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of December 27, 2012 No. 1424

About approval of the Regulations on destruction withdrawn from citizens and officials of the documents having counterfeit signs and also the things withdrawn from civil circulation or restrictedly transferable, which are at them without special permission

According to Item 17 of part 1 of article 13 of the Federal law "About Police" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on destruction withdrawn from citizens and officials of the documents having counterfeit signs and also the things withdrawn from civil circulation or restrictedly transferable, which are at them without special permission.

2. To provide to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation accomplishment of actions according to the Provision approved by this resolution within the budgetary appropriations provided on the current content of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation in the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.


Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev

Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 No. 1424

Regulations on destruction withdrawn from citizens and officials of the documents having counterfeit signs and also the things withdrawn from civil circulation or restrictedly transferable, which are at them without special permission

1. This Provision determines procedure for destruction withdrawn in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation from citizens and officials of the documents having counterfeit signs (further - the withdrawn documents), and (or) the things withdrawn from civil circulation or restrictedly transferable, which are at them without special permission (further - things), except for the documents and (or) things filed as physical evidences.

2. The basis for destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things is the decision of the head of the relevant division of central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (territorial authority of the Ministry) or person, it replacing (further - the division manager).

3. Destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things is made in the presence of the commission which is consisting of police officers, including at least 3 people (further - the commission). In case of need the commissions are included representatives of the interested bodies and the organizations. The commission is created by the decision of the division manager.

4. Destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things is performed by any technically by available method with observance of requirements of regulating and technical documents in the field of environmental protection.

5. Destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things is drawn up by the act of destruction in which are specified:

a) date, place and time of destruction;

b) place of employment, position, surname, initials of the members of the commission and other persons who were taking part in destruction;

c) type and the number of the destroyed withdrawn documents and (or) things;

d) basis for destruction;

e) destruction method.

6. Upon termination of destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things the act of destruction is signed by all members of the commission and if necessary representatives of the interested bodies and the organizations which were present at destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things.

7. Number of copies of the act of destruction is determined by number of representatives of the interested bodies and the organizations which were present at destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things.

According to the decision of the division manager who made the decision on destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things, copies of the act can be transferred to the interested bodies and the organizations.

8. Are not liable to destruction the withdrawn documents and (or) things concerning which:

a) is absent the expert opinion (specialist) confirming the fact of counterfeit of the withdrawn document or thing belonging to the category withdrawn from civil circulation or limited in turnover;

b) there is no documentary drawn up decision of the division manager on destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things;

c) the body or the official make the decision on familiarizing with case of the withdrawn documents and (or) things as physical evidences;

d) the division manager passes the decision that the withdrawn documents and (or) things which are liable to destruction represent the scientific, technical, cultural or other value confirmed with the corresponding expert opinion and are subject to transfer on archive, museum and other safe custody, and also for forming of educational or criminalistic collections.

9. If preliminary technological processing or utilization of the withdrawn documents and (or) things on specialized enterprises or the relevant hazardous production facilities, and also in other cases of impossibility of destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) prophetic police is required, they are given under the agreement to the organizations performing destruction, according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Delivery of the withdrawn documents and (or) things for destruction is drawn up by the delivery-acceptance certificate in which their characteristics are specified.

10. Payment of expenses on destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things is made by division which head made the decision on destruction of the withdrawn documents and (or) things.

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