of dangerous goods shall:
undergo training and examination of requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS;
take proper measures of safety depending on nature and the scale of expected danger in order to avoid damage and injuries and if necessary to minimize them;
provide observance of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS, the legal acts of the Belarusian railroad regulating safety of transportation of dangerous goods.
45. The consignor shall:
be convinced that dangerous goods is allowed to transportation in the intra republican message, and also in the international message between countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States according to requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, and in the international message (except for transportations between the CIS countries) according to Appendix 2 to SMGS;
transfer to carrier information, data and documents on transportation of dangerous goods;
load dangerous goods only into railway vehicles which on the design, assignment and technical condition are suitable for safety and safe transportation of specific dangerous goods;
have documentation confirming classification of dangerous goods on conditions of its safety of transportation and the emergency card;
apply container, packaging, transport packaging sets which shall conform to requirements of these rules, technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization, PPOG, Appendix 2 to SMGS on specific dangerous goods;
observe instructions on transportation of dangerous goods, including regarding the name of load, correctness and completeness of the data entered in carriage documents, instructions of the most admissible mass of cargo piece, drawing the ordered danger signs on packagings, cargo pieces, cars and containers and also regarding marking of tank cars and container tanks;
have the corresponding permissions and approvals.
46. The carrier shall carry out the following:
make sure that the dangerous goods shown to transportation is allowed to transportation according to requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS;
be convinced in case of visual survey that railway vehicles, containers, container and packaging have no explicit defects do not proceed and have no cracks, and also are properly equipped;
make sure in case of visual survey that the danger signs and marking ordered for the specific transported dangerous goods are put;
have the corresponding permissions and approvals;
sign the agreement of obligatory civil liability insurance of carrier in transit of dangerous goods.
47. In case of detection by carrier of violations of requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS it shall not dispatch cargo until violations are eliminated.
48. If in course of carriage violation which can threaten safety of transportation is found, such cargo hauling shall be stopped taking into account the requirements concerning traffic security, safe preserving load and public safety. Transportation can be resumed only after elimination of all violations and on condition of safety control of transportation according to requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS.
49. The consignee shall:
accept dangerous goods if there are no insuperable reasons;
fulfill after unloading of dangerous goods the requirements established by these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS including requirements for cleaning and disinfecting of railway vehicles and containers, and also removal from them of the marking specifying danger after their complete unloading, cleaning, decontamination and disinfecting.
50. If the consignee resorts to services of other subjects of transportation (unloading, cleaning, decontamination, disinfecting), he shall take proper measures for ensuring compliance with these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS.
51. In case of failure to meet requirements of the paragraph of the third Item 49, of Item 50 of these rules return of railway vehicles or container to carrier is forbidden.
52. The consignor, carrier, the consignee and other organizations connected with transportation of dangerous goods bear responsibility according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus for violation of requirements of these rules.
53. Dangerous goods shall be shown by the consignor to transportation in the container and packaging conforming to requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS, technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization.
The container and packaging shall be strong, operational, completely exclude leakage and prosypaniye of load, to ensure its safety and safety of transportation. Materials of which the container and packaging are made shall be inert in relation to content in them to dangerous goods.
54. Packaging shall be executed and be closed so that under normal conditions transportations content exit outside was excluded. The outer surface of cargo pieces shall not contain any traces of dangerous substances. These requirements extend both on new, and to reusable container and packaging.
55. The design of packaging shall provide the floor load meeting the established standards, its stability in transit, the reliable and corresponding to technical specifications on loading and fixture of loads on railway vehicles fixing.
56. Materials of container and its locks shall not be exposed to harmful effects of content and in case of contact with it shall not be formed any harmful or dangerous connections.
The container and its locks in all parts shall have such durability and rigidity that they were not loosened and reliably maintained loadings during transportation.
57. If vessels are filled with dangerous liquid substances, it is necessary to leave space of such sizes, free from filling, that temperature expansion of liquid during transportation did not cause exit of liquid and deformation of vessel.
58. Dangerous goods which emits flammable, poisonous (toxic), caustic (corrosion) gases or vapors, loads which become explosive when drying or can dangerously interact with air and moisture, and also the loads having the oxidizing properties shall be packed hermetically.
59. Dangerous goods in glass container shall be packed into strong boxes (wooden, polymeric, metal) with filling of wide berth with the corresponding non-combustible laying and absorbing materials. Boxes shall have feedwells, inserts, partitions, grids, laying, shock-absorbers.
Walls of boxes shall be above the corked large bottles and cans on 50 mm at least. In transit dangerous goods in glass container shall be packed by small sendings into dense wooden boxes with covers.
60. Dangerous goods in metal or polymeric tins, cans and canisters shall be packed into wooden boxes or furrings.
61. Dangerous goods in sacks and boxes from corrugated fibreboard if such packaging is provided by requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization on products, shall be transported by car sendings. In transit dangerous goods in sacks shall be packed by small sendings into tough transport container (metal or plywood drums, barrels, wooden or metal boxes).
62. Extent of filling of container with the liquid dangerous goods shown to transportation shall conform to the established requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization on these products.
63. The dangerous goods permitted to transportation in containers shall be packed the same as in transit in closed cars.
64. In transit liquid dangerous goods car sendings the consignor shall place at least 1% of places of empties for case of damages of separate cargo pieces in cars.
65. The empties from under dangerous goods, except the these rules specified in Item 66, are allowed to be transported in accordance with general practice as harmless loads on condition of its cleaning and neutralization from within and outside, and also removals of danger signs. At the same time in the graph of delivery note "The name of load" the consignor does mark: "The returnable tare from under (the name of the load transported in it is specified) is cleared, safe".
66. The empties from under the dangerous goods transported in specialized or leased cars are transported in the cars intended for this load after unloading of this load by the consignee. Transportation of such container in other cars is forbidden. The empties are transported cleared outside with densely closed traffic jams on the conditions shown to the dangerous goods transported in it.
In the graph of delivery note "The name of load" the sender shall make mark: "Empties from under (the name of the load transported in it is specified)".
67. Marking of cargo pieces, cars and containers shall conform to requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS, other regulatory legal acts, technical regulatory legal acts regulating safety of transportation of dangerous goods.
68. All marking texts on packaging shall be visible, legible and capable to maintain impact of any weather conditions without essential decrease in their quality.
69. On emergency container additional marking in the form of the word "EMERGENCY" shall be put down, besides.
70. On containers of average load-carrying capacity for bulk goods with a capacity more than 450 liters marking shall be applied on two counter lateral faces.
71. Danger signs and marking according to PPOG, Appendix 2 to SMGS, appendix 4 to these rules shall be applied on transport container, cars, tank cars and containers with dangerous goods.
Removable danger signs, and also plates shall conform to requirements of the technical specifications developed in accordance with the established procedure by the organizations performing production of such signs and plates. In technical specifications the requirements specified in appendix 4 to these rules shall be considered and also requirements to technology of drawing such signs and plates providing their reliable fixture on cars, tank cars, containers, container tanks, transport container before the end of transportation and also convenience of work in case of their removal are determined.
72. Danger signs and identification tags for the polymeric materials, glass, porcelain vessels or ceramics packed into outer container shall be pasted on labels from cardboard or other material and be pasted firmly to packaging.
73. Danger signs need to be applied on the car so that they remained clearly visible during movement. Drawing these danger signs on cars which transport large size containers or container tanks is not required if on large size containers or container tanks there are already danger signs answering to instructions. If danger signs are not visible, then they shall be in addition applied on the car.
74. Drawing marking is imputed the consignor's obligation. Danger signs are applied with carrier in case of loading of dangerous goods in the car on the car by its forces and means.
75. If rail hauling will be or will followed by maritime, airborne or motor transportation, on cargo pieces, containers and reservoirs with dangerous goods the consignor danger signs according to the rules of transportations of dangerous goods existing on other modes of transport can be also put.
76. Drawing danger signs is made: on boxes and transport three surfaces of paketakhn (side, edge and upper); on barrels - on one of the bottoms and the feedwell (cylindrical part); on piles and bales - on edge and side surfaces; on other types of container (cylinders, etc.) - in the most convenient places clearly visible in case of placement in the car.
77. Danger signs from paper and cardboard are attached to container by glues. Signs from fabric are sewn. Signs from plywood, metal, plastic are attached by bolts, screws, nails, and also wire if it is impossible to apply other method of attachment (loads in cylinders, etc.).
Directly signs are applied with paint on cliche on container and packaging. In case of coincidence of color of sign to color of container of packaging the sign is applied on contrast background.
78. Danger signs are divided on:
the main, characterizing main type of danger and corresponding to class (subclass) to which the load is carried;
the additional, characterizing type of additional danger.
If the load has several types of danger, then the consignor shall apply all signs corresponding to these types of danger on packaging. Number of class in this case is applied only on the main danger sign.
79. In case of joint packaging of dangerous goods of different classes the danger signs corresponding to each load shall be applied on cargo piece.
80. In transit dangerous goods in transport packets danger signs shall be applied both on packaging, and on packets if in the created packet the danger signs put on packagings are not visible.
81. After unloading of all dangerous goods, cleaning of cars, tank cars, reservoirs or containers danger signs shall be removed or closed.
82. The dangerous goods named in lists of dangerous goods according to appendices 2, 3 to these rules, PPOG, Appendix 2 to SMGS is allowed to transportation by railway transport.
83. For transportation of dangerous goods use the universal closed cars of the railroads of consignors (consignees), cars leased by consignors (consignees), the ordinary containers of the park of the railroads, consignors (consignees) leased by consignors (consignees).
84. For transportation of dangerous goods specialized cars of consignors (consignees) and specialized containers of consignors (consignees) which design and parameters shall conform to requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization and to ensure safety of load and safety of transportation can be used.
Determinations "specialized closed cars and specialized containers of the consignor (consignee)" or "leased by the railroad" in relation to these rules extend also to the universal closed cars and ordinary containers which are specially allocated under transportation of specific load.
85. For transportation of dangerous goods tank cars or specialized container tanks of consignors (consignees) in bulk are used. The specialized container tanks intended for transportation of dangerous goods shall have the necessary documents confirming periodic survey of container tank and possibility of transportation in it the corresponding dangerous goods.
For transportation of the specific transported dangerous goods in the intra republican message, and also in the international message between countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) the car sort, type of container are specified in Index of the dangerous goods allowed to transportation by railway transport (appendix 2 to PPOG).
In the international message (except for transportations between the CIS countries) the type of the car, container are determined according to requirements of Appendix 2 to SMGS.
86. The empty cars, tank cars sent for loading dangerous goods are shown to maintenance about what the corresponding mark in the book of the VU-14 form with indication of the name of load under which transportation this car, the tank car intend becomes.
87. In case of maintenance of the tank car correctness of coloring of boiler and drawing is checked for it by the owner (lessee) of special texts and cliches.
88. On the edge bottoms of own and leased tank cars, and also the special and specialized for transportation dangerous goods the cliche is put: "Urgent return on the Art. ___________" (the station and the railroad of addition are specified). Under it cliches are put: "Is leased"... "Owner"... also the lessee or the owner of the tank car is specified.
89. Their owners paint the edge bottoms and frames of own tank cars in green color. Near edge of the bottoms the white strip 300 mm wide is around put.
90. Coloring of tank cars, drawing marking on them about danger, distinctive strips and cliches about the name of load shall be performed: new tank cars - the organization manufacturer, and being in operation - their owner or the lessee.
Distinctive coloring of boilers, and also all necessary texts and cliches provided by these rules, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS are applied on tank cars with paints. Signs and texts on cars are performed according to the album reference book "Signs and Texts on Cars of the Cargo Park of Track of 1520 Mm No. 632-2000 of the PKB of TsV" approved by the Commission of Council for rail transport 25.04.2001.
91. Without the specified cliches and texts entry of own and leased tank cars into network of the railroads is forbidden.
92. It is forbidden to send for loading dangerous goods cars and containers without maintenance and recognition their suitable under transportation of these loads, and also cars which before scheduled repair had less than 15 days.
The beginning of loading of dangerous goods in empty cars, tank cars is allowed to be made no later than 24 hours from the moment of the end of maintenance.
93. Loading rates of dangerous goods, the choice like railway vehicles for their transportation, fixture of loads in the car, loading, unloading and overload of dangerous goods shall conform to requirements of the Charter of rail transport public, rules of carriages of goods, and also to requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS.
94. Before each loading of dangerous goods in own or leased car or container tank the consignor shall show to workers of the railroad the certificate on technical condition of the car or container tank, including its armature and the equipment guaranteeing safety of transportation of this load according to appendix 5 to these rules. Employees of car economy put down certificate number in the book of the VU-14, form and the consignor in the column of the 4th delivery note shall make mark: "The car (container tank), its armature and the equipment are operational and conform to the established requirements".
95. In transit in own or leased tank car the consignor shall provide before each loading of dangerous goods to employees of the station and show to workers of car repair shed the certificate on technical condition of the tank car for transportation of dangerous goods according to appendix 6 to these rules confirming technical operability of boiler, armature and universal drain device, guaranteeing safety of transportation of specific dangerous goods. Employees of car economy shall put down certificate number in the special book of the VU-14, form and the responsible representative of the consignor in the column of the 4th delivery note shall make record: "The car (boiler), its armature and the equipment are operational and conform to the established requirements" and to assure her the signature.
96. The specialized cars belonging to the consignor (consignee), or specially allocated cars of the park of the railroads leased by the consignor (consignee) shall be attributed to stations of permanent loading (unloading). In them it is allowed to transport only that dangerous goods for which these cars are intended.
