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of December 26, 2012 No. 1201

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for restriction of supply with natural gas of consumers of gas and priority of their disconnection from gas supply system in case of violation of technology operating mode of gas supply system owing to accidents and changes of the modes of gas consumption

According to article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 4, 2003 "About gas supply" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure for restriction of supply with natural gas of consumers of gas and priority of their disconnection from gas supply system in case of violation of technology operating mode of gas supply system owing to accidents and changes of the modes of gas consumption.

2. To republican state bodies to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution in a month and to take other measures for its realization.

3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus M. Myasnikovich

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 26, 2012 No. 1201

Regulations on procedure for restriction of supply with natural gas of consumers of gas and priority of their disconnection from gas supply system in case of violation of technology operating mode of gas supply system owing to accidents and changes of the modes of gas consumption

1. This Provision determines procedure for restriction of supply with natural gas of consumers of gas and priority of their disconnection from gas supply system in case of violation of technology operating mode of gas supply system owing to accidents and changes of the modes of gas consumption.

2. In this Provision terms in the values determined in article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 4, 2003 "About gas supply" are applied (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2003, No. 8, 2/925), and also the following term and its determination:

the organization regulator - the organization - the consumer of gas (its structural division) whose contractual amount of gas consumption makes 5 million cubic meters a year and more.

The list of the organizations regulators is determined by the Department of Energy.

3. Observance of requirements of this provision is obligatory for suppliers of gas, the gas supplying organizations which are part of the national production association on fuel and gasification of Beltopgaz (the daleegazosnabzhayushchy organizations) and the organizations regulators.

4. The schedule of restriction of supply of the organizations regulators with natural gas for areas Minsk) and priority of their disconnection from gas supply system in case of violation of technology operating mode of gas supply system owing to accidents and changes of the modes of gas consumption (further - territorial schedules of restriction of supply with natural gas) is developed in the form determined by the Department of Energy, the relevant gas supplying organizations quarterly in 30 days prior to the beginning of quarter and affirms regional executive committees (The Minsk Gorispolkom).

5. In case of development of territorial schedules of restriction of supply with natural gas the following priority of disconnection (restriction) of organizatsiyregulyator from gas supply system is established:

the first priority - are disconnected the organizations regulators having complex of the equipment and the devices intended for storage, giving and use of reserve (emergency) fuel irrespective of their technical condition and the actual availability of reserve (emergency) fuel at the time of origin or threat of emergence of accident or changes of the modes of gas consumption (are limited);

second priority - are disconnected the organizations regulators which do not have the complex of the equipment and devices intended for storage, giving and uses of reserve (emergency) fuel using natural gas for technology needs, not being at the same time the companies with continuous production cycle, having possibility of partial (poagregatny) reducing gas offtake which termination of gas supply does not attract irretrievable spoil of processing equipment (are limited);

the third queue - are disconnected other organizations regulators (are limited).

6. Based on territorial schedules of restriction of supply with natural gas the national production association on fuel and gasification of Beltopgaz develops the schedule of restriction of supply of the organizations regulators with natural gas for the Republic of Belarus and priority of their disconnection from gas supply system in case of violation of technology operating mode of gas supply system owing to accidents and changes of the modes of gas consumption (the daleerespublikansky schedule of restriction of supply with natural gas) in the form determined by the Department of Energy.

The republican schedule of restriction of supply with natural gas is developed quarterly in 20 days prior to the beginning of quarter, approved with the national production association of power industry Belenergo and affirms the Department of Energy.

7. The national production association on fuel and gasification of Beltopgaz in 10 days prior to the beginning of quarter sends the republican schedule of restriction of supply with natural gas to the republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom which organizations regulators are included in the republican schedule of restriction of supply with natural gas.

The gas supplying organizations in 5 days prior to the beginning of quarter bring the republican schedule of restriction of supply with natural gas to organizatsiyregulyator.

8. The decision on complete or partial enforcement of the republican schedule of restriction of supply with natural gas or the end of its action is accepted by the Department of Energy.

9. The gas supplying organizations not later than 24 hours in writing notify the organizations regulators on enforcement of the republican schedule of restriction of supply with natural gas or the end of its action.

10. The organization regulator shall within 24 hours after receipt of the written notice of enforcement of the republican schedule of restriction of supply with natural gas provide unconditional accomplishment of the requirement of the gas supplying organization for reducing (termination) gas consumption.

11. In case of failure to carry out by the organizations regulators of the requirement provided in Item 10 of this provision, the gas supplying organization has the right to make forced restriction and (or) interruption in supply of gas by means of necessary switchings on the objects of gas-distribution system or on objects of gas consumption of the organizations regulators.

12. The organization regulator shall provide access to representatives of the gas supplying organizations to all gas-using installations and the registering gas consumption metering devices for control of accomplishment of the republican schedule of restriction of supply with natural gas at any time.


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