It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
November 1, 2012
No. 1834/22146
of October 23, 2012 No. 633
About approval of Rates for public conveyance and baggage by rail in the international message East-West
According to subitem 4.3.7 of subitem 4.3 of item 4 of the Regulations on the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of May 12, 2011 No. 581, and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 25, 1996 No. 1548 "About establishment of powers of executive bodies and actuators of city councils concerning price regulation (rates)" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve Rates for public conveyance and baggage by rail in the international message Vostokzapad which are applied.
2. To provide to public administration of rail transport of Ukraine:
2.1. Submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.
2.2. And to inform the correct application of this order on price level of passengers at stations and in Items of sale of travel documents.
4. This order becomes effective since December 9, 2012.
5. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Minister Efimenko K. O.
The vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine is the Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine
B. Kolesnikov
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine of October 23, 2012 No. 633
1. These Rates established for the international message East - the West, are limiting (maximum) and are applied in case of calculation of air fare for driving of passengers through the territory of Ukraine, luggage transport and cost of reserved seat in cars of Ukraine (for all travel line).
2. Rates for public conveyance are differentiated depending on distance of trip, class of train and the car and expressed in euro.
3. The air fare for children aged from 4 up to 12 years constitutes 50 percent of air fare of the adult passenger, and the cost of reserved seat equals costs of reserved seat of the adult passenger.
4. The cost of the complete ticket for all trains is calculated according to the table of the Section ІІ.
5. The air fare to which the corresponding discount is applied including children's, is determined by multiplication of the cost in euro determined by the table of the Section II by the corresponding coefficient of discount and rounded to one sign after comma.
6. Reserved seat cost in sleeper cars on all trains, except the trains plying through border Yagodin is calculated according to the table of the Section I ІІ.
7. Reserved seat cost in sleeper cars on all trains plying through border Yagodin is calculated according to the table of the Section ІV.
8. The reserved seat cost on all trains in cars with places for sitting is calculated according to the table of the Section V.
9. The value added tax is accrued according to the current legislation.
10. The insurance fee is calculated by multiplication of the determined air fare for all travel line and separately reserved seats in hryvnias on the corresponding coefficient and is rounded to two signs after comma.
11. Each component of the ticket, reserved seat, the shortpaid receipt is calculated and rounded separately.
12. During journey in the international message East - the West in the territory of Ukraine in cars of Ukrzaliznytsi reserved seat cost for the site of following in regional traffic is calculated with change on rate of regional traffic.
13. During journey in the international message East - the West in the territory of Ukraine in cars of Ukrzaliznytsi reserved seat cost for the site of following in the international message with CIS and Baltic countries is calculated with change on the international tariff the East - the West.
14. During registration of surcharge to the international ticket which is drawn up under the terms of the Rate the East - the West, calculation of air fare for the site of following in regional traffic is calculated on rate of regional traffic.
15. During registration of journey on the terms of "SITI-STAR" in the message with Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and Slovakia such base rate on one passenger is established during journey "there and back":
in the message with Bulgaria en route through Romania, Serbia and Montenegro en route through Romania, Bulgaria on distance from 1 to 750 km in the car of the 2nd class - 48 euros, in the car of the 1st class - 90 euros; on distance over 750 km in the car of the 2nd class - 72 euros, in the car of the 1st class - 108 euros;
in the message with Slovakia on distance from 1 to 500 km in the car of the 2nd class - 25, 2 euros, in the car of the 1st class - 40, 32 euros; on distance over 500 km in the car of the 2nd class - 50, 4 euros, in the car of the 1st class - 80, 64 euros.
At the same time the first passenger completely pays above-mentioned fare, other adult passengers pay half of this cost. For journey of children the fourth part of base rate of the adult passenger is paid.
If the calculated cost on these conditions is higher from normal fare (cost of the complete ticket), the normal fare is applied.
16. In case of journey of group from 6 and more persons the discount in the amount of 20% is provided.
17. Discounts from air fare and reserved seat for trains, the directions, days of the week, and also the periods of year are established according to protocols of the international meetings, agreements, agreements, etc.
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