97. After unloading of dangerous goods from containers and cars of the railroads consignees shall inspect containers or bodies of cars, to collect and remove from them remaining balance of the transported loads and garbage with observance of precautionary measures and safety, and if necessary to wash out, neutralize (to decontaminate) them and to remove danger signs from cars and containers.
98. If after unloading of cars or containers, except belonging to consignors (consignees) or leased by them in which the packed dangerous goods was transported, the leakage, flood, specific smell or scattering of part of content are found, it is necessary to make cleaning of the car or container, and if necessary to wash out and neutralize the car or container means and at the expense of the consignee.
After unloading of cars and containers, except belonging to consignors (consignees) or leased by them, dangerous goods having danger sign on sample No. 6.1, 6. 2, 8 according to appendix 4 to these rules, and also packagings with load No. of the UN 3245 MICROORGANISMS which are GENETICALLY CHANGED or the ORGANISMS which are GENETICALLY CHANGED the receiver shall provide to the railroad the written confirmation in which data on what when unloading load from the car or container of leakage, flood, specific smell and scattering was not, and in case of leakage, flood, specific smell or scattering of load the written confirmation that the car or container is cleared of remaining balance of the transported load are specified and is processed (it is washed out or neutralized by ecologically safe methods depending on properties of load), and also about suitability of the car or container for further use. The written confirmation is certified by the representative of bodies of sanitary inspection. The receiver bears responsibility for reliability of the data specified in the written confirmation.
After unloading from the car or container of the dangerous goods having danger sign on sample No. 7 according to appendix 4 to these rules, the consignee provides deactivation of the car or container if it is necessary, and represents to carrier the certificate of lack of "dischargeable pollution" on the car or container.
If on site unloading cleaning and processing of the car or container were not made, then this car or container is transported on the terms of earlier transported dangerous goods.
Cars or containers in which dangerous goods in bulk/in bulk was transported and which are not used under repeated transportation of the same load after unloading shall be completely cleared, and after unloading of cakes (meal) are washed out.
99. And specialized containers of the consignor/consignee (or leased by the railroad) after unloading and their cleaning of remaining balance of the loads transported in them the consignee shall direct specialized cars of the consignor/consignee (or leased by the railroad) together with the equipment to stations of their assignment on the terms of earlier transported dangerous goods according to complete carriage documents and sealed up.
All works on loading, unloading, cleaning, and in case of prosypaniye or the passage of the transported load to washing and neutralization (decontamination) of specialized cars of the consignor/consignee (or leased by the railroad) and specialized containers of the consignor/consignee (or leased by the railroad) are made by forces and means of the consignor (consignee).
In case of the direction of specialized cars of the consignor/consignee (or leased by the railroad) and specialized containers of the consignor/consignee (or leased by the railroad) in repair they shall be cleared, washed out and neutralized by forces and means of the consignor (consignee). In this case control of neutralization (decontamination) of cars and issue of the reference are performed according to Item 98 of these rules.
Upon termination of lease term the lessee (the consignor or the consignee) shall by own efforts and means to neutralize (to decontaminate) cars, containers, to remove danger signs and to paint over cliches. Check of neutralization and issue of the reference shall be made according to Item 98 of these rules. Only after that cars, containers can be used for transportation of other loads.
100. In transit specialized containers both in loaded, and in empty condition are not allowed availability of traces and remaining balance of dangerous goods on outer surface of container.
101. In case of presentation to transportation of empty specialized containers izpod dangerous goods the consignee shall provide the same density of closing of doors, locking of hatches and other locking devices, as well as for loaded containers.
102. It is forbidden to make filling the dangerous goods transported in tank cars, on places public, and also on places of uncommon use in the absence of the project documentation or not equipped according to the project documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure.
103. Places of filling shall be equipped with the explosion-proof lighting providing works round the clock and also are supplied with fire appliances according to the established regulations. In places of filling the flammable fluids which are not equipped with electric lighting, as lighting instruments directly at venues of the specified transactions it is allowed to apply only electric accumulator lamps in explosion-proof execution.
It is forbidden to arrange the places which are specially intended for smoking and to use naked flame at distance closer than 100 m from places of filling dangerous goods.
104. Places of filling dangerous goods shall be removed from railway warehouses, station constructions, main tracks, platitudes of loading and unloading, and also from apartment houses on distance at least 100 m, from shipping places, unloading and storage of VM and toxic agents - at least 200 m.
105. Under filling the operational tank cars and cars of bunker type corresponding to sort of the poured product according to requirements of these rules, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS shall move.
Special and specialized tank cars are allowed to be used for transportation only of those loads for which they are intended.
106. Filling load in tank cars, cars of bunker type in cases is not allowed:
the expiration of service life established by technical regulatory legal acts, design documentation;
when before scheduled repair and/or engineering certification of boiler and armature there were less than 30 days, at the same time the remaining balance of between-repairs resource constitutes less than 1500 km of run;
lack of clairvoyance of the wagon number, plates of manufacturing plant;
absence or defect of outside ladders (if they are provided by car design), catwalk bridges, working platforms and their barriers;
leaks of boiler of the tank car, bunker of the car, defect of zapornopredokhranitelny and slivonalivny armature, availability of hole of steam jacket of the tank car, car of bunker type;
availability of cracks, dents and other defects of boiler;
cracks on covers of charging and drain hatches;
absence or defect of two nearby standing (or three and more) drop bolts for fixture of cover of charging hatch of cap of the tank car, lack of eye for sealing of cover of the hatch;
absence on cover of charging hatch of the tank car of sealing gasket.
107. Upon termination of filling the consignor shall:
establish the sealing gasket from the material which is not reacting with the transported load corresponding to diameter of cover;
it is hermetic to close covers of charging hatch, the bunker, slivonalivny armature, stubs;
seal up the tank car;
remove the pollution which arose when filling load from outer surface of boiler (bunker), frame, undercarriages, the brake equipment of the tank car (the car of bunker type);
put danger signs, orange plates, texts according to requirements of these rules, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS;
check availability of cliches and distinctive coloring and if necessary to recover visibility of cliches and marking on the tank car.
In case of violation of the requirements stated in this Item, the carrier shall not accept from the consignor the tank car or the car of bunker type before elimination of the revealed violations.
108. It is forbidden to make draining of the dangerous goods transported in tank cars, on places public, and also on places of uncommon use in the absence of the project documentation or not equipped according to the project documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure.
109. Places of draining shall be equipped with the explosion-proof lighting providing works round the clock and also are supplied with fire appliances according to the established regulations. In places of draining of the flammable fluids which are not equipped with electric lighting, as lighting instruments directly at venues of the specified transactions it is allowed to apply electric accumulator lamps in explosion-proof execution.
It is forbidden to arrange the places which are specially intended for smoking and to use naked flame at distance closer than 100 m from places of draining of dangerous goods.
110. Places of draining of dangerous goods shall be removed from railway warehouses, station constructions, main tracks, platitudes of loading and unloading, and also from apartment houses on distance at least 100 m, from shipping places, unloading and storage of VM and toxic agents - at least 200 m.
111. In case of discrepancy of arrangement of shipping places and unloadings, draining and filling dangerous goods to the requirements specified in Items 104, of 110, of 118 these rules by the owner of places of uncommon use shall be developed additional security measures. These security measures shall be approved with local executive and administrative organs, department of the railroad.
112. After draining (unloading) of load from the tank car, the car of bunker type the consignee shall:
to completely clear boiler (bunker) of remaining balance of load, dirt, ice, slime;
clear outer surface of boiler (bunker), frame, undercarriages, the brake equipment, and also cliches on the tank car;
establish in transport provision of detail of slivonalivny, zapornopredokhranitelny armature, other equipment of the tank car, to densely close valves and stubs of the drain device;
when the boiler of the tank car cooled down after warming up, to establish into place sealing gasket, to densely close tank car hatch cover;
establish and fix without distortion both in relation to the frame plane, and on the relation to each other bunkers of the car of bunker type;
remove danger signs and the orange plate if the tank car after transportation of dangerous goods is cleared and washed out;
seal up the empty tank car if it returns according to complete carriage documents.
If after unloading of dangerous goods cleaning, washing of the tank car were not made - to recover danger signs and orange plates to clairvoyance.
113. On shipping places, unloadings, overloads of dangerous goods of classes 1-3, 4.1-4.3 cars shall be reliably fixed on both sides by intrinsically safe brake shoes. Switch shall be thrown in the provision excluding possibility of hit on the way of loading, unloading, overload of cars of other railway vehicles. In case of impossibility of switching other technical measures excluding such opportunity shall be provided in the provision excluding hit of railway vehicles on the way of loading, unloading, overload.
114. The consignor shall load cars, containers dangerous goods taking into account the requirements established by technical regulatory legal acts on these products, but it is not higher than load-carrying capacity according to the cliche specified on the car, container.
115. Loading, unloading or overload at stations of the flammable loads transported by small sendings or in containers shall be made on the unelectrified ways. In exceptional cases, when allocation of such ways is not possible, on permission of the chief of department of the road for these purposes electrified tracks which contact network shall be allocated in independent group with power supply through the separate section circuit breaker equipped with the additional grounding knife can be used. Stress from contact network shall be removed.
116. Placement and fixture of dangerous goods in cars (except tank cars) and containers, and also specialized containers on open railway vehicles shall be made according to the Rules of placement and fixture of loads in cars and containers approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of April 21, 2008 No. 58 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 122, 8/18752). Methods of placement and fixture of dangerous goods in containers the consignor develops and claims. These methods shall conform to requirements of Rules of placement and fixture of loads in the cars and containers approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of April 21, 2008 No. 58.
117. Before loading of VM in universal closed cars and containers the consignor shall perform works on their preparation with observance of requirements of these rules, PPOG, appendix 2 to SMGS.
118. Loading (unloading) of VM shall be made only on the sidings having the corresponding warehouses and other arrangements providing timely loading or unloading of the specified loads and safety of works.
Requirements of this Item do not extend to overload of VM at frontier stations and stations of crossing of roads of track of 1520 mm and narrow gage.
The choice of specially allocated places intended for production of handling works with VM at the station is performed by the commission in the structure and procedure established by requirements of PPOG.
Shipping places, unloadings and overloads of VM at stations, and also places for the parking of cars with such loads out of trains or out of the created structures (except for marshaling sidings on which cars with VM can be under accumulating) shall be removed on 125 m at least from residential and production buildings, the territories of transformer stations, cargo warehouses, platitudes of loading, unloading and storage of loads, from places of filling and draining of flammable loads, from the main station tracks.
119. The places intended for production of handling works with VM shall be specially equipped, have necessary fire appliances and devices of electric lighting with fittings and lamps in explosion-proof execution.
It is forbidden to perform handling works with such loads on not lit platforms in night-time (except for emergency situations).
120. Responsibility for observance of embarkation regulations and fixture of cargo pieces with VM in cars and containers, and also containers in cars bear the organizations consignors.
121. Presence of strangers on the places allocated for loading, unloading and overload of dangerous goods is forbidden.
122. Acceptance to transportation and issue of dangerous goods shall be carried out according to requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS.
123. Dangerous goods shows to transportation on the places of uncommon use including located in the territory of the station. Receiving and delivery of dangerous goods small and container sendings is performed on places both uncommon, and general use.
At the same time loading and unloading of specialized container tanks with dangerous goods and empty crude after unloading is made on specially allocated places of general and uncommon use on condition of providing safety requirements.
124. Receiving and delivery of dangerous goods (except the loads transported by filling) on places public can be carried out only by direct option "avtomobilvagon", "vagon-avtomobil" under direct supervision of employees of the station and consignors or consignees.
125. The specific dangerous goods shall be shown by the consignor to transportation only by those types of sendings which are determined by PPOG, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS.
126. If in case of acceptance of dangerous goods small sending at least at one place reveals discrepancy of packaging or marking to requirements of these rules, PPOG, appendix 2 to SMGS, packaging violation, the wrong specifying of mass of load by the sender, this sending is not accepted for shipment about what the statement of general format is drawn up. The consignor shall export immediately from the station unaccepted load.
127. In transit dangerous goods the consignor shall provide stations of origin on each sending the delivery note which is drawn up according to requirements of rules of carriages of goods, PPOG, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS.
128. In case of execution of carriage documents on dangerous goods in the intra republican message, and also in the international message between countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) it is necessary to be guided by Index of the dangerous goods allowed to transportation by railway transport (appendix 2 to PPOG), and in the international message (except for transportations between the CIS countries) - the table A of appendix 2 to SMGS in which the classification code, number of the emergency card, code of danger, regulation of cover, mark and stamp, dissolution condition from double incline and others data, necessary for filling of carriage documents, are specified.
129. The cars which arrived with dangerous goods shall be accepted by consignees on the sidings. Consignees have no right to refuse acceptance of the dangerous goods which arrived to their address. The consignee shall accept the cars loaded by VM not later than in 2 hours from the moment of their arrival on the station.
Small sendings and containers with dangerous goods shall be exported by consignees from the station within 24 hours from the moment of receipt by consignees of notifications on arrival of loads, and VM, radioactive materials - within 12 hours.
130. The organization of train and shunting operation with the cars loaded by dangerous goods is established by requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS, regulating documents of the Belarusian railroad taking into account the special marks specified in carriage documents (the name of load, number of the emergency card, cover of cars with dangerous goods from locomotives and other cars, stamp about danger type).
