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The document ceased to be valid since  June 20, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 8, 2015 No. 422


of December 29, 2012 No. 1784

About approval of Rules of conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency

According to the subitem 13) of article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 13, 2012 "About energy saving and increase in energy efficiency" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency.

2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of the first official publication.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

S. Akhmetov

Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2012 No. 1784

Rules of conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency

1. General provisions

1. These rules of conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency (further - Rules) are developed according to the subitem 13) of article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 13, 2012 "About energy saving and increase in energy efficiency" and determine procedure for conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency.

2. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:

1) authorized body in the field of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency (further - authorized body) - the central executive body performing management in the field of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency;

2) examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency - the expertize which is carried out for the purpose of assessment of energy efficiency of the architectural and construction and technical solutions connected with use of energy resources and cost optimization of consumers on power supply in case of construction of buildings, structures, constructions, and also carrying out their reconstruction, capital repairs;

3) energy saving - realization of the organizational, technical, technology, economic and other measures directed to reduction of amount of the used energy resources;

4) energy resources - set of the natural and made energy carriers which stored energy is used now or can be used in the long term in economic and other types of activity, and also energy types (atomic, electric, chemical, electromagnetic, thermal and other types of energy);

5) conditional fuel - the unit accepted in case of technical and economic calculations, regulated in standard rates and standards serving for comparison of thermal value of different types of organic fuel;

6) the certificate on accreditation - the official document issued by authorized body, certifying competence of legal entities to perform energy audit and (or) examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency.

7) the customer - the physical person or legal entity which addressed to the expert organization for receipt of services in conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency;

8) the expert organization for examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency (further - the expert organization) - the legal entity accredited by authorized body to perform examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency of preproject and (or) project (project and estimate) documentation of construction new or expansion (capital repairs, reconstruction) of the existing buildings, structures and constructions.

3. Examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency is performed based on the agreement signed according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the expense of means of the customer and carried out before complex state examination of projects and their approval.

4. Are subject to obligatory examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency the preproject and (or) project documentation (project and estimate) documentation of construction new or expansions (capital repairs, reconstruction) of the existing buildings, structures and constructions with amount of consumption of energy resources, to equivalent five hundred and more tons of conditional fuel in one calendar year.

5. Examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency on the projects which are not subject to obligatory examination is carried out on voluntary basis according to the procedure, established by these rules.

2. Procedure for conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency

6. For conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency the customer in any form with application of a copy of the passport of the working project submits the application to the expert organization.

7. To the conclusion of the agreement:

The expert organization based on passport details of the working project within one working day from the moment of receipt of the statement creates 1) and requests from the customer the list of necessary documentation according to Item 8 of these rules for conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency;

2) the customer represents to the expert organization of the copy of required documents necessary for conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency with appendix of originals for reconciliation;

3) the expert organization within one working day from the moment of submission of required documentation by the customer determines the cost of conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency.

8. The list of necessary documentation requested from the customer for conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency is created depending on features of object of Sections of the project documentation, namely:

1) passport of the working project;

2) the energy passport of the project (according to design assignment);

3) general explanatory note;

4) master plan;

5) technology solutions;

6) architectural and construction decisions;

7) engineering equipment, networks and systems;

8) estimate documentation.

9. The list of documentation submitted by the customer and cost of conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency are specified in the agreement.

10. Terms of conducting examination of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency are established by the agreement, but no more than fifteen working days from the moment of agreement signature.

11. By results of the carried-out expertize of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency on the letterhead of the legal entity performing examination the expert opinion is constituted.

12. The expert opinion consists of the following main parts:


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