of December 30, 1997 No. 423-IG
About radiation safety of the population
This Law determines the legal basis of accident-free activities in the field of sources of radioactive radiation, protection against radiation hazard and public health care.
The basic concepts used in this Law:
radioactive material - isotopes (atoms) emitting ionizing radiation as a result of transformation of atomic nucleus without foreign (external) impact;
ionizing radiation - the radiation capable to create in substance ions of different signs as a result of interaction with the environment in case of radioactive transformations and splitting of kernel;
activity of radioactive materials - the number of the splittings arising in unit of time, characterizing the speed of nuclear splitting of radioactive material, unit - becquerel (Bq), curie (Кю);
sievert (stars) - the power unit of equivalent dose equal to the energy absorbed by 1 kg of substance in 1 second;
X-ray - is unit of dose rentgenovy and gamma-rays and is determined by quantity of the electric charges created in 1 cubic centimeter of air under normal conditions;
radioactive control - observance of the basic health regulations and regulations of radioactive safety relating to radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation;
radiation safety of the population (further radiation safety) - protection of health present and future generations from harmful effects of ionizing radiation;
natural radiation background - the radiation dose which is naturally created by space radiations and natural radionuclides in the earth, water, air, other elements of the biosphere, foodstuff and also in human body;
tekhnogenno the changed radiation background - change of natural radiation background as a result of activities of the person;
admissible dose - the dose of ionizing radiation within calendar year confirming lack of probability of emergence in the future of negative effects of radiation taking into account radio sensitivity of human body and its separate bodies;
the sanitary protection zone - the territory around source of ionizing radiation with the dose exceeding regulation of effective (normal) radiation of the population in the conditions of normal operation of source;
observation zone - the territory outside the sanitary protection zone on which radiation control is carried out;
the worker - person, constantly or temporarily working directly with source of ionizing radiation;
radiation accident - accidents, owing to loss of management of sources of ionizing radiation, leading to radiation of people over the established regulations or to radioactive environmental pollution as a result of defect of technical devices, mistakes of workers (personnel), natural disaster and other reasons.
Legal regulation in the field of ensuring radiation safety is performed by this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic. The laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic cannot reduce the level of requirements to radiation safety and to its guarantee established by this Law.
If the rules provided by international treaties in the field of radiation safety which the Azerbaijan Republic joined differ from relevant provisions of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, rules of international treaties are applied.
Basic principles of ensuring radiation safety following:
the principle of regulation - the individual dose received by the population from all sources of ionizing radiation shall not exceed admissible dose;
the principle of reasons - prohibition of all types of activity connected with such use if the advantage received by the person and society when using sources of ionizing radiation does not exceed risk of possible damage as a result of the dose of radiation added to background of natural radiation;
the principle of optimization - maintenance at perhaps low level taking into account economic and social factors of individual doses of radiation and number of the irradiated persons, when using source of ionizing radiation.
In case of radiation accident in ensuring radiation safety the following shall be assumed as a basis:
expected actions for mitigation of consequences of radiation accident shall bring more benefit, than harm;
types and scale of activities for mitigation of consequences of radiation accident shall provide the maximum reduction of dose of the ionizing radiation.
For ensuring radiation safety implementation of the following measures is provided:
package of measures of organization-legal, technical, sanitary and hygienic, medico-preventive, instructive and educational nature;
measures for observance of rules, regulations and standard rates in the field of radiation safety bodies of the state and local self-government, public associations, legal entities and physical persons;
informing population on radiation situation and measures of radiation safety.
Powers of state bodies in the field of ensuring radiation safety the following:
determination of powers of the state and their implementation;
development, adoption of the corresponding legal acts, other regulatory legal acts and control of their observance;
preparation and implementation of the state program;
establishment of procedure for determination of types and the amount of compensations connected with the increased risk of the possible damage caused to health and property of the population as a result of action of radiation;
the organization and implementation of operational measures during creation of danger of emergence of radiation accident;
establishment of procedure for compensation of the damage caused to health and property of the population as a result of radiation accident;
ensuring radiation safety of the population, including creation of single state management system in the field of accounting and control of dose of radiation and ensuring its activities;
introduction of specific mode of work and accommodation in the territories subjected to radioactive pollution as a result of radiation accident;
the notification of inhabitants about radiation situation in the corresponding territories;
the organization of assistance to the population subjected to radiation as a result of radiation accident and its control;
taking measures for protection of natural reserves - rare species of plants and animals in the territories subjected to radioactive pollution as a result of radiation accident;
regulation of import and export of strategic nuclear materials, radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation, their transit, transportation on territories of the country and control of types of activity;
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