Shunting operation with the cars loaded by dangerous goods shall be performed according to engineering procedure of work of the station and the local instruction for work on siding, ensuring traffic security, safety of the workers connected with maneuvers, safety of load and railway vehicles.
131. "Not lower cars with dangerous goods in which carriage documents according to requirements of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, appendices 2 to SMGS is available stamp from hill", it is forbidden to dismiss from double inclines and make with them maneuvers by pushes.
132. Couple speed of the cars loaded by dangerous goods and also empty cars from under dangerous goods, except the cars specified in Items 131 and 133 of these rules with other cars shall not exceed 5 km/h, and for cars with the loads of separate categories requiring extra care according to procedure for train movements and shunting operation on the Belarusian railroad shall be no more than 3 km/h.
133. Dissolution from hills without engine of empty tank cars from under compressed is forbidden, liquefied and dissolved under pressure of the gases having cliche "Not lower from hill".
134. And 2, having stamp in carriage documents "Not lower cars with dangerous goods of classes 1 from hill", standing on marshaling sidings, shall be protected from hill with two security brake shoes established on both rails at distance at least 25 m from each other so that the general distance from the protected cars to the brake shoe located the first from the sorting device was at least 50 m.
135. Fixing of cars with dangerous goods on station tracks and pogruzochnovygruzochny ways is made according to the procedure and on the regulations established by the Belarusian railroad. The procedure for fixing of cars with dangerous goods is established by the technical and administrative act of the station, and also regulations of procedure for servicing and the organization of movement on sidings.
136. Cars with dangerous goods when giving (cleaning) on sidings of the organizations and in case of shunting operation at stations and sidings, as well as in transit on ways public, shall have cover according to the special marks specified in carriage documents.
Cover regulations in trains and in case of maneuvers are specified in carriage documents (except for VM) by drawing special stamp where digits designate the minimum number of cars of cover, for example, 3/0-0-3-1, where:
the first digit - number of cars of cover from the leading locomotive in trains (numerator - from the engine on solid fuel, denominator - from the engine on fuel oil, electric locomotive or diesel locomotive); the second digit - from bank locomotive in trains; the third digit - from cars with people in trains; the fourth digit - from the engine on solid fuel in case of maneuvers; the sign "0" (zero) means that cover is not required.
Cars with people, and also cars with the conductors which are specially allocated with workers for maintenance of loads, guard, job specifications of protection, cars with living creatures can be put in the train as ahead, and behind cars with dangerous goods of class 1 (BM), but always ahead of the cars loaded by dangerous goods on which in carriage documents there are stamps also "Cover" "Is poisonous"... (at the same time both stamps).
Cars with flammable fluids at the station of forming shall be put in the train behind cars with VM (including from head end of train).
137. When giving cars with dangerous goods on siding by the engine of rail transport of general or uncommon use the motion speed of shunting structure on sidings is established by the instruction about procedure for servicing and the organization of movement on siding, and in the presence in shunting structure of cars with dangerous goods of class 1 or 2 motion speed on siding shall not exceed 15 km/h.
138. The locomotive issued for carrying out shunting operation with the cars loaded by dangerous goods shall be equipped with radio communication, and when servicing the locomotive by one driver it is necessary to have the second control board. In case of radio trouble maneuvers shall be made with observance of additional security measures (the limited number of cars - to
10) according to the procedure, established by the technical and administrative act of the station.
139. Transfer by the driver of control of the locomotive to the assistant driver in case of production of maneuvers with the cars loaded by dangerous goods is not allowed.
140. In the presence of the operating bypasses train movements in which there are cars with explosive, radioactive, nuclear, strong toxic agents shall be organized bypassing the large cities and rail junctions, on safe distance from explosion-fire-hazardous productions.
141. Maintenance in trains and protection at stations of cars with dangerous goods are carried out according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 8, 2006 "About security activities in the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 187, 2/1272), other acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS.
142. On all classifying sections and local stations, stations of loading, unloading, overload, shift of cars from one track on another where transactions with the cars loaded by dangerous goods of class 1, as appendix to technical distribution act of the station are performed the instruction about the operational procedure with the cars loaded by dangerous goods of class 1, approved as the chief of department of the railroad shall be developed.
In this instruction taking into account local conditions shall be regulated:
procedure for the notification of employees of the stations, Items of maintenance and commercial car inspection, rail yards, divisions of the militarized protection about the forthcoming acceptance and departure of trains, production of maneuvers and other transactions with cars;
procedure for acceptance and the end-to-end omission, preparation for departure and departures of trains, and also productions of shunting operation with cars;
procedure for use of automatic brakes in case of production of shunting operation;
procedure for accomplishment of transactions on maintenance and commercial survey of trains and cars;
procedure for stay at the station of cars with these loads;
security measures under extreme weather conditions and complications of work (fog, blizzard, heavy rain, gale-force wind, snow drifts, failure of technical means);
operations procedure in case of emergency situations;
procedure for interactions with rescue divisions;
procedure for giving of verbal authorities in case of production of shunting operation;
procedure for documentation of issue on maneuvers of locomotives with operational spark arresters and iskroulavlivayushchy devices;
ways of sediment of cars with these loads.
143. On all classifying sections and local stations, and also at other stations according to the list established by management of the Belarusian railroad as appendix to technical administrative act of the station the instruction about procedure for liquidation of emergency situations with dangerous goods approved by the chief of department of the railroad shall be developed and special ways on which the actions specified in emergency cards are carried out are allocated.
144. Cars with dangerous goods of 1 and 2 classes at stations (except the cars which are on marshaling sidings under accumulating) shall be established on the ways specified in the technical and administrative act of the station where their parking is safest. Such cars shall be linked, reliably fixed by brake shoes and are protected with portable signals of stop. The arrows conducting on the way of the parking of such cars are established in the provision excluding possibility of arrival on these ways and locked. The procedure for locking and storage of keys from these arrows is specified in the technical and administrative act of the station.
145. Leaving of the trains going with the VM index without locomotives on intermediate stations is not allowed. In exceptional cases the structure of such train can be left without locomotive according to the written order of the head of department of the Belarusian railroad. At the same time all necessary measures to departure acceleration to destination of temporarily left structure shall be taken.
146. In case of detection along the line of defects or damage of the car (container) the statement is drawn up. If the car accompanies the conductor, then the statement is drawn up with its participation. In the act shall be specified: the wagon number, terms of planned types of repair, year of construction, the name of load, type of defect and the reason of its origin, the taken measures for fault repair, and also the conclusion about possibility of further following. The copy of the act is attached to carriage documents.
147. Uncoupling at stations of separate cars with dangerous goods for the reasons of materiel or commercial failure from groups of the cars protected by the militarized protection or accompanied by specialists of the consignor (consignee) is allowed only in cases if protection of the unhooked cars can be provided. Otherwise all group of cars protected by the job specification of the militarized protection or accompanied by specialists of the consignor (consignee) is unhooked.
148. The conductors accompanying dangerous goods shall know the staff instruction on maintenance of this load developed and approved by the consignor dangerous properties of load, measure of first-aid treatment, security measure in emergency situations and shall monitor observance of the security measures established for this load.
149. The consignor shall provide conductors with necessary individual protection equipment, array of instrumentation, required reserve materials, stubs, the instruction for the conductor.
150. In case of detection of absence of the specialist or conductor with dangerous goods, subject to escort of the consignor (consignee) by specialists (conductors), or protection of the railroad cars are late before their arrival. In this case the station commander on whom such cars were found informs the consignor (consignee) for ensuring further maintenance of load. The consignor (consignee) shall provide within a day arrival of the specialist (conductor) for maintenance of load. Before arrival of the specialist (conductor) of the consignor (consignee) the station commander shall provide protection of cars.
151. In case of detection of leakage (prosypaniye) of dangerous goods from tank cars, closed cars, containers, container tanks along the line and lack of possibility of elimination of leakage (prosypaniye) without their uncoupling from the train they shall be unhooked from the train and are set aside on appropriate way on which the actions specified in the emergency card the transported dangerous goods are carried out.
152. If necessary the administration of the organization consignor or the owner of the car shall send on the station where there is the unhooked car, crew of specialists. For these purposes mobile emergency crews shall be completed with the order of the head of the organization and responsible service employees for accident elimination and fault recovery of the cars unhooked along the line are designated.
153. Mobile teams in case of liquidation of defect of cars shall be guided by the special instruction approved by the head of the organization.
154. For the organization of train and shunting operation with the cars loaded by VM information which is available in carriage documents is used.
In carriage documents the name of this load or its conditional number according to PPOG is specified cars from VM in the column "Name of Load".
In carriage documents on cars from VM put stamp, including:
a) in transit VM with conditional numbers 119, of 126, of 137, of 141, of 179, 182 - stamp of red color "Especially Dangerously, VM No...", "Cover", and also "Not lower stamp from hill". Based on stamp "Especially dangerously, VM No..." the cover regulation by mark "according to item 3.6 is established. 6, the scheme A" or "according to item 3.6. 6, the scheme B" according to appendix 7 to these rules;
b) in transit other VM - stamp of red color "VM", "Cover", and also stamp "Not lower from hill" in the presence of this requirement in PPOG.
Besides, can be put additional stamp:
"Section. Not uncouple";
"Accompanied by the specialist";
"Railway. Protection" and others.
The stamp of "VM" shall be added with the conditional number of the transported load added by hand, and the stamp "Cover" is added with mark "according to item 3.6. 6, the scheme A" or "according to item 3.6. 6, the scheme B" based on which the cover regulation according to appendix 7 to these rules is established.
155. In car leaf in transit of cars with VM data according to the instruction for filling of car sheets applied on the Belarusian to the railroad are specified.
It is forbidden to transfer data on trains with cars with VM and about separate cars with VM to persons who are not participating in servicing of such trains and cars.
Use of park communication of railway stations for the notification about the works performed with cars with VM is allowed only in the absence of other communicating device.
156. Cars with VM in trains and in case of maneuvers, and also when giving (cleaning) on sidings shall have cover according to regulations according to appendix 7 to these rules.
As cover in trains in which cars with VM go the empty cars or cars loaded by harmless loads shall be put.
Empty cars shall be cleared of remaining balance of loads and garbage, doors and hatches are closed. Empty tanks shall be cleared of remaining balance of load, covers of hatches are closed. It is not allowed to use special tanks, and also the tanks specialized for transportation of dangerous goods as cover.
157. Before giving of cars for loading VM the station supervisor (the shunting dispatcher) or other employee of the station disposing of maneuvers, according to the procedure established by the technical and administrative act of the station it shall be convinced according to the magazine of the VU-14 form that cars are inspected and acknowledged suitable technically for transportation of VM according to requirements of these rules, PPOG.
158. In local service manuals of the sidings accepting under unloading or sending cars with VM routes of giving and cleaning of such cars, speeds of movement of shunting structures with them, sequence through moving and protection of routes, and also other measures necessary for safety control depending on local conditions shall be determined.
Giving, cleaning of cars from VM on sidings of arsenals, bases and warehouses is made, as a rule, by diesel locomotives or engines on liquid fuel.
159. The train number with the letters "VM" shall be put down in the magazine of train movements, on train sheet, in the written permissions and preventions issued to the driver of the locomotive in the natural sheets and other documents connected with acceptance and departure of trains.
160. At the station the exact time management and the locations of cars with VM and gases out of trains from their arrival before departure or giving under unloading shall be kept. The specific procedure in relation to local conditions is stated in the instruction.
161. In the organizations which activities include transportation of dangerous goods and (or) handling works with dangerous goods production supervision will be organized. The procedure of production control over observance of requirements of the legislation in the field of transportation of dangerous goods by rail, including requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance, is established by the order of the head of the organization. In the organizations of rail transport public production supervision is performed according to the procedure, established by the Belarusian railroad.
162. In the organizations which activities include the transportation of dangerous goods or materials handling operations connected with such transportation for the purpose of implementation of production supervision on safety control of transportations of dangerous goods local regulatory legal acts about the organization of engineering supervision over transportation of dangerous goods in which it shall be reflected shall be adopted:
assignment of one or several specialists responsible for transportation of dangerous goods and accomplishment of handling works;
assignment in necessary quantity of service personnel;
establishment of procedure and review frequency of knowledge of leading employees and specialists, knowledge of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS;
organization of annual training and examination by personnel of these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS.
163. As the specialists responsible for transportation of dangerous goods and accomplishment of handling works, enter:
ensuring fulfillment of requirements of the regulating documents regulating transportation of dangerous goods;
control of completeness and timeliness of carrying out planned types of repair of specialized cars and containers, and also observance of requirements of these rules when carrying out repair work;
ensuring carrying out engineering certification of specialized cars and containers;
providing service personnel with these rules, PPOG, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS, other regulatory legal acts, technical regulatory legal acts regulating safety of transportation of dangerous goods by rail;
ensuring proper training of employees of the organization and accounting of such preparation;
control of accomplishment issued to them and bodies of the Gospromnadzor of trebovaniypredpisaniye on performed;
taking measures to informing workers on the types of danger connected with transportation of dangerous goods;
acceptance of necessary measures, urgent procedures for mitigation of consequences of the possible accidents and incidents which arose in transit dangerous goods;
participation in investigation of the reasons of the accidents and incidents which occurred in transit dangerous goods;
providing safety requirements in case of accomplishment of handling works;
check of suitability of the equipment for carrying out handling works;
timely carrying out engineering certifications of means for accomplishment of materials handling operations;
taking measures to informing workers on the types of danger connected with loading and unloading of dangerous goods;
providing service personnel with detailed instructions on accomplishment of materials handling operations, instructions for labor protection;
application of proper urgent procedures in case of accident or incident when carrying out handling works;
participation in investigation of the reasons of the accidents and incidents which happened in material handling hours to dangerous goods;
acceptance of necessary measures in order to avoid repeatings of accidents and incidents;
preparation of annual reports on results of activities of this organization connected with transportation of dangerous goods including about the happened accidents and incidents, technical condition of objects of transportation of dangerous goods, availability of persons in charge, the prepared personnel which are stored within five years and it are represented to the body exercising supervision for its requirement.
