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of November 22, 2012 No. 1066

About approval of the Regulations on the organization of providing the population with individual protection equipment of respiratory organs in the conditions of emergency situations

(as amended of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 18.01.2019 No. 33)

According to the paragraph the second article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2008 "About Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" and for the purpose of enhancement of providing the population with individual protection equipment of respiratory organs in the conditions of emergency situations the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on the organization of providing the population with individual protection equipment of respiratory organs in the conditions of emergency situations.

2. To the republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution and to take other measures for its realization.

3. This resolution becomes effective in three months after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

M. Myasnikovich

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 22, 2012 No. 1066

Regulations on the organization of providing the population with individual protection equipment of respiratory organs in the conditions of emergency situations

1. This Provision developed according to the laws of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 1998 "About protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature" (Vedamasts, Natsyyanalnaga to descent Respubl, to, Belarus, 1998, No. 19, the Art. 212), of November 27, 2006 "About civil defense" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 201, 2/1280), of January 5, 2008 "About the state and mobilization material reserves" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 14, 2/1411), are regulated questions of providing the population with individual protection equipment of respiratory organs.

2. In this Provision terms and their determinations in the values established by the laws of the Republic of Belarus "About protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature", "About civil defense", "About the state and mobilization material reserves" and also the following are used:

the population - the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons which are in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

individual protection equipment of respiratory organs (further - SIZ) - the technical means used for prevention or reduction of impact by respiratory organs of the person of harmful and (or) dangerous factors;

chemically dangerous object - the object intended for storage, conversion, use or transportation of dangerous chemicals on which in case of accident or its destruction there can be death or chemical infection of people, farm animals and plants, and also chemical infection of the surrounding environment;

radiation dangerous object - the object intended for storage, conversion, use or transportation of radioactive materials on which in case of accident or its destruction there can be radiation ionizing radiation or radioactive pollution of people, farm animals and plants, objects of the national economy, and also the surrounding environment;

possible zone of radioactive pollution - the territory or the water area within which in case of emergency situation radioactive pollution is formed;

possible zone of chemical infection - the territory or the water area within which in case of emergency situation concentration of dangerous chemicals reaches the values dangerous to the surrounding environment, including for life and human health.

3. Providing the population of SIZ represents complex of actions for accumulating, storage and provision (issue, realization) to the population of SIZ in peace and wartime.

4. Are subject to obligatory providing SIZ:

workers chemically and radiation dangerous objects, other organizations, being in the possible zones of radioactive pollution and (or) chemical infection determined according to technical regulatory legal acts in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature (further, unless otherwise specified, - possible zones of pollution (infection);

the population living (being) in possible zones of radioactive pollution;

the population living (being) in possible zones of chemical infection - on wartime;

personnel of the governing bodies and civil defense forces attracted to carrying out rescue and other urgent works in possible zones of pollution (infection).

5. The population which is not specified in item 4 of this provision acquires SIZ in individual procedure in retail retail chain stores, and also independently makes the elementary SIZ (antidust fabric masks and bandages).

6. Providing SIZ in possible zones of pollution (infection) is performed:

the republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus (further - state bodies), - the workers;

local executive and administrative organs - the workers, the population and variable structure of social facilities (healthcare institutions, education, houses nursing homes for aged and disabled people, social shelters and others);

the organizations - the workers and workers of the subjects to production and social appointment subordinated to them including attracted to carrying out rescue and other urgent works in possible zones of pollution (infection).

7. Accumulating of SIZ is performed beforehand in peace time (in the mode of daily activities) in warehouses of the state bodies, local executive and administrative organs and organizations specified in Item 6 of this provision.

8. The nomenclature and amount of accumulating of SIZ are determined proceeding from assessment of situation which can develop in case of emergency situations, and also taking into account holding advance protective measures (sealing of rooms, the shelter in protective constructions, temporary settling out (evacuation) of the danger area) for:

workers chemically and radiation dangerous objects, other organizations which are in possible zones of pollution (infection), and personnel of the governing bodies and civil defense forces attracted to carrying out rescue and other urgent works in possible zones of pollution (infection), decisions of heads of relevant organs of public administration and the organizations in coordination with territorial authorities of management for emergency situations;


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