of December 20, 2012 No. 1346
About approval of the Regulations on the state supervision in the field of advertizing
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on the state supervision in the field of advertizing.
2. The realization of this resolution is enabled by Federal Antimonopoly Service within the number of her workers, and also budgetary appropriations provided to Service in the federal budget on management and management in the field of the established functions established by the Government of the limiting Russian Federation.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2012 No. 1346
1. This Provision establishes procedure of the state supervision in the field of advertizing (further - the state supervision).
a) the organizations and conducting checks concerning legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
b) holding actions for control without government relations, local government bodies, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
c) acceptances of stipulated by the legislation measures of the Russian Federation for suppression and (or) elimination of effects of the revealed violations;
d) systematic observation of execution of mandatory requirements, the analysis and forecasting of condition of execution of mandatory requirements when implementing by public authorities, local government bodies, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of activities in the field of advertizing.
3. The state supervision is exercised by Federal Antimonopoly Service and its territorial authorities.
4. The officials authorized on implementation of the state supervision are:
a) head of Federal Antimonopoly Service and heads of its territorial authorities;
b) the deputy manager of Federal Antimonopoly Service and deputy managers of its territorial authorities, representatives in accordance with the established procedure on implementation of the state supervision;
c) the head of the structural unit of Federal Antimonopoly Service, the representative in accordance with the established procedure on implementation of the state supervision;
d) other officials of Federal Antimonopoly Service and its territorial authorities, representatives in accordance with the established procedure on implementation of the state supervision.
6. Federal Antimonopoly Service and its territorial authorities when implementing the state supervision interact with federal executive bodies, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, and also with citizens.
8. Concerning legal entities and individual entrepreneurs unscheduled documentary and exit inspections according to Articles 10 - 13 and 14 Federal Laws "About Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs when Implementing the State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control" are carried out, and also actions for control when which carrying out interaction of antimonopoly authorities with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is not required also obligations on provision of information and execution of requirements of antimonopoly authorities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are not assigned.
9. Subject of checks when implementing the state supervision is observance by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of the mandatory requirements established by the Federal Law "About Advertising", other Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on advertizing in the course of implementation of activities in the field of advertizing.
10. Terms and the sequence of ministerial procedures and administrative actions when implementing the state supervision, including when conducting checks of observance by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of mandatory requirements, are established by the administrative regulations approved in accordance with the established procedure.
11. Decisions and actions (failure to act) of officials of Federal Antimonopoly Service and its territorial authorities when conducting checks can be appealed in administrative and (or) legal process in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2021 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2020 No. 1015