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The document ceased to be valid since April 21, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2017 No. 3624

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On March 7, 2012 No. 23426


of February 17, 2012 No. 135

About approval of Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in issue of licenses and other allowing documents for export and (or) import of separate types of goods, and also forming and maintaining federal bank of the granted licenses

(as amended on 22-09-2016)

According to the Agreement on rules of licensing in the sphere of foreign trade in goods signed on June 9, 2009 (The Russian Federation Code, 2010, N 33, Art. 4399; The Bulletin of international treaties, 2010, N 2, page 3-21), with articles 11-14 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "About the organization of provision of the state and municipal services" (The Russian Federation Code, 2010, N 31, Art. 4179; 2011, N 15, the Art. 2038, N 27, the Art. 3873, the Art. 3880, N 29, the Art. 4291, N 30 (p. I), the Art. 4587), the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 N 373 "About development and approval of administrative regulations of execution of the state functions and administrative regulations of provision of the state services" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, N 22, 3169, N 35, of the Art. 5092) I order to the Art.:

1. Approve the enclosed Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in issue of licenses and other allowing documents for export and (or) import of separate types of goods, and also forming and maintaining federal bank of the granted licenses (further - Administrative regulations).

2. Determine that provisions of paragraphs of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth Item 21 of Administrative regulations are applied from the effective date the Protocol on introduction of amendments to the Agreement on the rules of licensing in the sphere of foreign trade of June 9, 2009 providing possibility of use of information technologies by provision of the state service.

4. To impose control of execution of the order on the deputy minister A. V. Dementiev.

Acting Minister



Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2012, No. 135

Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in issue of licenses and other allowing documents for export and (or) import of separate types of goods, and also forming and maintaining federal bank of the granted licenses

I. General provisions

Regulation subject

1. The administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in issue of licenses and other allowing documents for export and (or) import of separate types of goods, and also forming and maintaining federal bank of the granted licenses (further - Administrative regulations) are developed for the purpose of improvement of quality of execution and availability of results of execution of powers on issue of licenses and other allowing documents for export and (or) import of separate types of goods, and also to forming and maintaining federal bank of the granted licenses (further - the state service) and determine terms and the sequence of actions (ministerial procedures) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and its territorial authorities.

2. Licenses and import permits and (or) import of separate types of the goods included in Single perechentovar to which prohibitions or import restrictions or export by state members of the Eurasian economic commission within Eurasian economic community in trade with the third countries are applied are issued to participants of foreign trade activity.

2.1. Participants of foreign trade activity - the legal entities and the organizations who are not legal entities, registered and created according to the legislation of state member of the Eurasian economic commission, the physical persons taking the permanent or preferential residence in the territory of state member of the Eurasian economic commission, being citizens of this state or having the right of permanent residence in it, registered as individual entrepreneurs according to the legislation of state member of the Eurasian economic commission.

2.2. Licenses and permissions are issued on each goods classified according to the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian economic commission concerning which licensing or observation is entered.

2.3. The following license types are issued: one-time, general, exclusive:

1) the one-time license - the license granted to the participant of foreign trade activity based on the foreign trade transaction which subject are the licensed goods, and granting the right to export and (or) import of these goods in certain quantity.

The period of operation of the one-time license cannot exceed one year from start date of its action. Effective period of the one-time license can be limited by effective period of the contract in foreign trade (agreement) or effective period of the document which is the basis for licensing.

For goods concerning which quantitative restrictions are introduced the period of action of the license comes to an end in calendar year on which the quota is established.

2) the general license - the license granted to the participant of foreign trade activity based on the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in the cases provided by the Decision of the Eurasian economic commission, and granting the right to export and (or) import of separate type of the licensed goods in the quantity determined by the license.

Effective period of the general license cannot exceed one year from start date of its action, and for goods concerning which quantitative restrictions are introduced, - comes to an end in calendar year on which the quota is established if other is not stipulated by the Decision of the Eurasian economic commission.

3) the exclusive license - the license providing to the participant of foreign trade activity exclusive export right and (or) import of separate type of goods, in the cases provided by the Decision of the Eurasian economic commission, determined by the relevant Federal Law.

Effective period of the exclusive license is established by the Decision of the Eurasian economic commission in each case.

2.4. Permission - the allowing document issued to the participant of foreign trade activity based on the foreign trade transaction which subject are the goods concerning which observation of export and (or) import in certain quantity is established. Permissions are issued without restrictions to all applicants.

Effective period of permission is limited calendar year in which permission is issued.

2.5. In case of loss of the license (permission) the duplicate of the license (permission) is issued.

2.6. The federal bank of the granted licenses is created based on electronic copies of licenses and permissions through the specialized software with functions of information exchange. The data containing in federal bank of the granted licenses are provided in the Eurasian economic commission, public authorities of the Russian Federation, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies on requests taking into account the restrictions set by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Circle of applicants

3. Applicants of the state service are:

the participants of foreign trade activity representing to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (further - the Ministry) and its territorial authorities (further - territorial authorities) documents for the purpose of execution of the license or permission;

The Eurasian economic commission, public authorities of the Russian Federation, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies (on requests).

Requirements to procedure for informing on provision of the state service

4. Information on procedure for provision of the state service happens by means of placement in information and telecommunication networks public, including in the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)", or with use of means of telephone communication, electronic informing.

5. The location information of the Ministry and its territorial authorities are given in the appendix N 1 to these Administrative regulations.

6. Addresses of the official websites of the Ministry:, http://минпромторг.рф/;

telephone number for enquiries of the Ministry: +7 (495) 539-21-87;


telephone numbers for enquiries of Department: +7 (495) 632-88-42, 632-88-43;

postal address of the Ministry: Kitaygorodsky Prospekt, 7, Moscow, 109074.

7. Information on procedure for provision of the state service is placed on the Internet on Single portalegosudarstvenny and municipal services (functions), the official website of the Ministry, including on the website of support of participants of foreign trade activity http//, and contains:

text of these Administrative regulations;

postal address of the Ministry;

distribution of powers of the Ministry and its territorial authorities on issue of licenses and other allowing documents for implementation of export-import transactions with separate types of goods;

the software for execution of the statement for licensing for export and (or) import of separate types of goods, and also the project of permission;

bank details for payment of the state fee.

7.1. In case of the address by means of telephone, mail and fax connection applicants can obtain the following information on the state service:

about the complete postal address of the Ministry;

about the address of the official website of the Ministry;

about the regulatory legal acts regulating provision of the state service;

about qualifying standards;

about payment for provision of the state service;

about terms of provision of the state service;

about procedure for appeal of results of provision of the state service, actions or failure to act of officials.

7.2. Phone calls from applicants concerning informing on procedure for provision of the state service are received according to the working schedule of the Ministry:

Monday, Tuesday, environment, Thursday - from 9:00 till 18:00;

Friday - from 9:00 till 16:45.

8. Information on procedure for provision of the state service happens by territorial authorities:

with use of means of telephone communication, electronic informing, computer and electronic facilities;

by means of placement in information and telecommunication networks public (including on the Internet), publications in mass media, editions of information materials (brochures, booklets, etc.).


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