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The document ceased to be valid since  October 15, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 28, 2015 No. 797


of December 29, 2012 No. 1769

About approval of Rules of forming and maintaining single state fund of regulating technical documents

According to the subitem 10) of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 9, 2004 "About technical regulation" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of forming and maintaining single state fund of regulating technical documents.

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

S. Akhmetov

Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2012 No. 1769

Rules of forming and maintaining single state fund of regulating technical documents

1. General provisions

1. These rules of forming and maintaining single state fund of regulating technical documents (further - Rules) are developed according to article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About technical regulation" and establish procedure for forming and maintaining single state fund of regulating technical documents (further - single fund).

2. The authorized body in the sphere of technical regulation (further - authorized body) will organize and coordinates work of single fund.

3. The single fund is the state information resource.

4. The purpose of creation of single fund is systematization of regulating technical documents of state bodies and other documents on standardization for providing users with complete, reliable and timely information.

5. The single fund interacts with other funds and the organizations of foreign states, the international organizations in the field of technical regulation.

6. The single fund contains information on accepted standards, qualifiers of technical and economic information and regulating technical documents (further - regulating technical documents), except for standards of the organizations and standards of consortium.

2. Procedure for forming and maintaining single fund

7. The single fund is created by authorized body and state bodies within their competence.

8. Single fund are included:

1) standards (foreign states, national, regional and international);

2) qualifiers of technical and economic information (state, national, regional and international);

3) regulating technical documents:

rules, regulations and recommendations about standardization (state, national, regional and international);

official information publications (indexes, catalogs);

veterinary sanitary standards, rules and hygienic standard rates;

zoohygienic, veterinary, veterinary sanitary standards and rules;

regulations and fire safety regulations;

methodical instructions (appendices), technique of accomplishment of measurements;

regulations and rules on ensuring technical, industrial, nuclear and radiation safety;

aviation rules;

the state standard rates in the field of architecture, town planning and construction, the housing relations and municipal services;

regulations and rules on ensuring safe transportation of dangerous goods;

rules on protection and rational use of subsoil;

other documents in the field of technical regulation.

9. Information on adoption of each standard, the qualifier of technical and economic information and the regulating technical document and one their copy go person who accepted the document to single fund for forming of unified information system.

10. State bodies send to authorized body on paper and/or electronic media earlier approved existing regulating technical documents with appendix of the reference, according to Item 12 of these rules, no later than 1 month from the date of introduction in actions of these rules in time.

11. The state body approving the regulating technical document except cases when in such document there are data constituting the state secrets directs the copy of the order on approval of the regulating technical document with the text of the approved document and appendix of the reference, according to Item 12 of these rules, no later than 10 working days after approval of the relevant documents on paper and electronic carriers in the form of copies of originals in one copy with seal of the state body which approved the document. This procedure for submission of documents and data extends also to cases when the order to the regulating technical document makes changes.

12. The reference shall contain the following data:

1) Date of Introduction in action of the regulating technical document;

2) data on developer (name, address, e-mail, contact phone / fax and other data).

13. By transfer by state body to authorized body of regulating technical documents the delivery-acceptance certificate in form according to appendix 1 to these Rules is drawn up.

14. The authorized body has the right to request the regulating technical document from the relevant state body if it is impossible to determine unambiguously the name, designation of the regulating technical document, in case of difficulty of reading the text of the regulating technical document, and also if the drawings and tables containing in it are difficult distinguishable.

15. Maintaining single fund represents process of maintenance of information system public of single fund in the staticized condition in the way:

1) digitizations of paper versions of regulating technical documents;

2) withdrawals of the cancelled, replaced and invalid regulating technical documents of single fund from the help and bibliographic database of single fund;

3) replenishments of the help and bibliographic database of single fund new documents.

16. Digitization of the regulating technical document is carried out by authorized body in case of submission of the document by state body in its paper version.

17. On the basis of the arriving these regulating technical documents the authorized body keeps the help and bibliographic database of single fund.

Maintaining the help and bibliographic database (further - the database) includes introduction:

1) in the database of regulating technical documents and the information about them (designations, names and other data);

2) in the database of information about the developer.

18. Filling of bibliographic data is performed through information system public of single fund.

19. In case of expiration of the regulating technical document introduced in the database, the state body sends to authorized body the staticized (updated) document with indication of new terms of its action or information on statement of the document for loss if the document is declared invalid.


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