of December 28, 2012 No. 1024
About approval of the Regulations on procedure and terms of employment of housing intended for foreigners beneficiaries of programs of integration and persons using international protection
In pursuance of part provisions (5) article 24 of the Law No. 274 of December 27, 2011 on integration of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, No. 48, the Art. 144) DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve Regulations on procedure and terms of employment of housing intended for foreigners beneficiaries of programs of integration and persons using international protection it (is applied).
2. To impose control over the implementation of this Resolution on the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Prime Minister |
Vladimir Filat |
Countersign: Minister of Internal Affairs |
Doreen Rechan |
Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family |
Valentina Buliga |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 28, 2012 No. 1024
1. This Provision (further - the Provision) establishes the procedure and terms of employment of housing intended for foreigners beneficiaries of programs of integration and persons using international protection.
2. The basic principles of this provision are:
1) the principle of equality and nondiscrimination which is applied to the foreigners beneficiaries of programs of integration and persons using international protection without discrimination, irrespective of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, political views, social category, beliefs, gender and age;
2) the principle of transparency according to which housing intended for foreigners beneficiaries of programs of integration and persons using international protection is distributed and provided for rent, based on the decision of competent authority for foreigners, according to the offer of the Commission on consideration of the applications on provision for rent of housing according to this Provision which is published on the official web page of competent authority for foreigners or is placed on information panel of this organization.
3. For the purpose of this provision the following determinations are used:
beneficiaries of programs of integration (beneficiaries) are refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection who are included in programs of integration at the basis of individual statements and according to the obligation on integration concluded between the applicant of the program of integration and competent authority for foreigners;
persons using international protection - the foreigners who received one of the following forms of protection in the Republic of Moldova: status of the refugee, humanitarian protection, political asylum;
housing – the structure or the isolated room consisting of one or more living rooms, and also of utility rooms (kitchen, the bathroom, etc.) meeting requirements for accommodation of one or more persons (families) and conforming to the minimum requirements to housing established by regulations; as housing individual apartment houses, apartments, premises are recognized hostels and buildings of other appointment;
family - group of persons, connected by birth, to scrap or living together (the husband, the wife, their descendants, adopted children);
the employment contract - the agreement of property hiring which one party (lessor) shall provide to other party (employer) individually certain property in temporary use or in temporary use and ownership and the employer shall bring for it payment;
the commission on consideration of the applications about provision for rent housing (further - the commission) - the commission created by the joint order of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family, allocated with responsibility for consideration of the application about hiring of housing intended for foreigners beneficiaries of programs of integration and persons using international protection and also for accomplishment of the social questionnaire;
the social questionnaire - the document which states financial and social position of the beneficiary and person using international protection and also their families which contains data on person or on family members (age, profession, the income), about housing and property which have, problems which they face; the average monthly income - amount of material or money resources which is the share of one person a month.
4. The expenses connected with servicing and operation of housing intended for foreigners beneficiaries of programs of integration and persons using international protection are provided by the financial means provided for these purposes in the budget of responsible organizations and also from other sources of financing which are not contradicting the current legislation.
5. The competent authority for foreigners can provide to the beneficiary or person using international protection, the rooms necessary for hiring within available resources and the number of available places. The competent authority for foreigners quarterly publishes on the official web page information on the number of available places for hiring.
6. The statement for provision for rent of housing is submitted for consideration in competent authority for foreigners by the adult family member having full legal capacity or, in the cases provided by the law, his legal representative. The application form is placed on the official web page of competent authority for foreigners.
7. The application is submitted with observance of safety requirements and confidentiality of personal data according to the national legal system on personal data protection.
8. Consideration of the application is based, in particular, on reliability and reliability of the submitted documents, truthfulness of the data provided by the foreigner beneficiary of programs of integration or person using international protection.
9. The application form is filled in by the beneficiary or person using international protection in state language of the Republic of Moldova.
10. Statements are registered and date only after the beneficiary or the foreigner who received one of protection forms in the Republic of Moldova represents the original of the documents filed to copies for check. The document package is not accepted if it is incomplete, or documents are constituted with violation of requirements of this provision.
11. The following documents are enclosed to the application:
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