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of October 29, 2012 No. 548

About approval of the Instruction about operating procedure with electronic documents in the central archive of interbank calculations of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

(as amended on 15-10-2018)

Based on part three of Article 32 and part one of article 39 of the Bank code of the Republic of Belarus the Board of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the Instruction about operating procedure with electronic documents in the central archive of interbank calculations of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus it (is applied).

1-1. Operation of this resolution extends to electronic documents and electronic messages on instant payments, the electronic documents and electronic messages used in case of execution of unexecuted monetary commitments of payers and information interaction of participants of the automated information system of execution of monetary commitments.

2. This resolution becomes effective since January 22, 2013.

Chairman of the board

N. A. Ermakova


Approved by the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of October 29, 2012 No. 548

The instruction about operating procedure with electronic documents in the central archive of interbank calculations of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Instruction establishes operating procedure with electronic payment documents, electronic messages and the accompanying information on interbank calculations (further - electronic documents by interbank calculations) and electronic documents on exchange of interbank correspondence (further - electronic documents according to interbank correspondence) in the central archive of interbank calculations of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (further - the MBR central archive), and also procedure for its completing, conducting examination of value, acceptance, storage, accounting, destruction and use of electronic documents by interbank calculations and electronic documents according to interbank correspondence (further, unless otherwise specified, - electronic documents).

1-1. Terms "the automated system "Central Archive of Interbank Calculations", "interbank calculations", "operational day of the BISS system", "BISS system", "participant of the BISS system", "electronic payment document", "electronic message" are used in the values determined by the Instruction about procedure for functioning of the automated system of interbank calculations of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and carrying out interbank calculations in the BISS system approved by the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of June 26, 2009 No. 88.

2. Electronic documents of the MBR central archive have the right to use National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (further - National Bank), and also the banks, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, non-bank credit and financial and other organizations allowed to participation in the BISS system (further - banks).

Functions of the technical operator of the automated "Central Archive of Interbank Calculations" system (further - AS of TsA MBR) are carried out by "Belarusian Interbank Settlement Center" open joint stock company (further - settlement center).

The requirements stated in this Instruction extend to National Bank, banks and settlement center.


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