of October 12, 2012 No. 230
About approval of "Rules of maintaining the state register of customs brokers"
For the purpose of ensuring execution of subitem 1.1.9 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Customs code of the Azerbaijan Republic" of September 15, 2011 the No. 499 Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:
1. Approve "Rules of maintaining the state register of customs brokers" (are applied).
Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic
Artur Rasi-Zade
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of October 12, 2012 No. 230
1.1. These rules are prepared according to Article 22.5 of the Customs code of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - the Customs code) and establish rules of maintaining the state register of customs brokers.
1.2. Maintaining the state register of customs brokers according to Article 22 of the Customs code performs the State Customs Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - Committee).
1.3. The legal entities performing activities of the customs broker according to the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic are entered in the state register of customs brokers.
1.4. Maintaining the state register of customs brokers is performed in writing on paper and electronically.
1.5. The committee publishes names of the customs brokers entered in the state register of customs brokers in the publication posts on official the Internet the website and at the same time, provides placement on official the Internet the website of Committee updated data on changes in the state register no later than times in three months.
The data entered in the state register of customs brokers are constituted in the form specified in appendix to these rules.
In case of reorganization of the customs broker, change of the name or legal address corresponding changes are entered in the state register.
4.1. In case of suspension of operations of the customs broker or the termination of its activities the customs broker is excluded from the state register.
4.2. In case of recovery of activities of the customs broker which activities are suspended the customs broker is repeatedly entered in the state register.
Note. Changes can be made to these rules after approval of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.
to Rules of maintaining the state register of customs brokers
The register form concerning state registration of customs brokers
Serial No. |
Name and legal address of the organization |
Means of communication (phone numbers, faxes and e-mail address) |
Number and date of the supporting document about registration as the legal entity in the Ministry of taxes of the Azerbaijan Republic |
Date of entering of the customs broker into the state register |
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