of June 8, 2012 No. 129
About accreditation of suppliers of social services
The parliament adopts this organic law.
This law establishes general basis of creation and functioning of national accreditation system of suppliers of social services, and also the basic principles, general criterions, procedure and conditions of accreditation of suppliers of social services.
The basic concepts used for the purpose of this law mean:
accreditation - the procedure according to which the national authority officially determines functional, organizational and administrative capacity of suppliers to provide social services according to the legislation and the quality standards by accreditation of suppliers of social services;
initial accreditation - the procedure performed concerning the newly created supplier of social services for the purpose of determination of its capability to begin provision of social services;
temporary accreditation - conditional recognition of capability of the supplier of social services to provide those with statement of special recommendations which shall be executed for limited period of time, on reduction of services in compliance with standards;
the certificate of accreditation - the document issued by national authority on accreditation of suppliers of social services according to this law and other regulations in the field, confirming compliance of functional, organizational and administrative capacities of the supplier of social services, and also its right to provide high-quality social services;
the certificate of initial accreditation - the document issued by national authority on accreditation of suppliers of social services according to this law and other regulations in the field, confirming compliance of functional, organizational and administrative capacities of the newly created supplier of social services to start provision of social services according to the legislation;
assessment - the action for high-quality and quantitative determination of compliance of the provided social services to the quality standards in the field which is the main stage of the procedure of the accreditation performed by national authority on accreditation in the field of social services;
the report on self-assessment - the document in which the supplier of social services reflects the level of compliance of the activities to the legislation in the field, including to the quality standards;
the quality standards - the obligatory regulations approved at the national level which application guarantees quality of social services.
Accreditation of suppliers of social services is performed for the purpose of determination based on the quality standards of social services of capability of suppliers of social services, irrespective of their type of property, form of business and administrative subordination, to provide to the population high-quality social services, and also for the purpose of increase in responsibility for observance of the quality standards.
This law is applied to suppliers of the social services specified in article 7 of the Law on social services No. 123 of June 18, 2010 irrespective of their type of property and form of business, with the location in the Republic of Moldova.
Accreditation of suppliers of social services is based on the following basic principles:
a) the quality assurance of social services assuming confirmation of respect for the criteria, indicators and quality standards established for the social services, available, flexible, adapted for social needs, or assuming permanent assessment of the specified services from state bodies and suppliers based on set of criteria, indicators and the quality standards;
b) the equal rights of suppliers of social services assuming providing the rights of all suppliers of social services irrespective of their type of property and form of business, in the conditions of the equal address and without discrimination;
c) the priority of public interests assuming that in case of accomplishment of functional obligations by representatives of national accreditation system public interest is above private interest;
d) the confidentiality assuming nondisclosure of information which became to the position, known in case of execution, and non-use of this information in private interests;
e) non-profitable nature of activities;
f) the multilateral representation assuming involvement of professional team and cooperation of all concerned parties at all stages of process of accreditation for the purpose of quality assurance of the provided social services;
g) the transparency of the made decisions assuming ensuring availability of the decision and results of process of accreditation by their periodic and adequate promulgation;
h) the participation of the receiver of services assuming active involvement of receivers of social services and, in circumstances, their families to decision making processes and provisions of social services.
General criterions of accreditation of suppliers of social services are:
a) material and technical resources;
b) financial and economic activities;
c) qualification of personnel;
d) compliance of quality of the provided social services to the minimum quality standards of these services.
(1) the Material and technical resources of suppliers of social services shall correspond to legislation provisions.
(2) For receipt of the certificate of accreditation suppliers of social services produce the evidence that according to the current legislation they have:
a) own or hired areas conforming to the quality standards of social services and sanitary and hygienic regulations, except for services which rendering does not need available rooms according to the minimum quality standards;
b) the equipment and devices corresponding to the provided social services.
Financial and economic activities of suppliers of the social services requesting accreditation shall correspond to regulations in the field.
(1) the Specialized personnel of the supplier of social services shall correspond to required qualification and have the competence meeting standards in the respective area, to respect the general deontological rules and regulations of professional ethics.
(2) the Administrative personnel of the supplier of social services shall consist of the specialists having the qualification conforming to standards of the provided service.
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