164. VM and products named in appendix 3 to these rules, PPOG, appendix 2 to SMGS are allowed to transportation.
165. In transit on open railway vehicles of VM in specialized containers which type and parameters match with types and parameters of ordinary containers their placement and fixture are made according to requirements of these rules, PPOG, appendix 2 to SMGS, other regulatory legal acts, technical regulatory legal acts regulating safety of transportation of dangerous goods.
166. Joint transportation in one container VM of different subclasses, except the loads which are included in the package is forbidden.
167. Joint transportation of VM in one car or in the different containers loaded into one car with the toxic agents, flammable loads and other loads which are not included in the package with VM is forbidden.
168. In the presence in the train of cars with VM the letters "VM" are added to train number. The train number with the specified letters shall be put down in the magazine of train movements, on train sheet, in the written permissions issued to the driver of the locomotive in the natural sheets and other documents connected with train movements.
169. The station of origin of the train as a part of which cars with VM go shall beforehand, but not later than two hours before departure, notify the traffic controller, the person on duty on rail yard, workers of the militarized protection of the railroad and other workers to whom processing of cars with VM in outgoing train is assigned. Time of transfer of the notification, surname it transferred shall be registered in the book of accounting of arrival and departure of trains with VM.
170. The person on duty on rail yard shall record acceptance of notifications from the station on departure and arrival of trains with VM and to instruct engine crews before departure.
171. When changing engine crews without change of the locomotive (on ring) in the train with VM the handing-over engine crew shall inform the accepting crew on stay in the train of cars with VM. The driver accepting the locomotive according to natural leaf shall get acquainted with the locations of cars with VM in the train.
172. The traffic controller beforehand before train departure with VM shall inform persons on duty on stations of following of the train the registered order.
173. With VM the station supervisor shall notify workers of Item of maintenance of cars of car repair shed, the militarized protection and other workers to whom processing of cars with VM in the time spent of the train for the station, with registration of time, position and surname which accepted the notification is assigned on the expected train arrival.
174. Storage of VM in storage facilities of railway stations is forbidden.
175. In the presence of the operating bypasses train movements in which cars with VM go shall be organized bypassing the large cities and rail junctions, on safe distance from explosion-fire-hazardous productions, under constant control of the traffic controller and persons on duty on stations, and in case of lack of bypasses passing of trains with VM through rail junctions shall be made by direct trains without their conversion.
176. In case of emergence along the line of need of calling of trains with VM to the railway junction the traffic controller shall inform of it the person on duty on department of the road, cancel the original order paper on the site on following of the train and give the new written order to persons on duty on stations of following along the changed route with providing security measures of its following.
177. VM are transported in freight trains by single cars, groups of the cars and routes with statement of the corresponding cover created within the regulations on the weight and length provided by graphic time-table. It is allowed to include cars with VM in heavyweight trains.
178. Between marshaling and local yards cars with VM can go with all freight trains according to the plan of forming of trains. Such cars from intermediate stations on the next local and marshaling yards and in the opposite direction can go with pickup, export goods trains or dispatching locomotives, and between stations of node both prenodal stantsiyamis by transfer and export trains.
179. The pickup or export goods train which structure includes cars with VM shall be serviced by sostavitelsky or konduktorsky crew.
180. Transportation of VM in trains is forbidden:
passenger and post and luggage (except transportations of service weapon and ammunition to it, army guard and teams of the Ministry of Defence, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, security and job specifications of the militarized protection of the railroads);
human, and also having in structure (except military echelons) separate cars with people (except the cars occupied by staff of echelon);
with off-gage loads upper third, lower third and big degrees, side the fourth and big degrees of bulkiness;
the priyemootpravochny ways having length more than a capacity on sites of following of such trains.
181. Statement of cars with VM in trains of near assignments is not allowed if according to the plan of forming for departure of these cars more distant trains are provided.
182. Cars about VM which are subject to maintenance by job specifications of the militarized protection of the railroad are put in the train by one group. At the same time cars of one assignment shall not be separated on all travel line. The job specification of protection shall be from the protected car or group of cars not further of five cars.
183. For journey of the job specification of protection the transitional site, specially allocated and equipped car or non-working cabin of the locomotive can be used. In case of journey of protection in cabin of the locomotive it shall be instructed by the driver of this locomotive about procedure for journey on the locomotive.
184. Before production of maneuvers with the cars loaded by VM, the specialists and teams accompanying load and also the chief of guard and arrow of the militarized protection, shall be warned by employees of the station about the forthcoming maneuvers according to the local instruction about the operational procedure with the cars loaded by VM.
185. It is forbidden to make on cars from VM any cretaceous marks and texts about loading situation and unloadings, and also about nature of goods.
186. Substances of this class represent the gases transported in the compressed, liquefied or dissolved type which always are under pressure and require especially strong and leak-proof package. General dangerous property of substances of this class is bystry pressure increment in case of temperature rise that can cause damage of vessels and lead to explosion of packaging with gas.
187. Transportation compressed, liquefied and dissolved under pressure of gases shall be performed in the cylinders, vessels or specialized containers provided by requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization on these products and meeting the requirements of the Rules for ensuring industrial safety of the equipment working under excessive pressure, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of January 28, 2016 No. 7 (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 26.02.2016, 8/30621) (further – Rules on ensuring industrial safety of the equipment working under excessive pressure), and also in multielement gas containers, figurative tanks and cars batteries.
188. The consignor shall show to transportation cylinders with the gases compressed, liquefied and dissolved under pressure only on condition of complete operability of cylinders and their valves, and also the corresponding coloring of cylinders and availability upon them:
the accurate, established for each gas color strips and texts in accordance with GOST 949-73 "Cylinders steel small or average amount for gases on P <MPa 19,6 (200 kgfs / sq. cm). Technical specifications";
the safety cover which is sealed up by seal of the consignor or the plant, filling cylinders;
two protection rubber rings at least 25 mm thick;
danger signs;
stubs on valves of cylinders according to instructions for filling.
189. The consignor shall fill cylinders, vessels and special containers with gases not above the regulations established by requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization on products.
190. Cylinders and vessels with poisonous gases (the subclass 2.3), and also empty cylinders from under these gases shall be transported only by car sendings or in containers.
191. Cylinders with gases are loaded in level attitude by safety covers in one party.
192. By way of exception in transit car sendings allow loading of cylinders without protection rings. In this case between everyone cylinders laying from boards shall be near cuttings of slots for cylinders. It is forbidden to use as laying between cylinders (vessels) hay, straw and other combustible and flammable materials.
193. In vertical position cylinders with gases can be loaded only in the presence on all cylinders of protection rings and on condition of the dense loading providing impossibility of movement or fall of cylinders. Doorways shall be protected with boards at least 40 mm thick for the purpose of exception of bulk of load on door.
Cylinders with the igniting gases (subclass 2.1), poisonous flammable gases (subclass 2.3 with additional danger sign 3) shall be laid and fixed so that the possibility of contact of cylinders with each other and with metal parts of the car was excluded. Boards for fixture shall be impregnated by fireproof structure.
194. Loading of cylinders with the oxidizing gases is forbidden (classification codes 2221, 2222, 2223, 2224, 2225, 2227, 2321, 2322, 2325, 2327, 2331, 2332, 2335, 2337, 2361, 2362, 2365, 2367) in cars with traces of mineral and vegetable oils.
195. Empty cylinders (vessels, specialized containers) from under gases shall be transported as dangerous goods on the conditions established for compressed and liquefied gases.
196. In case of presentation to transportation of empty cylinders (vessels, specialized containers) consignors in the graph of delivery note "The name of load" shall specify: "Cylinders, vessels empty from under ________________________ gas (specify the name of gas)".
Residual pressure in cylinders (vessels, specialized containers) shall meet the standards established by Rules on ensuring industrial safety of the equipment working under excessive pressure.
197. Empty cylinders (vessels, specialized containers) are transported with densely closed valves, navernuty caps, and in transit small sendings they shall have sticker with text "Empty".
198. The phosgene and cyanogen chloride stabilized and also empties from under these loads are allowed to transportation only in specialized cars accompanied by specialists of the consignor (consignee) according to requirements of PPOG.
199. After filling of the tank car with dangerous goods of class 2 the consignor shall check hermeticity of the hatch of the tank and armature.
All operating equipment of the tank car shall be given to transport provision. The top hatch and pressure-relief valve are closed by safety covers and sealed up. The written permission for sending the tank car with these loads is issued by the representative of technical inspection department. At the same time it is necessary to be convinced of compliance of marking, hermeticity of boiler of the tank, availability of safety covers over armature which shall be locked and sealed up.
200. Empty tank cars, container tanks and cylinders for transportation of dangerous goods of class 2 are transported on the same conditions, as filled.
201. By transfer of the tank car by its owner of other organization for one-time transportation of dangerous goods of class 2 the cable notice with indication of number of the way bill, factory and registration numbers, and also terms of engineering certification of the tank, armature and adjustment of pressure-relief valve which is stored at the owner of the tank car and at the sender of products before completion of transportation of product shall be sent the last.
202. The consignee shall merge load from the tank car, container tank completely. Pressure in the tank after draining shall be at least regulations established by technical regulatory legal acts for this load.
In delivery note on the empty tank car the consignee shall write down: "The tank is merged completely. Boiler pressure... MPa".
203. Transportation of liquefied gases in bulk is made in special tank cars. Each such tank car is intended for transportation only of certain gas or group of the gases similar in the physical and chemical properties. Its use for transportation of other liquefied gases is forbidden.
204. In transit liquefied gases under normal atmospheric pressure the tank car shall be equipped with the outlet tube for evaporation of gas which is abroach.
On tank cars in this case the place of free gas discharge shall have text: "Not close Gas-dumping".
205. The gases liquefied by recompression method (hydrocarbon gases, ammonia, etc.), are transported in tank cars under excessive pressure. The tank cars used for transportation of such gases shall meet the requirements of Rules for ensuring industrial safety of the equipment working under excessive pressure.
206. Tank cars for transportation of liquefied gases shall have at least two openings for devices of filling and draining.
207. Devices for the upper filling and draining of tank cars shall have, at least, two liquid and one gas valves.
Branch pipes for filling and draining shall be closed by external locks (valve, the crane) and fixed flanges or screw stubs.
208. Tank cars for hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, chlorine, sulfur of dioxide shall not have openings below fluid level. Also availability of the openings for cleaning located in the boiler heel is not allowed.
209. Branch pipes for filling and draining of tank cars for the liquefied flammable and/or poisonous gases shall be equipped with internal high-speed valves of bystry action which shall have all branch pipes with nominal diameter of more 1,5 of mm, except for branch pipes for pressure-relief valves, control units of level and openings for installation of safety membranes.
Tank cars for the cooled liquid flammable and/or poisonous gases can be equipped with external quick-acting valves provided that armature has protection against external injuries which provides the same reliability, as boiler walls.
210. Pressure-relief valves shall function smoothly at temperatures to minus 60 shs inclusive if other is not specified on specific model of the tank car. Reliable operation at these temperatures is determined and drawn up documentary when testing separate valves or in case of tank car development trial.
211. The outer surface of tank cars for liquefied gases is painted in light gray color. Along boiler on both sides on center line of boiler the strip 300 mm wide is put.
212. Before filling of tank cars gases the person in charge of the consignor performs careful inspection of outer surface, checks operability and hermeticity of armature, availability of residual pressure and compliance of gas to purpose of the tank car. Results of survey of tank cars and conclusion concerning possibility of their filling are registered in the magazine.
213. It is not allowed to fill tank cars with gas if:
the service life established by technical regulatory legal acts, design documentation expired;
the term of the next survey ended;
fittings and test instruments are absent or are defective;
distinctive coloring, texts, cliches or marking do not correspond to the poured gas;
the tank car is not intended for transportation of this gas.
214. Filling of tank cars liquefied gases shall meet the established standards. Responsibility for operability of boiler of the tank car and armature, for correctness of filling of the tank car and safety control in transit of liquefied gases is assigned to the consignor.
The list of the gases and gas mixes permitted according to the List of dangerous goods (appendix 2) to carriage of liquid cargoes in bulk in tank cars, with indication of the most admissible lot of filling on liter of capacity it is given in appendix 8 to these rules.
215. When filling the tank car measures for gas discharge exception in the atmosphere shall be taken.
216. After filling for liquefied gases shall be removed the manometer with tube from tank car boiler and three-way valve. On opening for the manometer it is necessary to deliver stub on thread.
From tank cars for chlorine, and also for other gases in case of their transportation accompanied by conductors the manometer is not removed. The manometer and other kontrolnoizmeritelny devices are not removed also from the tank cars equipped with the locked reinforcing cabinet in which these devices are placed.
217. After filling of the tank cars equipped with reinforcing cabinet, the door of cabinet shall be locked and sealed up by the consignor's seal. Outside doors of reinforcing cabinet are locked, and ears of doors pull together with curling from wire with a diameter of 4-6 mm then the consignor shall seal up doors.
