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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On February 18, 2013 No. 27153


of December 24, 2012 No. 2946-U

About work with orders about money transfer in case of change of details of banks, their clients

(as amended of the Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of 11.10.2018 No. 4931-U)

1. This Instruction based on the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 N 86-FZ "About the Central bank the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, N 28, Art. 2790; 2003, N 2, Art. 157; N 52, of Art. 5032; 2004, N 27, Art. 2711; N 31, of Art. 3233; 2005, N 25, Art. 2426; N 30, of Art. 3101; 2006, N 19, Art. 2061; N 25, of Art. 2648; 2007, N 1, Art. 9, Art. 10; N 10, of Art. 1151; N 18, of Art. 2117; 2008, N 42, Art. 4696, Art. 4699; N 44, of Art. 4982; N 52, of the Art. 6229, Art. 6231; 2009, N 1, Art. 25; N 29, of Art. 3629; N 48, of Art. 5731; 2010, N 45, Art. 5756; 2011, N 7, Art. 907; N 27, of Art. 3873; N 43, of Art. 5973; N 48, of Art. 6728; 2012, N 50, the Art. 6954), the Federal Law "About Banks and Banking Activity" (in edition of the Federal Law of February 3, 1996 N 17-FZ) (Sheets of the Congress of People's Deputies of RSFSR and the Supreme Council of RSFSR, 1990, N 27, Art. 357; Russian Federation Code, 1996, N 6, Art. 492; 1998, N 31, Art. 3829; 1999, N 28, Art. 3459, Art. 3469; 2001, N 26, Art. 2586; N 33, of Art. 3424; 2002, N 12, Art. 1093; 2003, N 27, Art. 2700; N 50, of Art. 4855; N 52, of the Art. 5033, Art. 5037; 2004, N 27, Art. 2711; N 31, of Art. 3233; 2005, N 1, Art. 18, Art. 45; N 30, of Art. 3117; 2006, N 6, Art. 636; N 19, of Art. 2061; N 31, of Art. 3439; N 52, of Art. 5497; 2007, N 1, Art. 9; N 22, of Art. 2563; N 31, of Art. 4011; N 41, of Art. 4845; N 45, of Art. 5425; N 50, of Art. 6238; 2008, N 10, Art. 895; N 15, of Art. 1447; 2009, N 1, Art. 23; N 9, of Art. 1043; N 18, of Art. 2153; N 23, of Art. 2776; N 30, of Art. 3739; N 48, of Art. 5731; N 52, of Art. 6428; 2010, N 8, Art. 775; N 19, of Art. 2291; N 27, of Art. 3432; N 30, of Art. 4012; N 31, of Art. 4193; N 47, of Art. 6028; 2011, N 7, Art. 905; N 27, of the Art. 3873, Art. 3880; N 29, of Art. 4291; N 48, of Art. 6730; N 49, of Art. 7069; N 50, of Art. 7351; 2012, N 27, Art. 3588; N 31, of Art. 4333; N 50, of the Art. 6954) and according to the solution of the Board of directors of the Bank of Russia (the minutes of the Board of directors of the Bank of Russia of December 21, 2012 N 26) establish operating procedure of the Bank of Russia, credit institutions (further in case of joint mentioning - banks) with orders about money transfer (further - orders) in currency of the Russian Federation in case of change of details of banks (the name, the location, the bank identification code (BIC), number of correspondent account (sub-account), the account of interfilial calculations), their clients (bank account number).

2. This Instruction extends to the following orders in electronic form, on papers:

the orders expecting the acceptance;

the orders which are not performed in time because of insufficiency of money on bank accounts of payers;

the orders which are not performed in time because of insufficiency of money on correspondent accounts of credit institutions;

the orders constituted by claimants of means before date since which details change, and provided by them to payer bank this date or after it;

the orders accepted by payee bank of means before date since which details change, and which arrived in payer bank this date or after it;

the orders expecting permission to carrying out transactions in the cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The procedure for performing procedures of acceptance to execution, response, return (cancellation) and execution of orders in electronic form, on papers, including orders for total amount with registers in which details of clients change and also the statements provided by this Instruction is determined by banks taking into account requirements of the Provision of the Bank of Russia of June 19, 2012 N 383-P "About rules of implementation of money transfer", registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 22, 2012 N 24667 ("the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" of June 28, 2012 N 34) (further - the Provision N 383-P).

4. The payer bank carries out work with orders in electronic form, on papers in which its details, bank account numbers of his clients, based on information on change of these details which is available for it change.

In case of change of bank details of the receiver of means, account numbers of the receiver of means the payer bank carries out work with orders in electronic form, on papers in which details change, based on the statement for change of bank details of the receiver of means, the receiver of means (further - the statement), stipulated in Item 9 these Instructions, or based on information on the new and corresponding to them former bank details of the receiver of means obtained from the Bank of Russia, the receiver of means.

5. The payer bank from the effective date of the changes brought in the Reference book of bank identification codes in payment system of the Bank of Russia which maintaining is provided with the Bank of Russia according to appendix 6 to the Provision of the Bank of Russia of July 6, 2017 to No. 595-P "About payment system of the Bank of Russia" to No. registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2017 48458, from the date of change of details of not having BIC of branch of credit institution in day of acceptance to execution of the statement performs the following actions:

on hand, the order for total amount with the register, the register (in case of its availability) the reference to change of details with indication of date with which details change in electronic form is given, or dates of reception of an application in case of its representation, or to the order, the order for total amount with the register, to the register (in case of its availability) the appendix in electronic form containing information on change of details with indication of date with which details, or dates of reception of an application in case of its representation, number, date and the amount of the order in electronic form in which details, and also other, information necessary for bank from the order in electronic form at which details change change change in electronic form is constituted;

on all copies of the order, order for total amount with the register, the register (in case of its availability) on paper in empty seat in the upper part - in case of change of bank details of the payer, payer and (or) in the lower part - in case of change of bank details of the receiver of means, the receiver of means are put down the mark "Change of Details" with indication of date with which details, or dates of reception of an application and the authorized signature of payer bank change.

6. Execution of the order, including partial execution, according to new details, is performed by payer bank the payment order.


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