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The document ceased to be valid since December 1, 2014 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 26, 2014 No. 187/ODES

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Kazakhstan

On December 26, 2012 No. 8245


of December 5, 2012 No. 226-OD, 24 of December, 2012 No. 989

About approval of Regulations of rendering the state service "Issue of Permission to Carrying Out Aero Film-making Works"

For the purpose of implementation of article 9-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 27, 2000 "About ministerial procedures" PRIKAZYVAYEM:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations of rendering the state service "Issue of Permission to Carrying Out Aero Film-making Works".

2. (Tazhedinov D. B.) to provide to department of geodesy, cartography and geodetic control of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on management of land resources in the procedure established by the legislation state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, official publication after its state registration and placement on official Internet resource of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on management of land resources.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on management of land resources Smagulov B. A.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

The chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on management of land resources

K. Otarov

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Dzhaksybekov

Approved by the joint order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on management of land resources and the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 5, 2012, No. 226-OD, 24 of December, 2012 No. 989

Regulations of rendering the state service "Issue of Permission to Carrying Out Aero Film-making Works"

1. General provisions

1. These regulations of the state service "Issue of Permission to Carrying Out Aero Film-making Works" (further - regulations) No. 530 "About approval of Rules of registration, accounting and issue of permissions to carrying out aero film-making works", and also according to the Standard of the state service "Issue of Permission to Carrying Out Aero Film-making Works" No. 1392 approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 1, 2012 "About approval of the standard of the state service "Issue of Permission to Carrying Out Aero Film-making Works" is developed according to article 9-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 27, 2000 "About ministerial procedures", the orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 4, 2003 (further - the Standard).

2. In these Regulations the following concepts are used:

1) aerial photograph - shooting of the area from aircraft with use of film-making systems (information receivers) working in various sites of range of electromagnetic waves;

2) aero film-making works - the works consisting of flight and film-making works and data processing;

3) structurally - functional units (further - SFE) - officials who participate in process of rendering the state service;

4) the consumer - physical persons and legal entities to which the state service is rendered.

3. The state service "Issue of Permission to Carrying Out Aero Film-making Works" (daleegosudarstvenny service) appears Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on management of land resources (further - authorized body).

4. Form of the rendered state service: not automated.

5. The state service is provided free of charge.

6. Issue of permission to carrying out aero film-making works (further - permission), or the motivated answer about refusal in issue of permission on paper is result of the rendered state service.

7. In the course of rendering the state service participation of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) other state bodies for the benefit of ensuring defense and homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan within their competence is provided, (daleezainteresovanny bodies).

2. Requirements to procedure for rendering the state service

8. The state service is rendered daily according to the working schedule of authorized body except for of days off and holidays, from 9:00 till 18:30 o'clock, with lunch break from 13:00 till 14:30 o'clock. Acceptance is performed in turn, without making an appointment and the accelerated servicing.

9. Information on questions of rendering the state service, necessary documents for its obtaining is provided by authorized body to the address: the city of Astana, the area Esil, Ulitsa Orynbor, the house 10, the 12th entrance, No. office 253, ph. 8 (7172) 74-24-74 or on the website

10. The state service is rendered to the address: city of Astana, area Esil, Ulitsa Orynbor, house 10, 12th entrance, No. office 510, ph. 8 (7172) 74-24-40.

11. For receipt of the state service the consumer provides documents according to Item 11 of the Standard.

12. In provision of the state service refuses in cases, stipulated in Item 16 Standards.

3. The description of mode of operation (interaction) in the course of rendering the state service

13. The state service is rendered in the terms specified in Item 7 of the Standard.

14. In the course of rendering the state service the following SFE are involved:

1) management of authorized body;

2) management of authorized body;

3) the head of Department of authorized body, on consideration of the request, about issue of permission to carrying out aero film-making works;

4) the executive in charge of structural division of authorized body on consideration of the request, about issue of permission to carrying out aero film-making works;

5) the interested bodies.

15. The text tabular description of the sequence and interaction of administrative actions (procedures) of each SFE with indication of the term of accomplishment of each administrative action is given in appendix 1 to these regulations.

16. The scheme of interrelation between the logical sequence of administrative actions in the course of rendering the state service and SFE is given in appendix 2 to these regulations.


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