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of December 28, 2012 No. 172

About approval of standards of financial inspection (check)

For the purpose of uniform application of the main regulations on the organization and implementation of activities of financial inspection (check) of PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve Standards of financial inspection (check).

2. Scope of Standards of financial inspection (check) extends to financial inspections (checks) which are carried out by financial inspectorate based on the competence and tasks provided by the current legislation.

3. To provide to the financial inspection subordinated to the Ministry of Finance execution of this order.

4. This order, including appendix to publish in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.


Minister of Finance Vyacheslav Negrutsa


Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova of December 28, 2012 No. 172

Standards of financial inspection (check)

Provision I.Общие

These standards of financial inspection (check) are developed on the basis of the Regulations on the organization and functioning of the financial inspection subordinated to the Ministry of Finance approved by the Order of the Government about the organization of activities for financial inspection No. 1026 of 2:11. 2010, with subsequent changes and amendments, is also established by the main regulations of the organization and implementation of activities for financial inspection (check).

II. Qualification standards

100 "Mission, powers and responsibility"

The mission, powers and responsibility in activities of financial inspection are determined in legislative provisions and in the approved organizational provision which provides to the body equipped with functions of inspection (check), the necessary authority for the organizations subjected to inspection.

200 "Organizational independence"

The body equipped with functions of inspection (check) is organizationally independent of the organizations subjected to inspection, and the head of the body equipped with functions of financial inspection (check) submits directly to the head of higher body.

200.1 Activities for financial inspection are independent and are not exposed to any intervention in determination of scope of application, in implementation of activities and the message of results.

300 "Independence and individual objectivity"

Activities for financial inspection are independent and the worker given with functions of financial inspection (check) performs the activities objectively.

300.1 The worker given with functions of financial inspection (check) has impartial, independent relation and avoids conflict of interest.

300.2 The worker given with functions of financial inspection (check) shall not generate conflict of interest, submitting the written declaration on private interests which is case component with inspection materials.

300.3 The worker given with functions of financial inspection (check) shall show irreproachable conduct, observing the principles of ethics and professionalism dictated by the Code of behavior of the worker given with functions of financial inspection (check), the approved higher body.

300.4 The worker given with functions of financial inspection (check) bears responsibility for own behavior on duty and informs the higher head in case of disputes with responsible persons of the organizations subjected to inspection.

400 "Professional competence and conscientiousness"

Activities of financial inspection are carried out with professional competence and conscientiousness.

400.1 The worker given with functions of financial inspection (check) has knowledge, skills and competence necessary for accomplishment of individual obligations.

The management of the body equipped with functions of financial inspection (check) shall provide conditions for development of the professional competence necessary for accomplishment of obligations by the equipped functions of financial inspection (check).

400.2 The worker given with functions of financial inspection (check) performs the activities was able and is responsible, showing discretion and competence.

400.3 The worker given with functions of financial inspection (check) shows professional conscientiousness, in view of the following elements:

amount of the work necessary for goal achievement of activities of financial inspection;

relative complexity, materiality and the importance of questions on which inspection activities are focused;

adequacy and process performance of financial management;

probability and consequences of the possible mistakes, fraud, violations, discrepancies and other risks connected with financial management.

III. Standards of functioning

500 "Management of activities for financial inspection"

The head of the body equipped with functions of financial inspection (check) in implementation of the mission effectively manages activities for financial inspection so that to provide improvement of financial management and decrease in risks in the sphere of responsibility of higher body.

600 "Planning"

The head of the body equipped with functions of financial inspection (check) plans activities for inspection, developing the program which sets the purposes and determines specific types of activity of inspection for their achievement for certain period.

600.1 For development of the program collection of necessary information and consultation with concerned parties for determination is provided is more whole.

600.2 The program of activities for inspection is based on the analysis and risks assessment and covers activities priorities according to effective objectives.

700 "Purpose and main objectives of activities for financial inspection"

Object of financial inspection (check) are transactions and transactions in areas with high risk of violations and fraud in financial and economic activities of the legal entities subjected to financial inspection (check).

700.1 Overall objectives of activities:

identification and suppression of violations in financial and economic activities;

determination of management of the organization subjected to inspection for remedial action, compensations of damage and improvement of financial management;

acceptance of necessary measures for accountability of persons guilty of violation of the law and damnification of the organization and to the state.

800 "Approval of the program of activities"

The program of activities of the body equipped with functions of financial inspection (check), and also subsequent changes affirm higher body.

900 "Resource management and the existing restrictions"

The head of the body equipped with functions of financial inspection (check) guarantees that allocated funds are adequate and are used effectively for accomplishment of the approved annual program of activities.

1000 "Coordination"


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