218. Tank cars for liquefied gases both in loaded, and in empty condition can go by the railroads without maintenance by conductors. In some cases at the request of the consignor transportation of liquefied gases in tank cars accompanied by conductors is allowed. The tank cars loaded by chlorine, ethylene are transported only accompanied by conductors (crew of specialists) of the consignor or the consignee. Conductors appoint the workers knowing along with obligations of property of load and security measure in transit, who are able to use remedies, having metalwork skills and handed over technical minimum in volume of this Section of Rules and the job description for the conductor on maintenance of this liquefied gas. The conductor shall have in case of itself set of the corresponding tools, necessary inventory of gasket material and stubs, appropriate means of individual protection, means of decontamination, and also electric accumulator lamp in explosion-proof execution. For journey of conductors the railroad can provide the closed car which during the winter period is equipped with the consignor special fittings for heating.
219. In case of failure detection of the tank car because of which its further following is impossible such tank car is unhooked from the train and taken away on specially allocated way of the station. In the presence of the conductor the tank car shall be under its protection. If the group of tank cars is followed by one conductor, then from the train all group is unhooked. In case of defect of boiler of the tank car the station commander notifies by telegraph of the consignor (consignee) through the station commander of departure (assignment) on type of malfunction with the requirement of sending of specialists for repair or departure of other tank car with devices for load modulation in the operational tank car. On receipt of the message on uncoupling of the tank car the consignor (consignee) depending on damage containment shall direct to the station of uncoupling the corresponding empty tank car for modulation of load and the responsible representative or workers for repair of the unhooked tank car.
220. Repair of undercarriages and braking devices of the loaded tank car is made with extra care, and in case of escort of the tank car by the conductor - only at its presence. In case of production of repair of defective tank cars it is not allowed: repair boilers in loaded condition; strike blows to boiler; use the iskroopasny tool and use near tank cars with naked flame (torch, brazier, kerosene and candle lamps); perform welding operations under the tank car. In need of repair of carts using fire, welding and blows of the cart are rolled out from under the tank car and at least 20 m from boiler are taken away on distance. In tank car malfunctions employees of car economy in duplicate draw up the statement of its technical condition with participation of the conductor if it accompanies the tank car. In the act shall be specified: type of defect and the reason of its origin, the taken measures for fault repair, and also conclusion about possibility of further following of the tank car. The copy of the act is applied to carriage documents.
221. The consignee shall merge liquefied gas from the tank car completely. Excessive pressure in boiler after draining of liquefied gases shall be at least 0,05 of MPa.
In delivery note on the empty tank car the consignee shall specify: "The tank is merged completely. Boiler pressure ____ MPa". At the top the superimposed consignee puts down the stamps provided for loaded tank cars. The same stamps are put down by the station in car leaf.
222. In case of return of the tank cars equipped with reinforcing cabinet in empty condition the consignee closes and seals up doors of reinforcing cabinet and outside doors according to the procedure, provided for loaded tank cars.
223. Vinyl is transported in the special tank cars equipped with fire-extinguishing installation. The consignor (consignee) supplies these tank cars with sets of necessary accessories, devices, tools and materials for their repair, maintenance and operation, and also the portable communications providing emergency gas-dumping, petards and portable signals of barrier of places of obstacle for movement. Filling and draining of tank cars are made on sidings by means of the consignor and consignee. The consignor shall merge the tank car completely. Pressure in the tank car after draining of vinyl shall be at least 0,05 of MPa. Tank cars for transportation of vinyl both in loaded, and in empty condition go accompanied by the crew of specialists of the consignor (consignee) headed by the senior of crew who shall protect continuously and also service the tank car in transit and take the measures guaranteeing safety of transportation and workers. The number of specialists for escort of tank cars is established by the sender. Tank cars are transported with the closed gas-dumping. Pressure release in the tank car is performed as required during the parking by the specialists accompanying the tank car. In need of vinyl modulation the consignor (consignee) shall after receipt of the request of the senior of crew of maintenance send the empty tank car prepared under filling vinyl and means for providing modulation of vinyl to daily time.
Works on vinyl modulation from one tank car in another are performed by maintenance crew with observance of all security measures under the leadership of the senior of crew.
224. The main danger of substances of this class is the capability to allocate the vapors igniting from short-term action of ignition source (naked flame, spark; flash-over) and forming explosive mixes with air. Vapors of these liquids can have narcotic action. Many liquids and their vapors are highly toxic substances.
225. The flammable fluids having in addition poisonous and corrosive dangerous characteristics (classification codes 3021, of 3022, of 3023, of 3031, of 3032, of 3033, of 3041, of 3042), shall be transported only by car or container sendings.
226. The acrylonitrile stabilized, carbon sulfur, ethane thiol, isopropyl nitrate, samin, and also empties from under these loads are transported only in the specialized or leased by the consignor (consignee) cars.
Above-mentioned loads shall be shown to transportation in the standard hermetic and sealed-up barrels. Barrels shall be submerged in cars only in one tier by traffic jams up.
Cars for transportation of isopropyl nitrate and samin both in loaded, and in empty condition shall go accompanied by specialists of the consignor (consignee) according to requirements of PPOG.
227. Only chemically net methanol in the glass container and packaging provided by requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization on these products is allowed to transportation in closed cars. Methanol is transported in the specialized or leased by consignors (consignees) cars and specialized containers. In the center of door, over danger sign, the text "Methanol" shall be put. Cars shall be equipped by the consignor permanent flooring for cargo hauling in two tiers.
For prevention of leak of load from the car in case of accidental damage of container on car floor before loading dry sand by layer at least 100 mm shall be filled. In order that sand did not pour out outside, in body on all perimeter including in interdoor space, densely to floor of the car beat or strictly fix by other methods level 150 mm high.
Methanol in container shall be transported in case of obligatory maintenance of the militarized protection.
228. Luminal A, heptyl, product of T-185, of diwounds And, and also empties from under these loads are allowed to transportation only in specialized cars of the consignor (consignee) and specialized containers.
Cars and containers for transportation of these loads as in loaded, and empty condition shall go accompanied by specialists of the consignor (consignee), in the empty crude condition - according to requirements of PPOG.
The specified loads are transported in special reservoirs of the consignor (consignee).
229. Synthin is allowed to transportation only in specialized cars of the consignor (consignee) or leased by them.
230. The pesticides referred to class 3 dangers transport in own cars of the consignor (consignee) or leased by them.
231. When filling and draining dangerous goods it is necessary:
works on filling and draining shall be mechanized with ensuring the maximum sealing;
the workers making filling and draining of these loads shall be acquainted before works with their properties, are instructed concerning labor protection during the works with these products and supplied with the corresponding protective clothing, individual protection equipment;
works in boiler of the tank car shall be carried out with obligatory application of hose gas mask.
232. After filling and draining of dangerous goods the consignor (consignee) shall remove smudges on outer surface of boiler of the tank car.
233. Completeness of draining of dangerous goods is confirmed by employees of the station.
234. The tank cars sent for preparation under filling shall be followed by the document containing the name of the merged oil product. In the absence of the specified document the name of the merged oil product is established the analysis of remaining balance from the tank car.
It is not allowed to use tank cars for filling the oil products applied in aviation engineering if tank cars have no accompanying documents. Use of such tank cars for filling gasolines, solvents, oil products of aromatic hydrocarbons, kerosene, oils of the 1st group is allowed on condition of observance of requirements of PPZhGN.
235. The tank cars sent under filling shall be followed by the document containing the name of the oil product merged from the tank car before its preparation, the name of oil product under which filling the tank car is prepared, and designation of preparation according to requirements of PPZhGN.
It is not allowed to use the tank cars having cliche "Gasoline" for transportation of oil, oils, fuel oil, motor fuel, bitumen and similar it on physical and chemical properties of oil products.
236. Filling oil products freely falling stream is forbidden.
237. Filling of tank cars oil products should be made taking into account increase in amount of oil products because of temperature rise along the line and in destination, and also complete use of capacity and load-carrying capacity of tank cars.
Extent of filling of tank cars is determined according to requirements of PPZhGN.
238. Alcohol ethyl rectified is transported in specialized spirit tank cars with the upper draining. In tank cars the lower drain devices shall be made, eyes on hatch cover for attaching of locking and sealing devices are welded (further - ZPU) or seals, the cap of safety inlet valve is reliably closed.
239. Before filling alcohol the consignor shall inspect the tank car carefully. In case of survey special attention shall be paid on serviceable condition and purity of boiler and cap of the tank car, density of closing of hatches, availability of laying and operational devices for sealing.
240. The tank car after draining of alcohol goes to the station of addition according to complete carriage documents.
241. Transportation of methanol across the railroads is made in case of obligatory maintenance by the militarized protection after the date of transmission by the consignor of the loaded tank car to the railroad before date of transmission to his consignee.
242. Methanol is transported in special tank cars of consignors (consignees) without the lower drain device equipped with safety casings over covers of hatches.
Transportation of methanol in other tank cars, and also use of tank cars for methanol is not to destination forbidden.
243. The boiler of the tank car is painted in yellow color (armor plate - in black color). On center line along cylindrical part of boiler the black strip 500 mm wide on both sides is put. On the right side of cylindrical part of boiler (on both sides) at distance of 50 mm is more left than collar in black strip the gaps forming rectangles width equal to width of black strip (500 mm), and length necessary for placement of text are left: "Methanol". These rectangles are painted in white color. The same rectangles are put also in middle part of both bottoms under horizontal axis. Height of letters is 150 mm. More to the right of this text danger signs on No. samples 3, 6.1 are put (appendix 4). All texts are put with black paint. Besides, on tank cars cliches according to Item 90 of these rules are put.
244. Before giving under filling methanol the tank car shall be carefully inspected by the worker of the railroad concerning availability clearly of visible distinctive coloring, danger signs and precautionary cliches, operability of undercarriages and boiler, availability of safety casing, devices for dense closing of cover of the hatch and eyes for sealing.
245. Filling and draining of methanol are performed by means of the consignor and consignee in their warehouses.
Before filling methanol the consignor shall check:
availability on boiler of clear distinctive coloring and accurate cliches about danger of load;
availability of safety casing, operational devices for dense closing of cover of the hatch and eyes for sealing.
It is forbidden to pour methanol in the tank car before correction of the found defect.
246. During filling the consignor shall watch operability of boiler of the tank car. In case of detection of leak filling shall be stopped and the consignor shall repump immediately methanol from the defective tank car. Extent of filling of the tank car methanol shall conform to requirements of PPZhGN.
247. Methanol it can also be transported under the excessive pressure of inert gas (nitrogen) from 0,01 to MPa 0,03. In this case tank cars are equipped with the manometer and shutoff valves. Methanol in the presence of layer of nitrogen is transported with obligatory maintenance of load by conductors of the consignor (consignee).
In superimposed after the name of load the consignor makes entry: "The MPa is transported under the excessive pressure of inert gas (nitrogen) _____".
248. After the end of filling the consignor shall:
establish under hatch cover laying for prevention of spillage of load in transit;
it is dense to close hatch cover, to fix it by bolts and to seal up the tank car ZPU;
close safety casing, fix it by wire curling and seal up;
hang on safety casing label with transport marking;
confirm with the signature in superimposed result of survey of the loaded tank car.
249. On empty tank cars after draining of methanol the complete set of carriage documents with introduction of all records about danger of load, as well as for tank cars loaded with methanol is drawn up.
250. In case of acceptance of the loaded tank car to departure the authorized worker of the railroad shall check:
availability of clairvoyance of marking about danger of load;
load freedom from the leakage from the tank car;
availability of ZPU and label on safety casing, reliability of the ZPU installation.
In case of detection of any violation the load is not accepted for shipment, the tank car returns to the consignor.
251. The authorized worker of the railroad shall inspect the tank car, confirm with the signature in superimposed result of survey and cause the militarized protection for acceptance of the tank car with methanol under protection. In case of absence on station of origin of the militarized protection the division of the militarized protection servicing the station beforehand is informed.
In case of acceptance under protection of the tank car with methanol the job specification of the militarized protection of the railroad checks availability of ZPU on safety casing of the hatch of the tank car and its operability. In case of detection of loss or defect of ZPU of arrows of the militarized protection of the railroad shall report immediately on it on the station commander and the commander of division of the militarized protection.
252. The tank car with methanol shall be under continuous protection: on station of origin - from the moment of acceptance of the tank car from the sender; on all travel line; on station of destination - until delivery of the loaded tank car to the receiver.
253. In case of detection in transit of the defective tank car requiring transfer of load, such tank car is unhooked from the train and taken away on the station tracks established by the technical and administrative act of the station. The station commander or his deputy causes the militarized protection and before its arrival appoints for protection of the tank car of employees of the station.
254. Methanol transfer, washing of the tank car and removal of rinsing water are made in the presence of the station commander or his deputy. Persons repumping methanol shall be specially instructed about virulence of methanol, toxic hazard by it in case of intake, and also about measures of flammability control in case of accomplishment of these works. During transfer of methanol before the end of destruction of remaining balance of load the tank car is protected by the militarized protection which not allow strangers to the place of transfer and prevent plunder of load.
255. On the arrival of the tank car with methanol on station of destination the consignee shall:
accept the tank car with methanol under protection after the date of transmission it from the railroad;
merge load from the tank car completely without remaining balance, blow the tank car nitrogen (if methanol was transported under the excessive pressure of inert gas) or to wash out boiler water before complete removal of smell of methanol, having spent at least 2 m3 of water for boiler. Water after washing shall be removed from boiler completely;
after check of the tank car it is dense to close cap cover, to close safety casing, to fix it and to seal up the tank car ZPU;
hang on safety casing label with text: "Empty - methanol" and also to specify load name of a consignee, station of origin and station of destination of the empty tank car;
show stations set of carriage documents on departure of the empty tank car from under methanol. In delivery note the consignee puts down mark: "Methanol is merged, the tank car is washed out, rinsing water is removed completely" which confirms with the signature.
