of November 21, 2012 No. 1118
About approval of the Procedure for informing crews of the emergency (fast) medical care on challenge of the emergency medical care and their direction to the place of event
According to part seven of article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "About the emergency medical care" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the Procedure for informing crews of the emergency (fast) medical care on challenge of the emergency medical care and their direction to the place of event which is applied.
2. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2013.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
M. Azarov
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 21, 2012, No. 1118
1. This Procedure establishes requirements concerning informing crews of the emergency (fast) medical care (further - crews) about challenge of the emergency medical care (further - challenge) and their directions on the scene for the purpose of ensuring timely rendering the emergency medical care to the person who is in medical emergency (further - the emergency medical care), non-admission of cases of non-arrival or untimely arrival of crews on the scene.
2. In this Procedure terms are used in such value:
1) the dispatcher of the direction - the dispatcher of operational and dispatching service, or operator of operational and dispatching service to whom obligations on implementation of information maintenance and coordination of actions of crew at all stages of rendering the emergency medical care on challenge, including on coordination of actions of crew with other emergency services are assigned;
2) the dispatcher of acceptance of challenge - the dispatcher of operational and dispatching service or the operator of operational and dispatching service to whom obligations on acceptance and processing of addresses about need of rendering the emergency medical care are assigned;
3) the electronic card of departure of crew of the emergency (fast) medical help data which are entered into electronic health care system according to the Procedure for functioning of electronic health care system approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 25, 2018 No. 411 "Some questions of electronic health care system" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2018, No. 46, the Art. 1604) and contain information on challenge of crew of the emergency (fast) medical care and its results;
4) the qualifier of conditions of the patient - the document which contains list of conditions of the patient in the form of system of codes which gives the chance accurately to describe medical aspects of the emergency event which happened. Also contains the description of circumstances under which there was incident;
5) protocols of scheduling - the unified system of call acceptance which is used for classification of conditions of the patient and determination of category and priority of challenges, and also provision of post-dispatching support according to the instruction about assistance to victims before arrival of crew;
6) the senior dispatcher of change - the worker of system of the emergency medical care who exercises operational management of the current change of operational and dispatching service coordinates work of the center of the emergency medical care and medicine of catastrophic crashes (further - the center) with other emergency services;
7) the status of response to challenge - display of the current stage of servicing of challenge of the emergency medical care;
8) the servicing territory - the territory of administrative and territorial unit in which the relevant center of the emergency medical care and medicine of catastrophic crashes provides the organization and rendering the emergency medical care.
Other terms in this Procedure are used in the values given in Bases of the legislation of Ukraine on health care, the Law of Ukraine "About the emergency medical care" and other regulatory legal acts of Ukraine.
3. Information on need of rendering the emergency medical care from any person who addressed for its provision, arrives from the operator of system of the emergency help to the population according to single telephone number 112 in the central operational and dispatching service of the center of the emergency medical care and medicine of catastrophic crashes (further - operational and dispatching service) for processing and transfer to crews.
4. Operators of telecommunication perform routing of challenges according to single telephone number of the emergency medical care 103 from persons which are in limits of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit (The Autonomous Republic of Crimea, areas, Kiev and Sevastopol), or messages from operators of system of the emergency help to the population according to single number 112 in operational and dispatching service of the center of the corresponding territory of servicing according to the procedure, determined by Administration of Gosspetssvyaz.
5. For the purpose of ensuring control of timeliness of call acceptance and response to them information on time of receipt of all appeals to operational and dispatching service by phone in voice format or not voice method of communication (digital messages) is entered into electronic health care system.
The challenges arriving on office telephone numbers of operational and dispatching service (103, 112, numbers of advice center, etc.), register automatically and stored within three years in storage of data of electronic medical information system of operational and dispatching service.
6. For ensuring receipt of information on challenges as a part of operational and dispatching service call acceptance dispatchers and dispatchers of the direction are determined.
7. Each working shift of operational and dispatching service shall have as a part of at least one worker who knows English.
8. The dispatcher of acceptance of challenge performs acceptance and processing of all challenges, namely:
1) is accepted by challenge;
2) fills electronic forms of primary medical accounting documentation;
3) transfers the specified information to the dispatcher of the direction;
4) provides reference information to the population if in operational and dispatching service other responsible person is not provided;
5) provides first-line information and advisory support of requests of the population for the emergency medical care.
9. The dispatcher of the direction makes the decision on the direction of crew on challenge and carries out all further communication with it, namely:
accepts the electronic card of departure of crew of the emergency (fast) medical care from the dispatcher of call acceptance;
determines crew or confirms the choice of crew with electronic system;
controls transfer of the electronic map of departure of crew of the emergency (fast) medical care to the head of crew;
receives confirmation of acceptance of challenge from crew;
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