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of January 9, 2013 No. 9

About approval of the Procedure for confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child out of health care institution

(as amended on 29-03-2024)

According to part four of article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "About state registration of acts of civil status" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

Approve the Procedure for confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child out of health care institution which is applied.


Prime Minister of Ukraine
N. Azarov

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 9, 2013, No. 9

Procedure for confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child out of health care institution

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of confirmation by the medical consulting commission (further - the commission) the birth fact the child's woman out of health care institution (further - the fact of the birth of the child) in case such institution did not perform inspection of the woman and child, including in the territory where public authorities temporarily do not perform the powers.

2. The procedure for formation of the commission and regulations on it affirm MZ.

3. The commission considers question concerning confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child according to the written application of the woman who gave birth to the child, or her husband, relatives, other persons, the representative of service for children (further - the applicant).

4. The applicant not later than one week from probable birthday of the child out of institution of health care which fact of the birth needs confirmation files the commissions such documents:

1) the written application (in any form);

2) the passport or other document which proves the identity;

3) the prenatal record of maternity hospital, delivery room of hospital or the statement from the medical record of the ambulatory (stationary) patient in form according to No. 113/about or 027/oh, of the approved MZ;

4) analysis results, ultrasonography, carried out to time of pregnancy of the woman who gave birth to the child out of health care institution;

5) the copy of card of challenge of medical ambulance in form No. 109/oh, of the approved MZ;

6) the certificate of genetic relationship between the woman who gave birth to the child out of health care institution, and the child;

7) the medical certificate of the medical and advisory commission of lechebnoprofilaktichesky institution about survey of the child who was born out of health care institution, according to appendix 1 and the medical certificate of the medical and advisory commission of treatment-and-prophylactic institution about survey of the woman for confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child according to appendix 2;

8) other documents which confirm provision of medical care to the woman in connection with childbirth.

5. The documents specified in subitems 3-8 of item 4 of this Procedure move the applicant in case of their availability.

6. In case of lack of the medical certificates specified in the subitem 7 of item 4 of this Procedure, the commission makes decisions on obligatory survey of the woman and the child and directs them for carrying out such survey.

The decision on confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child is made in case probable date of families of the woman matches reliable age of the child, or availability of the certificate of genetic relationship between the woman who gave birth to the child out of health care institution, and the child.

7. On analysis results of the documents specified in item 4 of this Procedure, the commission not later than ten calendar days from the moment of their obtaining makes the decision on confirmation or refusal in confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child and constitutes the conclusion in form according to appendix 3 in duplicate.

One copy is issued to the applicant (in case of confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child) for presentation in department of state registration of acts of civil status or immediately sent to the relevant Head department, the Department of MIA in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, areas, Kiev and Sevastopol (in case of refusal in confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child), and the second - remains in the commission.

8. After confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child the institution of health care under the supervision of which there is child issues based on the conclusion of the commission to the applicant the medical certificate about stay of the child under the supervision of medical institution in form No. 103-1/o, of the approved MZ which is the basis for carrying out state registration of the birth of the child in bodies of state registration of acts of civil status.

9. Procedure for formation of the commission which considers question of confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child in the territory where public authorities temporarily do not perform the powers (further - the commission on questions of confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child in the uncontrollable territory) and regulations on it affirm the joint order of the Ministry of Health and Minreintegration.

Said commission from consent representatives of the International Humanitarian Organizations determined Minreintegration are included.

10. The commission on questions of confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child in the uncontrollable territory considers question of confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child according to the written application of the woman who gave birth to the child, her relatives, other persons, representatives to represent its interests.

11. The woman who gave birth to the child, her relatives, other persons, representatives to represent its interests, address to the commission on questions of confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child in the uncontrollable territory with the written application constituted in any form about confirmation of the fact of the birth of the child. Are enclosed to the application:

1) passport copy of the citizen of Ukraine or other identity document;

2) analysis results, ultrasonography, carried out to time of pregnancy of the woman who gave birth to the child in the territory where public authorities temporarily do not perform the powers;

3) the statement from the medical record of the ambulatory (stationary) patient;

4) other documents confirming delivery of health care to the woman in connection with pregnancy and/or childbirth.


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