256. After draining of methanol and washing of the tank car with the receiver the station commander (or his deputy) personally inspects the tank car, checks completeness of removal of rinsing water and lack of liquid at the bottom of tank car boiler, confirms results of survey with the signature in delivery note on the empty tank car. In case of absence at the station of electric lamps in explosion-proof execution check of completeness of draining of tank cars shall be made only during daylight hours.
In copy of the carriage documents remaining on station of origin, the worker of the railroad makes entry: "In delivery note the mark about results of survey of the empty tank after draining of methanol was signed (positions and surnames of signatory persons are specified)".
257. In case of detection of the undocumented tank cars loaded with methanol, or empty from under methanol such tank cars immediately are given under protection. The railroad draws up the commercial statement, processes carriage documents according to texts on the label which is available together with ZPU and under protection directs the tank car to the station specified in addition cliche.
The delay of empty undocumented tank cars or tank cars with nedoslity remaining balance of methanol is drawn up by the act of general format which copy is put to carriage documents.
258. In case of detection of empty tank cars from under draining of methanol with the wrong coloring, danger signs, not clear or not meeting the requirements of these rules, PPZhGN, appendix 2 to SMGS, in case of impossibility of fault recovery on site such tank cars go to addition Items only accompanied by the militarized protection the procedure provided for escort of loaded tank cars.
259. Carbon sulfur is transported in specialized tank cars with the upper draining. Boilers of the tank cars intended for carbon sulfur transportation shall be painted in gray color and have orange strips. In the right part of boiler on both sides to the left of collar in strip the "gaps" forming rectangles and painted in white color are left. Their length shall be sufficient for placement of text "Carbon sulfur", height of letters - 150 mm.
Owners of tank cars put the same rectangles with similar text in middle part of the bottoms under horizontal axis.
260. When filling carbon sulfur in warm season (from April 1 to October 1) in the tank car over load water in number of 5% of load amount is filled in. Carbon sulfur total mass with water shall not exceed pattern load-carrying capacity of the tank car. The amount of juicy water is specified the sender in delivery note in the column "Name of Load". After complete draining of carbon sulfur in warm season the consignee shall pour water layer of 30-50 mm high in the tank car.
261. Carbon sulfur it can be transported under the excessive pressure of inert gas (nitrogen) from 0,01 to MPa 0,03. In this case tank cars shall be equipped with the manometer, shutoff valves and are filled for 90% of capacity.
The size of excessive pressure is specified the consignor in delivery note.
262. Boilers of the tank cars intended for transportation of the acrolein stabilized shall be painted in light gray color and have black strips.
Boilers of the tank cars intended for transportation of dimethyldichlorosilane and methyltrichlorosilane shall be painted in yellow color and have orange strips. In the right part of boiler on both sides to the left of collar in strip the "gaps" forming rectangles and painted in white color are left. Their length shall be sufficient for placement of cliche about the name of load, height of letters - 150 mm.
Owners of tank cars put the same rectangles with similar cliche in middle part of the bottoms under horizontal axis.
263. Flammable fluids of class 3, having boiling temperature 35 shs below, shall be transported in the special tank cars expected carriage of goods under pressure and having shadow protection.
The Slivonalivny device and pressure-relief valve shall be mounted on cover of the hatch and are closed by the safety cover having the device for sealing of ZPU.
264. After draining formalglikolya and the alcohol denatured the consignee shall wash out tank car boiler water and remove rinsing water.
265. Substances and materials of this class are capable to light up easily during transportation from external ignition sources, in case of interaction with water or moisture of air, from spontaneous chemical reactions, and also when heating.
266. The explosive flammable solid substances capable to light up without preliminary heating from ignition source with low energy (classification codes 4151, of 4152, of 4153, of 4161, of 4162, of 4172, of 4182), shall be shown to transportation only in hermetically sealed container.
267. Transportation of dangerous goods of class 4.1 is allowed in container in the covered dry cars and containers. Transportation of these loads on open railway vehicles unpacked is forbidden.
268. The class 4.1 includes:
flammable solid substances and products;
self-reactive solid substances;
solid desensibilizirovanny explosive substances;
substances, similar to self-reactive substances.
269. Products from celluloid are allowed to be transported in ordinary containers in consumer pack.
270. Matches safe are allowed to be transported small sendings only in plywood boxes in packaged type.
271. Sulfur in ordinary containers and closed cars is transported in transport container according to requirements of PPOG.
272. Cars and containers for carriage of goods: phytogenesis fibers with number of the UN 3360 (cotton wool cotton, fiber cotton, jute-fiber, flax combed, bass dry, tows cotton, tow and others); substances firm flammable organic, N.U.K. with number of the UN 1325 (hemp combed, lint cotton and raw cotton); the polova, hay, straw with number of the UN 1327 shall be prepared with observance of the procedure provided by PPOG.
273. Class 4.1 loads - caprolactam, naphthalene, sulfur liquid - are transported in the melted condition. The boiler of the tank car shall be painted in light gray color and have distinctive strip according to PPZhGN.
274. Belong to the class 4.2:
pyrophorous substances - substances, including mixes and solutions (liquid or firm) which even in small quantities ignite in case of contact with air within 5 min. These substances are most subject to spontaneous ignition;
the self-heating-up substances and products - substances and products, including mixes and solutions which in case of contact with air without supply of energy are from the outside capable to self-heating. These substances ignite only in lumps (kilograms) and only through long periods of time (hours or days).
275. In transit cakes (meal) without container cars before loading shall be carefully cleared, washed out and dry-through.
Consignors shall take measures for protection of loads from moistening. Temperature of cakes (meal) when loading shall not exceed 30 shs.
Cakes (meal) without container are transported in universal closed cars with all-metal body.
276. For transportation of loads, unpacked in container: copras with number of the UN 1363; The Waste of cotton impregnated with oil with number of the UN 1364 (waste fibrous the cotton-processing plants, waste textile, oil-impregnated and others); cotton wet with number of the UN 1365 cars and containers shall be prepared according to requirements of PPOG.
277. The materials of animal and phytogenesis capable for ignition from heat generated in case of chemical and biological processes, and also in case of blow or friction (classification codes 4212, of 4213), shall be transported only by car sendings or in containers.
278. Class 4.2 loads - phosphorus white (yellow) - silnoyadovity flammable solid crystal substance. Color of crystals from light yellow to dark-brown. T/m 1,83 density 3, melting temperature 44 shs, boiling temperature 230 shs. In water it is not dissolved, on air easily is oxidized and ignites spontaneously. Burns with release of dense white smoke. For prevention of spontaneous ignition phosphorus is stored and transported under sheet of water.
279. Phosphorus white (yellow), and also the empty crude container from under it is allowed to transportation only in specialized cars, specialized containers of the consignor (consignee) or leased by them. In the center of door over danger sign the text "Yellow phosphorus" shall be put.
280. The white (yellow) consignor shall pack phosphorus into the standard metal hermetic barrels or banks which are previously filled with water, and at temperature of fresh air lower than 0 shs in regions of rout to follow of load - non-freezing solution of calcium of chloride.
Barrels with phosphorus shall be sealed up. Banks shall be soldered and in addition packed into dense wooden boxes with covers.
Barrels with phosphorus place in the car in one tier and obligatory traffic jams up.
281. Phosphorus white (yellow) is transported in special tank cars without the lower drain device.
The boiler of such tank cars is painted in yellow color, on boiler the text is put: "White phosphorus" or "Yellow phosphorus".
Along boiler the distinctive strip according to PPZhGN is put.
For the purpose of prevention of accidental use of such tank car not to destination the cap of the tank car is closed by safety casing from sheet iron which has devices for attaching of ZPU.
282. Use of the tank cars intended for phosphorus transportation, for transportation of other loads and also filling phosphorus in the tank cars which are not intended for this load is forbidden.
283. After filling of the tank car with phosphorus the sender shall fill in water layer of 300 mm high in the tank car; when sending phosphorus to areas with temperature of fresh air over 40 shs the sheet of water shall be increased to 600 mm. At temperatures of fresh air on rout to follow lower than 0 shs instead of water shall be filled in non-freezing solution of calcium of chloride layer of 300 mm high.
Upon termination of filling the tank car is inspected by the consignor's representative then the bulk union is muffled by flange, the safety casing which is sealed up by ZPU of the sender is put on cap.
284. The consignor at the delivery note top on the yellow phosphorus shown to transportation shall put down stamps: "Ignites spontaneously", "Is poisonous".
285. Tank cars with phosphorus are transported by the railroads only accompanied by the consignor's conductors.
The conductor is the responsible representative of the consignor on escort of the tank car.
Along the line the conductor shall watch serviceable condition of the tank car, safety of ZPU, to be present at survey and bezottsepochny repair of the tank car by workers of rail transport and not to allow to the tank car of strangers.
286. In case of failure detection of the tank car because of which it cannot follow further such tank car shall be unhooked from the train and is taken away on the separate way to the safe place where shall be under protection of the conductor.
The conductor and the station commander inform the consignor or the consignee who shall send specialists for repair of the tank car of uncoupling of the tank car or take measures to load modulation in the operational tank car.
287. Draining of the tank car shall be made completely. After draining the consignee shall clear boiler of remaining balance of phosphorus and slime, to fill in in the tank car clear water (chloride calcium solution) with layer of 250-300 mm, to close the tank car hatch, to put on safety casing cap and to seal up its ZPU.
288. The sender of the empty tank car in the graph of delivery note "The name of load" shall specify: "The tank car empty from under phosphorus of white (yellow), is completely merged, cleared of remaining balance of phosphorus yellow, slime and is filled in with water (chloride calcium solution) layer height ________ see Transportation of the tank car is performed on condition of carriages of phosphorus white (yellow)".
289. Danger of substances of this class is that they in case of interaction with water, water solutions, and also moisture of air emit flammable gases and heat which in many cases is enough for ignition of gases.
290. The TsN catalyst and empties from under it are transported only in specialized rail reefers of the consignor.
Cars for transportation of these loads both in loaded, and in empty condition shall go accompanied by specialists of the consignor (consignee) according to requirements of PPOG.
291. Silanechlorides (the classification code 4381), and also empties from under them shall be transported only in specialized cars and specialized containers of the consignor (consignee) or leased by them.
The specified loads transport in the standard hermetic sealed-up barrels. Barrels shall be placed in cars only in one tier traffic jams up.
292. Class 4.3 loads - methyldichlorosilane, trichlorosilane - are the flammable corrosion fluids which are dangerously reacting with water. In case of production of transactions of filling, draining, and also mitigation of consequences of emergency situations measures for exception of contact of the specified loads with water shall be taken. Cargo Items shall be equipped with the devices providing sealing of transactions of filling and draining.
293. Substances of this class emit oxygen therefore they cause spontaneous ignition of combustible substances, promote their burning, increase intensity of the fire or form explosive mixes with other substances.
294. The main danger of substances of class 5.1 is that they form flammable or explosive mixes with combustible materials, especially if the last are in friable condition (wood sawdust, rags, straw, spill, powders of metals, it is gray, etc.).
295. Joint transportation of different brands of ammonium of nitrate (ammonium nitrate) with each other is forbidden by both other dangerous and harmless goods.
296. Cars for carriage of goods of class 5.1 shall be carefully cleared of remaining balance of the transported loads, dust or are washed out and not to have traces of mineral and vegetable oils.
297. Ammonium perchlorate, anozit, and also empties from under them are allowed to transportation only in own cars of the consignor (consignee) or leased by them. Hydrogen concentration peroxide over 60% are allowed to transportation in specialized cars of the consignor (consignee).
Transportations of ammonium of perchlorate, anozit and hydrogen of peroxide of concentration over 60% and empty cars from under them are performed only accompanied by specialists of the consignor (consignee) according to requirements of PPOG.
298. Peroxide hydrogen water solution is allowed to transportation in the container equipped with devices (valves) providing exit of the formed gas and interfering liquid exit.
299. The class 5.1 load - hydrogen peroxide - the water solution of concentration over 60% stabilized is transported in the special aluminum tank cars expected excessive pressure accompanied by crew of specialists of the consignor (consignee).
Tank cars shall have the pressure-relief valves located at the boiler top, preventing education in boiler of excessive pressure, fluid leakage, and also excluding possibility of hit of foreign substances in boiler.
Cargo hauling is performed as a part of special technological section (group of cars) consisting from:
the tank car with water (during the cold period with heat insulation) at the rate of at least one tank car on each 3 tank cars from hydrogen peroxide;
the closed car in which the maintenance crew, and also technical equipment and property is placed;
loaded hydrogen peroxide of the tank car and similar empty tank car expected carriage of goods under pressure.
At the same time the tank cars filled with water and the empty tank car are used as cover of the car with maintenance crew from the tank car, the loaded hydrogen peroxide.
The specified technological sections are created by the consignor. It is not allowed to include the cars which are not relating to it in structure of section.
In carriage documents except the stamps provided by index of dangerous goods (appendix 2 to PPOG) the stamp "Section shall be put down. Not uncouple".
