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of August 1, 2003 No. 44

About assistance of employment of the population

(as amended on 25-06-2021)

This Law governs the public relations on employment of the population and establishes legal, social and economic and organizational basis of state policy in this direction, including guarantee of the state on realization of constitutional rights of citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan on work and social protection from unemployment in the conditions of market economy.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

- Unemployment - the social and economic phenomenon caused by not demand in the labor market of certain part of labor power.

- Jobless citizens are citizens at working-age who during the considered period have no the works, earnings or profitable occupation occupied with job search by means of the appeal to authorized state body in the sphere of work and employment of the population or other organizations, uses and rooms of announcements in seal, the direct address to employers, use of other methods including the organizations of individual case capable and ready to get to work.

- Active measures of assistance of employment of the population - the measures designed to promote renewal of employment of jobless citizens and expansion of their opportunities for employment. Such measures are among: assistance in job search, professional training and retraining of unemployed population, assistance of individual labor activity, support of activities of the companies of small and medium business, other types died on assistance of employment of the population.

- Social support of jobless citizens - rendering services in assistance of employment of the population; allowance payment on unemployment and grants in case of professional training and retraining of jobless citizens; rendering financial support to the members of the family of the unemployed aged up to 15 years who are in its dependence; provision of financial aid to the jobless citizens wishing to be engaged in business activity.

- Unemployment benefit - the temporary material support guaranteed by the state given officially to registered unemployed persons to the citizens having the right to its obtaining.

- Employment - any, the activities of able-bodied citizens which are not contradicting regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan connected with satisfaction their personal and public needs bringing in them the income (earnings).

- Temporary employment (work) - the casual paid work performed on the employment contract (agreement) during the limited period of time.

- suitable work - the work corresponding to floor, education, specialty, professional training, working life and work experience, conditions of the last place of employment (except for paid social jobs), to the state of health, slightly remote from the residence (no more than one hour in transit) and guaranteeing the salary not below officially the established level of minimum wage which person is capable to carry out;

- remote work - special form of implementation of labor process out of the location of the employer using in the course of work of information and communication technologies;

- The labor market - the sphere of forming of the demand and supply on labor power.

- Social jobs - public types of labor activity, as a rule, not requiring preliminary professional training of workers, having socially useful focus and organized as additional social support and temporary employment of persons who are looking for work. The activities connected with need of urgent mitigation of consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophic crashes, other emergency situations and requiring special training of workers, and also their qualified and responsible actions in the shortest possible time do not belong to social jobs.

- Labor mediation - assistance to the population in case of employment from authorized state body in the sphere of work and employment of the population and other organizations.

- authorized state body in the sphere of work and employment of the population - state body on management and regulation of employment of able-bodied population which enables the realization of policy of assistance of employment of the population and providing to citizens of the state guarantees in the sphere of work and employment of the population;

- Vacancy - free workplace in the organizations.

- Economically active population (labor power) - the populations, providing the offer (labor power) for production of goods and services. The number of economically active population includes busy and jobless.

- Economically inactive population - part of the population at working-age which is not part of economically active population (labor power).

Article 2. Legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on assistance of employment of the population

The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on assistance of employment of the population is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, and also international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan.


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