of November 29, 2012 No. 267
About monitoring of real estate units
The parliament adopts this ordinary law.
(1) This law is designed to create the mechanism of updating of data on real estate units for the purpose of support of system of the taxation.
(2) Operation of this law extends to owners of real estate, bodies of the central and local public authority.
For the purpose of this law the following basic concepts are used:
monitoring - package of measures which provide accounting of changes and updating of inventory data about the real estate units registered in the inventory of real estate and also data collection about the unregistered new real estate units for the purposes of ensuring reliability and completeness of the data necessary for assessment of real estate units for the purpose of the taxation;
inventory data - the data on total area or building area of the real estate unit, on procedure for use, form, coordinates of borders of the real estate unit, the owner, shares in common property and technical characteristics of the real estate unit introduced or which are subject to entering into the inventory of real estate.
(1) updating of inventory data is understood as updating of legal and technical information about the real estate units registered in the inventory of real estate.
(2) Updating of inventory data is performed in connection with emergence of changes of inventory data and is made in territorial cadastral authorities according to the statement of owners of real estate units or their authorized representatives, and in cases, stipulated in Item and) parts (1) and Items and) - c), e), f) parts (2) Articles 4, - according to the appeal of authorized bodies of the public power.
(3) Updating of inventory data is made by comparison of data from the inventory of real estate to the data containing in legal documents and established in case of survey of object.
(4) Coordination of the actions connected with carrying out monitoring is performed by the central industry body in the field of the inventory.
(1) Organa of the central public management are responsible for:
a) representation to territorial cadastral offices of the documents confirming change of procedure for use of real estate units, establishment of certain regulations and rules of use of real estate units;
b) ensuring registration of agreements of property hiring and lease of the real estate units which are public property of the state.
(2) Organa of local public authority are responsible for representation of information to territorial cadastral authorities with application of documents:
a) about change of form, the area and other inventory data in connection with provision of lands;
b) about change of purpose of the parcels of land, structures, the isolated rooms;
c) about issue of construction licenses or on demolition;
d) about delivery in property employment of living space or about leasing of other real estate units which are public property of administrative and territorial units;
e) about raskorchevka or landing of long-term plantings;
f) about structures with degree of readiness of 50 percent and more, incomplete construction within more than three years from the moment of the beginning of construction;
g) about change of other data as a part of inventory data.
(3) the Provided information shall contain data on the owner or the user (beneficiary) and the data necessary for identification of the real estate unit.
(1) Owners of real estate units shall provide registration in the inventory of real estate of all inventory data for what inform in accordance with the established procedure territorial cadastral authorities with appendix of supporting documents on any changes of inventory data.
In case of accomplishment of construction works as a result of which changes in structure, the apartment or other isolated room are performed informing is made within three months from date of acceptance of works. This obligation concerns also to owners of structures with degree of readiness of 50 percent and more if since the beginning of construction there passed more than three years, and to the owners performing reconstruction of structures and the isolated rooms.
In case of alienation, organization of mortgage, and also property hiring or lease for the term of more than three years informing is made within three months from the moment of execution of the title document.
(2) For making of legal actions with real estate units, including alienation or organization of mortgage, the owner at the time of the request for the statement from the real estate register declares lack of changes of inventory data or if such changes took place, provides accomplishment of cadastral works for updating of inventory data.
(Every year bodies of public management represent 1) Till June 1 to territorial cadastral authorities of the copy of the documents containing information specified in Article 4, including if necessary the plan of the real estate unit, data on the owner (surname, name, identification number - for physical persons; the name, the location, the state identification number - for legal entities).
(2) For collection of the complete information necessary for updating of inventory data, territorial cadastral authorities perform cadastral works with exit to object. The amount of information which is subject to collection, and the procedure of information collection are established by the central industry body in the field of the inventory.
(3) After updating of the inventory data influencing real estate value, the territorial cadastral authority carries out assessment of the real estate unit.
(1) Obligatory updating of inventory data is made in delivery cases in property employment or in lease of the real estate units which are public property, privatizations of real estate units, enforced sale of real estate units and also for the purpose of implementation of legal actions with the real estate units in accordance with the terms provided by part (2).
(2) in case of alienation or organization of mortgage of real estate units inventory data are staticized without fail if at the time of the request for the statement from the real estate register from the date of the last updating of data passed more:
a) three years - for structures, rooms of commercial and production appointment;
b) five years - for other real estate units.
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