of January 5, 2013 No. 9
About approval of the Regulations on procedure and the purposes of use of means of off-budget centralized investment funds
According to parts four and the eighth subitem 2.4 of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2012 "About procedure for forming and use of means of innovative funds" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 357
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure and the purposes of use of means of off-budget centralized investment funds.
2. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2013.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
M. Myasnikovich
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2013 No. 9
1. This Provision determines procedure and the purposes of use of means of off-budget centralized investment funds (further - investment funds) by the republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the National academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Belarusian republican union of consumer societies, Federation of trade unions of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkoms which are managers of these means (further - managers of means).
2. Use of means of investment funds is performed by allocation of money on returnable and irretrievable basis:
to the organizations which are under supervision of managers of means (being their part), and also being part of the means of the national production associations subordinated to managers, to economic societies shares (share in authorized funds) of which are transferred to managers of means to the control (further – the organizations), – according to the decision of managers of means;
to other legal entities – according to the decision of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
Managers of means have the right to allocate funds of investment funds for payment for work (services) specified in subitems 4. 3, 4.3-1, 4.6 and 4.7 items 4 of this provision acquired by them for the purpose of implementation of the state, industry and regional programs.
3. Means of investment funds in first-priority procedure are used on the following purposes:
3.1. financing of the investment projects including which are carried out within program implementation (projects) of complex upgrade of productions, and other investment projects according to the criteria established in Item 5 of this provision;
3.2. financing of the actions which are carried out within programs (projects) of complex upgrade of productions, the state, industry and regional programs;
3.3. acquisition, including under agreements of finance lease (leasing), the machines and mechanisms, vehicles and processing equipment necessary for development of production capacities;
3.4. repayment of the loans of the banks attracted on financing of the expenses specified in subitems 3.1-3.3 of this Item and also percent on them.
4. Means of investment funds, except the purposes provided in Item 3 this provision in addition can go on:
4.1. financing of construction of buildings and constructions, engineering and transport communications, including payment of development of project, estimate documentation, prospecting works, services in conducting state examination of architectural and construction projects, services of the state construction supervision;
4.2. financing of programs for energy saving and actions for implementation of new energy efficient technologies and the equipment, including expenses on implementation of the international projects in the field of energy saving with participation of the Republic of Belarus;
4.3. financing of works in the field of technical regulation and standardization, creation of quality systems, ensuring unity of measurements;
4.3-1. financing of works on project development of the technical regulatory legal acts which are not relating to area of technical regulation and standardization;
4.4. acquisition of rights of property rights to intellectual property items;
4.4-1. development new and updating of earlier developed standard process charts, standard rates of expense of the resources and other standard rates applied in case of cost determination of construction;
4.5. acquisition of the software;
4.6. payment of research, developmental and experienced and technology works, marketing researches, development financing of material and technical resources of subjects of innovative infrastructure and industry laboratories;
4.7. payment of information support of investing activities, including holding of conferences, seminars, exhibitions;
4.7-1. transfer payment:
foreign technical documentation and its adaptation for the purposes of the organization new and upgrades of the operating productions, production for delivery on internal and the foreign markets;
the documents connected with implementation of investment projects with attraction of financial resources of international financial institutions;
4.8. compensation into the republican budget of the one second part of the means transferred by the Ministry of Finance according to the legislation to banks - to nonresidents of the Republic of Belarus on compensation of part of percent on the credits issued by them and used by borrowers - nonresidents of the Republic of Belarus for acquisition in the states with which the Republic of Belarus has no customs control and customs clearance, the goods made in the Republic of Belarus. This compensation is made in Belarusian rubles on the official rate of National Bank established for date of compensation of the specified means till the 15th following after month in which the Ministry of Finance compensates percent to banks - nonresidents of the Republic of Belarus;
4.9. repayment of the loans of the banks attracted on financing of the expenses specified in subitems 4.1-4.6 of this Item (except for the credits provided in subitem 4.10 of this Item), budget advances, budget loans, and also percent on them;
4.10. repayment of the credits issued by banks of the Republic of Belarus under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs, and also percent on them and (or) compensation of the payments made by budget funds on execution of guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs;
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