300. Class 5.2 substances in the majority it is combustible, are effective as oxidizers and, besides, are capable to ignite easily, to decay spontaneously with explosion, allocating at the same time lump of heat and gases, are sensitive to blow and friction. Hit of peroxide connections, especially liquid and pasty, in eyes causes strong irreversible damages, and in case of hit on skin - burns.
301. If ambient air temperature on rout to follow is higher regulated, then substances of this class are allowed to transportation in own rail reefers of the consignor (consignee) with temperature control.
If ambient air temperature on rout to follow is lower regulated, then substances of this class can be shown to transportation in leased cars.
The specified loads are transported only accompanied by conductors of the consignor (consignee).
302. Organic peroxides with No. No. of the UN 3111, of 3112, of 3113, of 3114, of 3115, of 3116, of 3117, of 3118, of 3119, of 3120, of 3121, the requiring temperature controls, are not allowed to transportation.
303. On packaging with organic peroxides, caustic for eyes (the classification code 5242), the additional text "Beware of burn of eyes" shall be put.
304. Joint transportation of organic peroxides with all dangerous and harmless goods is forbidden.
305. The organic peroxides requiring regulation of temperature condition (classification codes 5211, of 5212, of 5221, of 5222), shall be transported in specialized rail reefers of the consignor or consignee.
306. Other loads of subclass 5.2, and also empties from under them shall be transported only in own cars of the consignor (consignee) or leased by it.
307. Cars for transportation of organic peroxides both in loaded, and in empty condition shall be transported accompanied by specialists of the consignor (consignee) according to requirements of PPOG.
308. Transportation of organic peroxides of class 5.2 in tank cars is prohibited.
309. Substances of classes 6.1 and 6.2 are capable to cause poisonings or diseases in case of hit inside, contact with skin or in case of inhalation. Toxic (toxic) agents belong to the class 6.1, infectious substances belong to the class 6.2.
310. The main danger of loads of class 6.1 is that in case of careless handling they can cause poisoning, disease and even the death of people or animals. Liquids, especially easily flying, constitute the greatest danger in case of inhalation of their vapors. All substances of class 6.1 are dangerous in case of proglatyvaniye, many of them make harmful effects in case of hit on skin. Solid substances are especially dangerous in the form of dust.
311. The ethyl fluid, acetone cyanohydrin and arsenic (III) oxide, additive anti-detonation to motor fuel are strong poisons. They are especially dangerous that their poisoning action is shown not directly and at the first stage of poisoning is imperceptible for the victim.
Transportation of these loads and empties from under them is allowed in own cars of the consignor (consignee) or leased by them.
The specified loads shall be transported in the standard hermetic and sealed-up barrels.
Barrels with ethyl fluid and acetone cyanohydrin place in one tier traffic jams up.
Ethyl fluid, arsenic (III) oxide, additive anti-detonation to motor fuel are transported only accompanied by conductors of the consignor (consignee) according to requirements of PPOG.
312. Akvanit, cyanides, and also acid hydrocianic, tsinkhonin, strychnine, mercury dichloride, cinnabar natural and empties from under these loads are allowed to transportation only in specialized closed cars of the consignor (consignee).
Loaded and empty cars shall follow accompanied by specialists of the consignor (consignee) according to requirements of PPOG.
313. Enit, pronit, and also empties from under this load shall be transported in specially equipped closed cars of the consignor (consignee). Transportation of enit and pronit in specialized containers (reservoirs) is allowed.
Loaded cars, and also empties and specialized containers (reservoirs) in the presence in them remaining balance of load shall be transported accompanied by conductors of the consignor (consignee) according to requirements of PPOG.
314. Pesticides for agricultural industry, and also empties from under these loads shall be transported in cars, specialized containers of the consignor (consignee) or leased by them.
315. Loads of class 6.1 are transported in special tank cars with the upper draining according to requirements of PPOG, PPZhGN, Appendix 2 to SMGS.
316. The ethyl fluid represents mobile liquid and has t/m 1,47-1,77 density 3, is insoluble in water, is well soluble in gasoline, kerosene, benzene and other solvents.
The ethyl fluid is strongly poisonous and especially dangerous that the poisoning action has cumulative character, i.e. is shown not directly, sometimes even later long time, and at the first stage poisoning is imperceptible for the victim. Besides, the ethyl fluid easily ignites.
317. The ethyl fluid is transported in the special tank cars of the consignor expected excessive working pressure 0, by MPa, meeting requirements. Such tank car shall be equipped with shadow protection, the safety casing closing tank car cap and the device for storage of emergency inventory of means of neutralization (kerosene, chloric lime, cleaning cloth).
The outer surface of boiler of the tank car for ethyl fluid shall be painted by silvery paint, and the heel - black paint on height of 250 mm. Along tank car boiler the distinctive strip according to PPZhGN on both sides is put. Edge boiler heads and frame of the tank car shall be painted according to Item 90 of these rules.
In middle part of boiler on both parties the cliche shall be put: "Ethyl fluid".
On the right side cliche: "From hill not to lower", on the left side of boiler and on the edge bottoms: "Urgent return on the Art. of ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________".
(the station and the railroad are specified)
318. Use of such tank cars not for the intended purpose, and also filling ethyl fluid in other tank cars is strictly forbidden.
319. Filling of tank cars with ethyl fluid is made within load-carrying capacity, but no more than 95% of capacity of boiler.
320. Responsibility for operability of boiler, armature, hatches, laying, correctness of filling of the tank car and safety control along the line (in addition to belonging to rail transport) is assigned to the consignor.
321. After filling the consignor shall:
to process carefully means of neutralization of part of the tank car, contaminated by ethyl fluid;
it is hermetic to close all valves, to seal up the tank car ZPU.
322. In case of detection along the line of defect because of which the tank car with ethyl fluid cannot go to station of destination such tank car is unhooked from the train, taken away on the separate way according to TRA of the station. In case of load leak at the place of leak the corresponding reservoir for liquid collection and prevention of its hit on the earth shall be immediately delivered. The places poured by ethyl fluid are neutralized by chloric lime.
323. The consignee shall merge ethyl fluid from the tank car completely without remaining balance, after draining to wash out net gasoline twice, to remove it from boiler and to fill the tank car with nitrogen under MPa 0,1 pressure, to hermetically close all valves and to seal up cap of the tank car ZPU.
Armature and outside parts of boiler, and also frame and the undercarriages of the tank car contaminated when draining by ethyl fluid, the consignee shall process means of neutralization.
Completeness of draining, care of washing, filling of the tank car with nitrogen and sealing of all valves are checked by the consignee's representative who shall in the delivery note constituted by the consignee on return of the empty tank car in the column "Name of Load" make the following record: "The tank car is merged completely, washed out, filled with nitrogen and hermetically is closed" and to confirm it with the signature.
324. Before repair of undercarriages the consignor shall make neutralization of internal and outside surfaces of the boiler of the tank car, frame and undercarriages and to issue the passport about the carried-out decontamination providing safe conditions of works on repair of the tank car.
325. After draining of antifreeze etilenglikolevy the consignee shall wash out tank car boiler water and remove rinsing water.
326. Dangerous goods of class 7 by rail it shall be transported according to requirements of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 1998 "About radiation safety of the population" (Vedamastsi Natsyyanalnaga to descent of Respubliki Belarus, 1998, No. 5, the Art. 25), the Sanitary standards and the rules "Requirements to Radiation Safety" and the Hygienic standard rate "Criteria for evaluation of radiative effects" approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2012 No. 213 (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 25.05.2013, 8/26850), PPOG, Appendix 2 to SMGS and other technical regulatory legal acts.
327. These rules extend to transportations of the radioactive materials (RM) with specific activity more than 74 kBq/kg (microcurie/g 0,002), radioactive materials in quantities which total activity exceeds the values of maximum permissible activity specified in the column 5 of appendix 9 to these rules and radioactive fissionable materials (uranium-233, uranium-235, plutonium-238, plutonium-239, plutonium-241 or their mixes in quantity to 0,015 kg and neutron sources on the basis of these radioactive materials in quantity of no more 0,150 of kg). These radioactive materials are transported in special transport packaging sets.
328. If total activity of RM is less than values specified in the column 5 of appendix 9 to these rules and specific activity of their less than 74 kBq/kg (microcurie/g 0,002), then is transported them on condition of carriages of harmless loads.
The consignor shall show such loads in container which shall exclude hit of radioactive materials to the environment. At the same time dose rate of radiation on the surface of packagings shall be no more than 3 μSv/h (0,3 of mrem/h). On inner surface of cover of such packagings the sign of radiation hazard is put.
329. Radiation heads of gamma flaw detectors, irradiating heads of gamma and therapeutic devices, protective containers of packaging sets, containers of irradiating installations, transport and recharging containers and another similar the specified products at which reliable sealing of the radioactive materials which are in product and which design is approved with bodies of sanitary inspection is provided are transported by it in the container intended for them and marked by the danger signs corresponding to certain transport category.
330. Radiation monitoring is in transit exercised: the consignor - by preparation of load for loading and transportation, and also along the line in case of maintenance of load by conductors; the consignee - when unloading load.
Bodies of sanitary inspection exercise in accordance with the established procedure supervision of respect for radiation safety in transit of radioactive materials.
331. All responsibility for compliance of container and marking of radiation loads to requirements of the corresponding technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization and these rules, and also for determination of condition of carriages (according to Rules or as harmless load) the consignor according to the current legislation bears.
332. In the part which is not provided by these rules requirements of rules of carriages of goods, and also safety regulations in transit of radioactive materials and regulations of radiation safety are effective.
333. Radiation substances are transported in the transport packaging sets ensuring safety and protection against radiations in transit, safety of radioactive materials, and also preventing their hit to the environment.
Transport packaging sets are divided into two types:
the set of type A has the mechanical durability excluding loss or dispersion of radioactive material and providing efficiency of protection against radiations in the normal condition of carriages which are not followed by temperature impacts and after testing according to requirements of the corresponding technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization;
the set of type B has the increased mechanical durability and thermal stability excluding loss and dispersion of radioactive material and providing efficiency of protection against radiation in case of the possible accidents at the time of transportation which are followed by temperature impacts and after testing according to requirements of the corresponding technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization.
Radioactive material in the quantity (on activity) which is not exceeding the values given in appendix 9 to these rules shall be loaded into one packaging set of type A.
334. The design of packaging set shall provide stability of set in transit, the reliable and corresponding to technical specifications on loading and fixture of loads its fixing on railway vehicles, floor load of the car no more than 2200 kgfs/sq.m (2,2 of TS/sq.m), and ordinary container no more than 1000 kgfs/sq.m (1 TS/sq.m).
335. Packaging sets weighing more than 10 kg shall have handles, brackets or other devices facilitating their loading and unloading.
Packagings weighing more than 25 kg shall be supplied with devices for lifting and moving by means of hoisting-and-transport means.
Devices for rise shall maintain loading by 6 times the exceeding mass of packaging set.
336. The minimum lot of the packaging containing radioactive materials shall constitute at least 5 kg. The minimum external dimension of packaging set shall not be less 0,1 of m.
337. On exterior surface of packaging set devices for installation of seal shall be provided so that the possibility of its failure or damage in case of transportation was excluded.
Each packaging shown to transportation shall be sealed up by the sender.
338. Transport packaging sets shall conform to requirements of the operating state technical regulatory legal acts in the field of the technical regulation and standardization approved in accordance with the established procedure.
Transportation of radioactive materials in custom-made packaging sets of not factory production is forbidden.
339. On exterior surface of packaging set marking and danger signs according to requirements of the corresponding technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization shall be put.
On packaging set of type A of text shall be executed by perchlorvinyl chemically resistant enamel on metal surfaces and weatherproof enamel on cardboard.
On packaging set of type B shall resist to effect of fire.
340. On packagings with the radioactive materials having other types of danger signs of additional danger shall be put.
341. The transport and industrial packaging sets containing radioactive materials are called radioactive material transportation packages. The load consisting of one or several radioactive material transportation packages is called radiation load or load of radioactive materials.
342. Before departure of radioactive material transportation packages the sender shall measure capacity of equivalent dose of radiation of each packaging for determination of the transport index (peak value of capacity of equivalent dose of radiation at distance of 1 m from any point of surface of radioactive material transportation package expressed in mrem/h). Results of measurements are rounded to integer towards increase and register on sign of transport category which shall be put from two counter parties of exterior surface of outside packaging.
343. In transit several separate small-size radioactive material transportation packages following to one receiver they need to be combined in one cargo piece. At the same time consolidation of packagings of different transport categories is allowed.
Packagings place in one box the size no more 0,8 x 0, 8 x 1 m with observance of the following requirements:
the design of box shall be strong and ensure complete safety of the small-size radioactive material transportation packages placed in it;
the box shall have devices for transfer manually and rise it by means of fork trucks and other heavy lift gears;
the mass of unitized cargo of small-size radioactive material transportation packages in case of acceptance by small sendings through warehouse of the station which does not have load-lifting devices shall not exceed 80 kg, and at the station having them - 700 kg;
the box on two opposite side surfaces shall have sign of radiation hazard, the inventory with indication of numbers of the packaging sets containing in them isotopes and the transport index of each packaging. The inventory shall be protected from moisture;
packagings shall be laid in box so that violations of seals and danger signs of transport categories in transit of load were excluded;
the amount of the transport indices of small-size radioactive material transportation packages shall not exceed 50.
344. Depending on value of capacity of equivalent dose of radiation into surfaces or at distance of 1 m from surface radioactive material transportation packages are divided into three transport categories and four groups of dangerous goods (appendix 10 to these rules).
