Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since April 15, 2015 according to item 4 of the Order of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2013 No. 350


of December 29, 2012 No. 2685

About approval of procedure for forming and use of the receipt in case of customs payment, penalty fee, percent, penalties physical persons concerning the goods moved through customs border of custom union for the personal purposes

For the purpose of enhancement of payment system of customs payments, penalty fee, percent, penalties by physical persons concerning the goods moved through customs border of the Customs union for personal reasons, strengthenings of control of completeness and timeliness of receipt of such payments to the income of the federal budget, simplification of calculations for customs payments, reducing terms of implementation of customs transactions I order:

1. Approve the enclosed procedure for forming and use of the receipt in case of customs payment, penalty fee, percent, penalties by physical persons concerning the goods moved through customs border of the Customs union for the personal purposes (further - the Procedure).

2. To provide to chiefs of customs use of the receipt and application of the Procedure in case of customs payment, with penalty fee, percent, penalties by physical persons concerning the goods moved through customs border of the Customs union for the personal purposes.

3. To head department of information technologies (A. E. Shashayev), to customs authority Central information technically (A. A. Timofeev) to finish software according to requirements of the Procedure and to provide their application in customs authorities.

4. Declare invalid the order of FCS of Russia of December 17, 2010 N 2478 "About approval of the Operations procedure of officials of customs authorities in case of payment of customs and other payments using smart plastic cards (customs cards) with use of the electronic terminals allowing to read out bar codes".

5. To impose control of execution of this order on the first deputy head of FCS of Russia V. M. Malinin.


Head valid counselor of state of Customs Service of the Russian Federation A.Yu.BELYaNINOV


to the order of FCS of Russia of December 29, 2012 No. 2685

Procedure for forming and use of the receipt in case of customs payment, penalty fee, percent, penalties physical persons concerning the goods moved through customs border of custom union for the personal purposes

This procedure for forming and use of the receipt in case of customs payment, penalty fee, percent, penalties physical persons concerning the goods moved through customs border of the Customs union for the personal purposes regulates actions of officials of customs authorities of the Russian Federation in case of customs payment, penalty fee, percent, penalties by physical persons concerning the goods moved through customs border of the Customs union for the personal purposes.

At registration stage in the single automated information system of customs authorities of the declaration on goods, the customs receipt order and other documents based on which calculation and customs payment is performed, the penalty fee, percent, penalties of physical persons concerning the goods moved with them through customs border of the Customs union for the personal purposes (further - the customs declaration), by regular software performs forming of the receipt. The sample of the receipt is given in appendix to this procedure.

The receipt is created in electronic form and on paper and contains the payment details meeting the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation sufficient for unambiguous identification of payment, as in text format, and in coded form (bar code).

The receipt can be used in case of customs payment, penalty fee, percent, penalties using payment terminals, ATMs including established by coordinators of issue of the customs cards and equipped with devices for reading of bar codes.

After carrying out stage of control of charge of customs payments with use of the automated systems of customs control and registration the official of customs authority adopting the customs declaration prints out the receipt and gives the unpacked receipt copy to the payer.


Chief of Head department of the federal customs income and tariff regulation O. N. KOMAROVA


to the Procedure for forming and use of the receipt in case of customs payment, penalty fee, percent, penalties physical persons concerning the goods moved through customs border of the Customs union for the personal purposes

           к ___________________________________________________
(наименование и номер документа основания платежа)
           дата регистрации: ___________________________________
(дата регистрации документа
основания платежа)
Таможня: __________________________________________________________________
(код и наименование таможни)
таможенный пост ___________________________________________________________
(код и наименование таможенного поста)
Получатель: _______________________________________________________________
(наименование получателя)
ИНН ______________________________ КПП ____________________________________
(ИНН получателя) (КПП получателя)
Банк получателя _______________________________ БИК _______________________
(наименование банка получателя) (БИК банка получателя)
Счет получателя ___________________________________________________________
(счет органа Федерального казначейства)
Плательщик: _______________________________________________________________
(Ф.И.О. плательщика)
ИНН ___________________________________________
(ИНН или паспортные данные плательщика)
платежа КБК Наименование
платежа Сумма к оплате Валюта

¦ ¦
¦ ¦ (штриховой код, содержащий информацию, указанную
¦ ¦ в квитанции)


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