of December 28, 2012 No. 1466
About approval of Rules of rendering to the persons taken into custody or serving custodial sanction, medical care in the medical organizations of the state and municipal health care systems, and also invitations for carrying out consultations of specialists doctors of the specified medical organizations in case of impossibility of delivery of health care in organizations of criminal executive system
According to part 3 of article 26 of the Federal law "About Bases of Protection of Public Health in the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Approve the enclosed Rules of rendering to the persons taken into custody or serving custodial sanction, medical care in the medical organizations of the state and municipal health care systems and also invitations for carrying out consultations of specialists doctors of the specified medical organizations in case of impossibility of delivery of health care in organizations of criminal executive system.
Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev
Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2012 No. 1466
1. These rules determine procedure for rendering to the persons taken into custody or serving custodial sanction (further - persons imprisoned), medical care in the medical organizations of the state and municipal health care systems (further - the medical organizations), and also invitations for carrying out consultations of specialists doctors of the medical organizations in case of impossibility of rendering to persons imprisoned of medical care in organizations of criminal executive system.
2. Carrying out consultations of specialists doctors of the medical organization (further - consultation) and delivery of health care according to these rules are performed within the budgetary appropriations of the federal budget provided on these purposes to Federal Penitentiary Service.
3. In organizations of criminal executive system are understood as impossibility of delivery of health care:
a) absence in organization of criminal executive system of the specialist doctor of the corresponding profile or qualification, the equipment or conditions for rendering necessary amount of medical care;
b) situation in case of which the delay for a certain time in delivery of health care including connected with expectation of transportation of the patient in other organization of criminal executive system can entail deterioration in its condition, threat of life and to health.
4. In the medical organizations to persons imprisoned there are all types of medical care with observance of procedures for their rendering and on the basis of standards of medical care.
5. Fast, including fast specialized, medical care is provided to persons imprisoned in the emergency and urgent form both in the medical organizations, and out of the medical organizations taking into account observance of the established requirements to terms of its rendering.
The decision on challenge of crew of emergency medical service is made by the health worker of organization of criminal executive system performing the organization and delivery of health care to persons imprisoned according to job responsibilities, and in its absence - the head of this organization or the official authorized by it.
6. Primary health care, specialized, including high-technology, medical care and palliative medical care turn out in the medical organizations to persons imprisoned according to the agreement on delivery of health care signed between organization of criminal executive system and the medical organization (further - the agreement) which approximate form affirms the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
7. The agreement shall contain following provisions:
a) types of the medical care provided by the medical organization and the mode of its work;
b) types, terms and amount of medical care which the medical organization shall render to persons imprisoned;
c) the expenses of the medical organization for delivery of health care to persons imprisoned, which are subject to payment of criminal executive system by organization, their sizes and payment due dates;
d) providing with organization criminal executive system of confidentiality of the data received from the medical organization concerning the state of health of the persons imprisoned, revealed at them diseases and carried out (necessary further) treatments.
8. Rendering specialized, including high-technology, medical care and palliative medical care is performed in accordance with the established procedure in the direction of the attending physician of organization of criminal executive system, and in case of absence in organization of the doctor or in case of finding of person imprisoned on treatment in the medical organization with which at organization of criminal executive system the agreement is signed, - the attending physician of this medical organization.
9. The invitation for carrying out consultation is performed within rendering to persons imprisoned primary health care.
10. The health worker of organization of criminal executive system in time who is not exceeding 2 hours from the moment of determination of indications for carrying out consultation informs on need of its carrying out the head of organization of criminal executive system to whom presents in writing the corresponding request in the medical organization.
11. The head of organization of criminal executive system within 1 working day from the moment of determination of indications for carrying out consultation provides taking into account requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data transfer to the medical organization of request in writing, including if necessary by means of use of fax or electronic communication.
12. The head of the medical organization provides the direction of the specialist doctor in organization of criminal executive system:
a) in day of receipt of request if consultation within delivery of health care in urgent form is necessary;
b) within 3 days from the date of receipt of request if consultation within delivery of health care in planned form is necessary.
13. Within delivery of health care to persons imprisoned specialists doctors of the medical organization study the medical documentation received from organization of criminal executive system, perform medical examinations, inspections and treatment of specified persons.
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