Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 28, 2012 No. 915

About protection of atmospheric air

This Law governs the relations of physical persons and legal entities, irrespective of their patterns of ownership, for the purpose of preserving, recovery of quality of atmospheric air and providing ecological safety.


Article 1. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

- atmospheric air - the gas cover surrounding Earth and consisting generally from nitrogen, oxygen, mixes of inert gases, carbon dioxide, ozone and other gases;

- ozone layer - the atmosphere layer lying at height between 7-8 kilometers over poles, 17-18 kilometers - on the equator and with the greatest density - at the height of 20-22 kilometers over the surface of the planet, differing in the increased concentration of molecules of ozone, reflecting tough ultra-violet space radiation, disastrous for living beings;

- emission of pollutants in atmospheric air, intake of pollutants in atmospheric air from sources of emissions;

- gas-purifying installation - the construction and (or) the equipment intended for purification of gases by means of physical, chemical, biological and other methods of catching, neutralization, neutralization of pollutants;

- pollution of atmospheric air - receipt in atmospheric air, stay and (or) origin in it the substances polluting the environment, harmful effects of property, location or the number of whom lead to negative changes of quality of atmospheric air, including to exceeding of standard rates in the field of protection of atmospheric air;

- pollutant - chemical or biological substance, or mix of such substances which intake in atmospheric air makes negative impact on health of the person and the environment;

- sources of emissions - the processing and other equipment, engineering procedures, machines, mechanisms which are throwing out pollutants in atmospheric air;

- quality of atmospheric air - the condition of atmospheric air which is characterized by chemical, biological, other indicators or their set;

- mobile sources of emissions - the vehicles and self-propelled machines equipped with engines which operation involves emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air;

- monitoring of atmospheric air - system of observations of condition of atmospheric air, its pollution and behind the natural phenomena occurring in it, and also assessment and the forecast of condition of atmospheric air, its pollution;

- the best available technical methods - engineering procedures, methods, procedure for production organization of products and energy, performance of works or rendering services, the designings, construction and operation of constructions and the equipment providing reduction and (or) prevention of intake of pollutants in atmospheric air in comparison with applied and the qualities of atmospheric air which are the most effective for providing standard rates, on condition of economic feasibility and technical capability of their application;

- adverse weather conditions - the weather conditions in atmosphere layer over source of emissions promoting increase in pollution of atmospheric air;

- standard rates of admissible emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air - the maximum sizes of intake of pollutants in atmospheric air in case of which observance standard rates of quality of atmospheric air are provided;

- standard rates of quality of atmospheric air - the size of admissible concentration of chemicals, their mix, microorganisms in atmospheric air in case of which observance there are neither direct, nor indirect harmful effects, including the remote effects, on the environment, health of the person.


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