of August 1, 2003 No. 32
About library activities
This Law governs the public relations connected with protection, use, search, receipt of information and open entry to scientific and technical achievements, world and national culture in the field of library activities.
In this Law the following concepts are applied:
- library - the information, cultural, educational institution having organized fund of documents and providing them in temporary use to users, and also performing other library services;
- public library - library which gives opportunity of use of library stock and services to citizens and legal entities irrespective of their forms of business and patterns of ownership;
- library activities to add industry of information, welfare and educational activities which tasks enter creation and development of network of libraries, forming and processing of their funds, the organization of library, information and help and bibliographic servicing of users of libraries with words preparation, retraining and advanced training of workers of the library sphere, scientific and methodical ensuring development of libraries;
- the document - material object in which information is fixed in the form of the text, sound recording or the image, and is intended for transfer in time and space for the purpose of storage and public use;
- obligatory copy of documents - the copies of different types of documents which are subject to transfer by developers to the relevant organizations and other organizations in the quantity established by the legislation;
- the user of library - the physical person or legal entity using services of library;
- centralized library system - merging of libraries in the structural and complete education functioning on the basis of the general fund, organizational and technological unity;
- founder of library state bodies, legal entities and physical persons;
- library stock - the code of documents with different content, appointment and essence which collection, accounting, processing, cataloguing, protection and use for the purpose of library servicing is obligatory;
- unique books - the hand-written, lithographic and printing books having high spiritual and material value, special historical, scientific, cultural value in relation to which the specific mode of collection, accounting, processing, cataloguing, protection and use is set;
The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on library science is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, and also the international legal acts recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan.
Operation of this Law extends to the libraries financed fully or partially by means of the government budget or means of local budgets, and regarding regulation of questions of preserving and use of library stocks as parts of historical and cultural heritage of the Tajik people on all types of libraries, irrespective of them organizationally - legal forms and patterns of ownership.
State bodies, physical persons and legal entities have the right to organization of libraries.
According to procedure for organization and patterns of ownership there are following types of libraries: founded by bodies
1) state libraries, government, including: and others state the libraries founded
- National library;
- republican library;
- libraries of the ministries, departments of bodies;
2) regional, city, district local authorities of the government;
3) the settlement and rural libraries founded by self-government institutions of settlements and villages;
4) Academies of Sciences libraries of the Republic of Tajikistan, industry academies, research institutions, educational institutions;
5) libraries of the companies, organizations and other organizations, irrespective of patterns of ownership;
6) libraries of public associations;
7) private libraries;
8) the libraries founded by foreign physical persons and legal entities, and also the international organizations according to international agreements of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Each citizen, irrespective of nationality, race, floor, language, religion, political line items, social property status, education, age, physical and psychological state has the right to library servicing.
This right is provided:
- by creation of the state network of public, mass, scientific and special libraries;
- by use of different types of libraries;
- state regulation of creation of libraries by physical persons and legal entities irrespective of their forms of business and patterns of ownership, specialization and scales of activities.
The rights of citizens in the field of library servicing have priority in relation to the rights in this area of the state and any its structures, public associations, religious organizations, political parties and other organizations.
According to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan physical persons and legal entities have the right to form libraries in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Citizens have the right to take part in activities of the boards of trustees and councils of users of libraries or other associations of the readers created in coordination with heads of libraries or their founders.
Employees of libraries have the right to create associations for the purpose of assistance to development of library servicing, professional consolidation, protection of the social and professional privileges.
In case of registration of private property of the citizen by the state authorized body in the field of library activities, local authorities of the government, self-government institutions of settlements and villages as especially significant documents and collections, unique books, he has the right to enjoy the state support for ensuring their protection and safety.
The user of library has the right free of charge to obtain in any library information on availability in library stocks of the specific document by work with catalogs.
In public libraries citizens have the right:
- become users of the libraries on production of documents proving their identity;
- free of charge to obtain the complete information about library stock through information and bibliographic systems of library servicing;
- free of charge to receive the consulting help in search and source selection of information;
- free of charge and for a fee to receive in temporary use any document from library stocks for the term established by instructions for use library;
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