Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 26, 2013 No. 175

About monthly payments to persons performing care of handicapped children and disabled people since the childhood of the I group

(as amended on 01-12-2023)

For the purpose of strengthening of social security of separate categories of citizens I decide:

1. Establish monthly payments to the able-bodied persons performing care of the handicapped child aged up to 18 years or the disabled person since the childhood of the I group (further - monthly payments):

a) to the parent (adoptive father) or the guardian (custodian), the unemployed or performing labor activity on the terms of part-time, including on the specified conditions remotely or at home, - in the amount of 10 000 rubles;

b) to other unemployed persons - in the amount of 1200 rubles.

3. Monthly payments are made to the established handicapped child or the disabled person since the childhood of the I group of pension during implementation of care of it.

4. Monthly payments are established to one able-bodied person concerning each handicapped child or the disabled person since the childhood of the I group for implementation of care of it.

5. Monthly payments are established based on documents, available the body performing provision of pensions of the handicapped child or disabled person since the childhood of the I group.

6. Determine that monthly payments are made taking into account the compensation payments performed during the period from January 1, 2013 to day of entry into force of this Decree provided by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1455 "About compensation payments to persons performing care of disabled citizens".

7. Bring in the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1455 "About compensation payments to persons performing care of disabled citizens" (The Russian Federation Code, 2007, N 1, Art. 201; 2008, N 20, the Art. 2292) change, having stated to paragraph one of Item 1 in the following edition:

"1. Establish since July 1, 2008 monthly compensation payments in the amount of 1200 rubles to the idle able-bodied persons performing care of the disabled person of the I group (except for disabled people since the childhood of the I group), and also for aged, needing according to the conclusion of medical institution permanent foreign care or reached age of 80 years (further - compensation payments).".

8. To provide to the government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure financing of the expenses connected with implementation of this Decree, including expenses on delivery of monthly payments and also to determine procedure of the specified payments.

9. Recommend to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation to consider that establishment of monthly payments shall not entail reduction of amount and decrease in level of measures of the public assistance and the support performed within budgetary appropriations of budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation.

10. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.

President of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

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