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The document ceased to be valid since  August 22, 2017 according to Item 6 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of  August 17, 2017 No. 80

It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

March 13, 2013

No. 407/22939


of February 26, 2013 No. 57

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for issue to non-bank financial institutions of the license for money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts

(as amended on 01-09-2016)

According to article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", Articles 10, 42 Laws of Ukraine "About payment systems and money transfer in Ukraine", article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "About financial services and state regulation of the markets of financial services", for the purpose of settlement of issue by the National Bank of Ukraine to non-bank financial institutions of the license for money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine DECIDES:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for issue to non-bank financial institutions of the license for money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts it (is applied).

2. To department of payment systems (Lapko N. G.) together with Department of currency circulation (Zayvenko V. P.) and Department of financial monitoring (I.V. Birch) process documents which are filed by non-bank financial institutions for receipt of the license for money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts.

3. To provide to department of payment systems (Lapko N. G.):

1) preparation and representation for consideration of management of the National Bank of Ukraine of materials for acceptance the decision on issue, renewal or stop, revocation of license on money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts;

2) maintaining electronically the Register issued, renewed or stopped, withdrawn (cancelled) by the National Bank of Ukraine in non-bank financial institutions of licenses for money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts;

3) provision to Information directorate and public communications (Bondarenko N. M.) for the publication on the page of Official Internet representative office of the National Bank of Ukraine of information about are issued, renewed or stopped, withdrawn (cancelled) National Bank of Ukraine in non-bank financial institutions licenses for money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts.

Items 4, 5 are excluded according to the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of 24.07.2015 No. 480, with respect thereto Items 6 and 7 to consider respectively items 4 and 5

4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the vice-chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Prokhorenko V. P.

5. The resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication.


I. V. Sorkin

Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of February 26, 2013 No. 57

Regulations on procedure for issue to non-bank financial institutions of the license for money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts

1. General provisions

1.1. This Provision is developed according to article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", Articles 10, 42 Laws of Ukraine "About payment systems and money transfer in Ukraine", article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "About financial services and state regulation of the markets of financial services".

1.2. This Provision determines general requirements, procedure for issue, renewal of the license for money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts (further - the license) the National Bank of Ukraine (further - National Bank) and the bases in case of which the National Bank has the right to refuse licensing and to stop, recall her.

1.3. Requirements of this provision extend to non-bank financial institutions which intend to become payment institutes and/or members of payment service providers and to make money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts.

1.4. In this Provision terms are used in such value:

date of revocation of license - signature date the vice-chairman of National Bank of the letter about stop, revocation of license of non-bank financial institution;

the license - the document of National Bank which certifies the right of non-bank financial institution to make money transfer in national currency without opening of accounts (further - money transfer);

the non-bank financial institution - the legal entity who according to the legislation of Ukraine is not bank provides one or several financial services and is entered in the State register of financial institutions (further the Register of financial institutions) according to the procedure, established by the legislation of Ukraine.

Other terms in this Provision are used in the values given in the Laws of Ukraine "About payment systems and money transfer in Ukraine", "About financial services and state regulation of the markets of financial services" and other legal acts of Ukraine.

1.5. The decision on issue, suspension, renewal, revocation of license is accepted by Board of National Bank;

The license becomes effective from the date of its signing by the vice-chairman of National Bank.

The non-bank financial institution has the right to begin implementation of money transfer with signature date of the license by the vice-chairman of National Bank and on condition of its participation in payment system.

1.6. The non-bank financial institution shall bring payment for issue/renewal of the license according to regulatory legal acts of National Bank which determine the list of services and rates for their provision.

1.7. The non-bank financial institution has no right to transfer the license to the third parties.


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