345. Before sending radiation load the sender shall check that on outer surface of radioactive material transportation package there is no "dischargeable" radiological contamination, and the level of general radiological contamination does not exceed admissible values: 10 alpha particles / (min. x cubic cm), 100 beta particles / (min. x sq. cm).
346. In case of car sendings radiation loads the sender shall paste on side surface of the car sign for vehicles on one sign from each party.
347. Depending on quantity, the mass of radioactive material transportation packages and the transport index of radiation loads can be transported by car, low-tonnage and small sendings in closed cars (without brake platforms), in ordinary containers of the railroad mass gross of 3 and 5 t, in specialized containers of consignees and consignors, in freight trains, and also cargo baggage in post and luggage and passenger trains.
348. Transportation of radioactive material transportation packages, and also groups of packagings of any category which amount of the transport indices exceeds 50, small and low-tonnage sendings, in ordinary containers, cargo baggage and in the through international traffic is forbidden.
349. Presentation to transportation of radioactive material transportation packages with short-lived nuclides (half-life period to 15 days) and the packagings requiring observance of certain temperature condition, freight trains is not allowed.
Such packagings it can be transported only by passenger trains.
350. Radioactive material transportation packages weighing no more than 500 kg in one place (packagings weighing over 500 kg in one place are accepted only in coordination with station commanders of departure and assignment) are accepted by small sendings, in transit in transport packets the mass of transport packets shall not exceed 1 t.
351. The radioactive material transportation packages directed to one address, the consignor shall send in packaged type taking into account the requirements established by rules of carriages of goods in transport packets and GOST 26663-85 "Packets transport. Forming using means of packaging. General technical requirements".
352. In the combined car together with other loads it is allowed to transport shipping packages of the I category without restriction, and II and III - in such quantity in case of which the amount of the transport indices would not exceed 50.
353. Joint transportation in one car of radiation loads with other dangerous goods and not developed film, photo and x-ray films and plates is forbidden.
354. In the cars loaded only by radiation load packagings of any transport categories on condition of observance of requirements of Items 358, of 359 these rules can be transported.
Need of maintenance of loads by the specialist to destination in this case is determined by the sender.
355. In delivery note in the column "Name of Load" the sender shall specify: "Radioactive material", the name of radioactive material, transport category of packaging, the transport index and activity of substance in becquerels (curie).
At the top the superimposed sender shall deliver red stamp "Is radioactive" and if the radiation load has other types of danger, stamps about additional types of danger. Employees of the station transfer these stamps to car leaf.
356. Delivery of radiation loads is made: at the station where there are special warehouses for storage of radioactive material transportation packages, for 24 h before departure; at the station where radioactive material transportation packages are stored on general warehouses, for 6 h before departure in the afternoon and for 12 h in case of departure from 9 to 11 h the next day (local time).
357. Loading unloading of the packagings of III transport category of the 4th group of danger transported on the terms of "exclusive use" shall be made only by cargo handling gears and only forces of freight owners.
358. Radioactive material transportation packages shall be placed and screened the consignor so that capacity of equivalent dose of radiation in any point of exterior surface of the car and container did not exceed 2 mzv / h (200 mrem/h), and at distance of 2 m from this surface - 0,1 mzv / h (10 mrem/h).
359. The cars which are completely loaded by radioactive material transportation packages shall not be in the train near passenger rail cars, with goods wagons with people, with the cars having brake site or loaded by dangerous goods, including poisonous or explosive.
360. About availability in the train of cars with radioactive material transportation packages in natural leaf the mark becomes "Is radioactive".
361. The consignor shall in day of delivery of load to transportation report to the consignee by telegraph about the radioactive material transportation packages sent to its address the following data: name of load, seating capacity, mass of radioactive material transportation packages, date of departure, number of sending and car (container).
362. The consignee shall monitor intake of the radioactive material transportation packages sent to its address and in case of their non-arrival at the scheduled time shall impose to the railroad requirements about search and delivery of radioactive material transportation packages to destination. The station of destination shall report the matter to the consignor, in the presence of data on committed offense - to law-enforcement body and to provide search of radioactive material transportation packages according to the statement of the consignee with submission of documents according to rules of carriages of goods; in case of absence at the consignee of the specified documents - according to the telegram of the consignor, stipulated in Item 361 these rules.
363. The station of destination on the arrival of radioactive material transportation packages shall according to the existing rules of carriages of goods to immediately notify the receiver. The last shall during 12 h from the moment of arrival export them from the station irrespective of packaging condition.
364. If the consignee specified in delivery note does not appear in destination, then the consignor within one days after obtaining from the railroad of the adequate notice shall resolve issue of transfer (readdressing) of load to other consumer.
365. In case of detection of violation of seal of radioactive material transportation package or damage of radioactive material transportation package the statement of general format without opening of packaging and check of its content is drawn up and the consignor, local authorities of sanitary inspection are immediately informed. Open and check packagings in such cases only at the receiver.
366. After the unloading of the car or ordinary containers loaded only with radiation loads, the consignee shall make radiometric check of cars and containers (there shall not be "dischargeable" pollution radioactive materials) and to remove signs of radiation hazard.
In case of detection of the pollution exceeding the levels specified in Item 345 of these rules deactivation shall be made.
About lack of "dischargeable" pollution on cars and containers the consignee shall issue to the station the reference. Until issue of the reference cars remain on idle time with the consignee.
367. Deactivation of cars is carried out by forces and means of the consignee.
368. Radioactive material transportation packages in transit and storage shall be established in the provision corresponding to the handling instructions provided on container. For ensuring stability they shall be reliably fixed by the consignor in the car or container.
369. Packagings with radioactive materials are allowed to be accepted for shipment in ordinary containers of the railroads only by assignment to the stations open for production of container transactions. Such transportation is made according to the procedure, established by rules of carriage of goods.
For loading radiation loads only metal operational containers mass gross of 3 and 5 t shall move.
370. Loading in one container of radioactive material transportation packages together with other loads is not allowed. The radiation load in container shall be firmly fixed by the consignor (with use of extensions, whetstones, it is resistant, shock-absorbing and other materials).
371. After loading of radioactive material transportation packages the sender by measurements shall determine capacity of equivalent dose of radiation on outer surface of ordinary container and at distance of 1 m from it and establish transport category of container according to the maximum data of measurements.
Regardless of what packagings with radioactive materials are placed in container, the consignor shall provide such conditions that capacity of equivalent dose of radiation on exterior surface of container and at distance of 1 m from it shall not exceed the sizes established for packagings of III transport category (3rd group of danger), and the amount of the transport indices of the radioactive material transportation packages loaded into containers shall not exceed 50.
372. The consignor specifies the established transport category in delivery note, and on container outside from four parties and on roof pastes danger sign of the corresponding transport category (appendix 4) with indication of in them the amounts of the transport indices.
373. The mass of radiation load in container shall not exceed load-carrying capacity of container.
374. Loading of containers with radioactive material transportation packages shall be made in the cars going, as a rule, without sorting along the line. Such containers are established in middle part of the car which does not have brake platforms.
The cars which are completely loaded by containers with radioactive material transportation packages shall meet requirements of Items 358, of 359 these rules.
375. Loading of ordinary containers with the radioactive material transportation packages equated to II and III transport categories (the 2nd and 3 group of danger), in one car with the containers loaded by not developed film, photo and x-ray films and plates is not allowed.
376. On container areas in the points of departure, assignments or sortings containers with radiation loads, except the containers equated to packagings of the I transport category shall be established at distance at least 5 m from the containers loaded by not developed film, photo and x-ray films and plates.
377. Radioactive impurity of surfaces of the radioactive material transportation packages loaded into container and also surfaces of ordinary containers shall conform to requirements of Item 345 of these rules.
378. The amount of the radioactive material transportation packages I of transport category which are at the same time transported in the luggage car is not limited. It is transported without overload along the line.
379. Small batches of radioactive material transportation packages II and III of categories can be accepted for shipment by cargo baggage if:
on outer surface of radioactive material transportation packages there is no "dischargeable" radiological contamination, and the size of general pollution is in limits of the values specified in Item 345 of these rules;
total quantity of packagings II and III categories such is that the amount of the transport indices does not exceed 10;
capacity of equivalent dose of radiation in permanent residences of people in the luggage car does not exceed 0,01 mzv / h (1 mrem/h);
the maximum mass of one radioactive material transportation package no more than 165 kg when loading and unloading by means of the sender and receiver by the mechanized method and no more than 50 kg in case of manual loading;
the minimum lot gross of one packaging of 10 kg, and the size is at least m 0,2 x 0,2 x 0,2.
In exceptional cases at the request of the sender with the permission of the station commander the minimum lot gross of one packaging of 5 kg, and the set containing connections, "marked" radioactive materials or radioactive medical supplies - to 5 kg is allowed; one of the minimum external dimensions of packaging set shall be at least 0,1 of m.
380. The sendings having certain places weighing more than 50 kg are accepted only on condition that on station of destination the train according to the schedule has the parking at least 5 min.
381. The consignee shall be behind the radiation load which arrived to its address to receipt of the passenger train.
In case of absence of the consignee the radiation load is unloaded from the luggage car to the luggage storage room. At the same time the station commander takes measures according to Item 363 of these rules.
382. Transportation of radioactive material transportation packages I of transport category in separate compartment of the passenger train is allowed for a fee with the attendant in coordination with the chief of passenger service of the railroad.
Applications for loading shall be submitted not later than 5 days to train departure. The total mass of such cabin baggage shall not exceed 200 kg.
The radioactive material transportation packages permitted to transportation shall be delivered by the consignor to the station in train date of departure in 2 hours prior to its withdrawal. The attendant shall be beforehand to the station commander and show him the business trip order and documents, confirmatory that transportation of radioactive materials is charged to the bearer.
383. Empty transport packaging sets from under radioactive materials shall be cleared and not have "dischargeable" pollution by radioactive materials on outer surfaces. General radiological contamination shall be at the same time within the values specified in Item 345 of these rules.
They are transported in accordance with general practice without restriction.
In protective container the materials contaminated by radioactive materials (the opened ampoules or cases, cotton wool, etc.) shall not contain, and capacity of equivalent dose of radiation at m 0,1 distance from outer surface of container shall not exceed 1 μSv/h (0,1 of mrem/h).
The container shall be closed, sealed up by the consignor and is placed in outside packaging without signs of radiation hazard.
384. The sender of empties in delivery note in the column "Name of Load" shall specify "The container from under radioactive material is cleared and safe". Besides, he shall attach to delivery note the certificate in the form established by the Sanitary regulations and regulations "Hygienic requirements on ensuring radiation safety of personnel and the population in case of transportation of radioactive materials (substances)" approved by the resolution of the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Belarus of December 30, 2005 No. 284.
385. At the stations which are constantly accepting and dispatching radiation cargoes, and also performing their temporary storage special places at least 10 sq.m on public warehouses shall be allocated and fenced. The barrier of the allocated place shall be executed from brick or concrete and to have height at least 2 m. The sign of radiation hazard according to appendix 4 to these rules is applied on wall.
Access for strangers to this part of warehouse is forbidden.
386. The choice of the storage location of radiation loads is made by the commission as a part of the chief engineer of department of the road (commission chairman), the head of department of cargo and commercial work, the station commander, representatives: road the forwarding organization, production site or the mechanized distance of handling works, fire protection of the road, the state sanitary inspection.
The commission draws up the acceptance act in which storage conditions of radiation loads, nature of works which are allowed to be carried out in the territory of warehouse with radioactive materials are specified.
Based on the acceptance act the body of the state sanitary inspection draws up the sanitary passport which is permission to the right of storage of radiation loads for a period of three years.
387. Radioactive material transportation packages I, II, III of transport categories are allowed to be stored temporarily in warehouses together with other loads in case of observance of the following conditions:
radioactive material transportation packages at the same time can be stored in such quantity in case of which the amount of the transport indices does not exceed 50;
the radiation dose on outer surfaces of warehouse where radioactive material transportation packages are stored, shall not exceed 3 μSv/h (0,3 of mrem/h).
Capacity of equivalent dose outside the station shall not exceed background of this area more than on μSv/h 0,3 (0,03 of mrem/h).
Dose rate of radiation is controlled by employees of local authorities of sanitary inspection.
388. At the stations which are incidentally accepting and dispatching radiation cargoes, temporary storage of the last is allowed on general warehouses in case of observance of requirements of Item 387 of these rules.
389. The packagings of III transport category (the 4th group of danger) transported on the terms of "exclusive use" are forbidden to be stored in the territory of railway station.
390. For ensuring control of duration and storage conditions of radiation loads the separate book of unloading shall be kept (the GU-44) form.
391. The main danger of substance of class 8 is their capability to damage living tissue and to affect destructively different materials. Vapors and dust of these substances, getting to organism, can cause poisoning. Number of loads of class 8 has the oxidizing action, that is can cause ignition of combustible substances and materials.
392. It is forbidden to apply to packaging of the caustic (corrosion) substances capable to form self-igniting mixes (classification codes 8051, of 8052, of 8081, of 8082, of 8083), the hay, straw, wood shaving and other materials which are not impregnated with fireproof structure.
393. The red nitric acid smoking melange (number of the UN 2032) are allowed to transportation, including in special reservoirs of the consignor (consignee). Transportation of the specified loads with maintenance is regulated by PPOG.
394. Mercury (number of the UN 2809) in hermetically the closed steel cylinders and empties from under it are transported by small sendings in special box pallets behind seals of the consignor (consignee).
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The document ceased to be valid since July 1, 2022 according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2021 No. 84