It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On October 16, 2012 No. 25676
of September 14, 2012 No. 1290
About approval of Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for development, production, testing and repair of the aircraft equipment
According to item 4 of Rules of development and approval of administrative regulations of provision of the state services approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 No. 373 (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; No. 35, Art. 5092; 2012, to No. 28, of the Art. 3908), I order:
1. Approve the enclosed Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for development, production, testing and repair of the aircraft equipment.
2. Declare invalid the order of Minpromtorg of Russia of April 17, 2012 No. 430 "About approval of forms of the statements and other documents used in the course of licensing of activities for development, production, testing and repair of the aircraft equipment" (registration No. 24520) is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 9, 2012.
3. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy minister O. E. Bocharov.
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2012, No. 1290
1. The administrative regulations on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for development, production, testing and repair of the aircraft equipment (further - Administrative regulations) establish terms and the sequence of ministerial procedures and administrative actions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (further - Minpromtorg of Russia), order of interaction between structural divisions, their officials, and also interactions of Minpromtorg of Russia with applicants, public authorities of the Russian Federation.
2. The applicant - the legal entity or his authorized representative who made in Minpromtorg of Russia inquiry about provision of the state service expressed in written, oral or electronic form.
3. The legal entities regardless of their form of business and pattern of ownership who filed in accordance with the established procedure in Minpromtorg of Russia petition for provision of license for activities on development, production, testing and repair of the aircraft equipment treat license applicants (further - license applicants).
4. The legal entities having licenses by sight of activities for development, production, testing and repair of the aircraft equipment treat licensees (further - the licensee).
5. The state service in licensing of activities for development, production, testing and repair of the aircraft equipment is rendered by Department of the aviation industry (further - Department) the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, at the address:
Russian Federation, 109074, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky Prospekt, 7.
Working schedule:
Monday, Tuesday, environment, Thursday - from 9:00 till 18:00;
Friday - from 9:00 till 16:45;
Saturday - Sunday - the days off.
6. Information on the location, the schedule (mode) of work of Minpromtorg of Russia is placed in the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" ( (further - the Portal), on the official site of Minpromtorg of Russia (; http://www.минпромторг.рф) on the Internet (further - the Website), in the information and electronic terminal in the foyer of the building of Minpromtorg of Russia.
7. Telephone numbers for enquiries of Department of the aviation industry:
(495) 632-89-27;
(495) 632-84-40;
(495) 632-84-31;
(495) 632-87-81.
8. Necessary reference information can also be obtained in working hours by phone help Minpromtorg of Russia: (495) 539-21-87 (internal phone 27-55).
9. Phone calls from applicants concerning informing on procedure for provision of the state service are received according to the working schedule of Minpromtorg of Russia.
10. The applicant can obtain the following information on the represented state service:
about the regulatory legal acts regulating questions of provision of the state service;
about procedure for provision of the state service;
about terms of provision of the state service;
about the location and the working schedule of Minpromtorg of Russia;
about addresses of the website and e-mail of Minpromtorg of Russia;
about the course of provision of the state service.
On other questions information is provided only based on the corresponding written address.
Time of conversation shall not exceed 5 minutes.
In cases when the specialist cannot independently answer the question asked in case of the telephone address, the phone call shall be readdressed (is transferred) to other official or the addressed person is told telephone number according to which it is possible to obtain necessary information.
11. Information on procedure for provision of the state service in implementation of licensing of development, production, testing and repair of the aircraft equipment can be received by the following methods:
on the Internet on the Portal it is consecutive on the following links: To "legal entities", "On departments", "Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation", "Licensing of activities for development, production, testing and repair of the aircraft equipment", further to choose necessary action;
on the Internet on the Website to choose the reference "Aircraft equipment", further to choose necessary action; by phones specified in Item 7 of these Administrative regulations;
in the information electronic terminal in the foyer of the building of Minpromtorg of Russia;
personal contact with specialists of Minpromtorg of Russia, previously having agreed about meeting on phones specified in Item 7 of these Administrative regulations.
12. On the Portal the following information is placed:
1) the exhaustive list of the documents necessary for provision of the state service, the requirement to execution of the specified documents, and also the list of documents which the applicant has the right to provide on own initiative;
2) circle of applicants;
3) term of provision of the state service;
4) results of provision of the state service, procedure for submission of the document which is result of provision of the state service;
5) the exhaustive list of the bases for suspension or refusal in provision of the state service;
6) the amount of the state tax collected for provision of the state service;
7) pre-judicial (extrajudicial) procedure for appeal of actions (failure to act) and the decisions made (performed) during provision of the state service;
8) the forms of statements (notifications, messages) used by provision of the state service.
Information on the Portal on procedure and terms of provision of the state service based on the data containing in the federal state information system "Federal Register of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" is provided to the applicant free of charge.
The information access about terms and procedure for provision of the state service is performed without accomplishment by the applicant of any requirements, including without use of the software which installation on technical means of the applicant requires the conclusion of license or other agreement with the owner of the software providing collection of payment, registration or authorization of the applicant, or provision of personal data by it.
On the Internet the following information is posted on the Website:
the list of the regulatory legal acts regulating activities of Minpromtorg of Russia;
text of Administrative regulations;
forms of statements and other documents which filling with the applicant is necessary for the appeal to Minpromtorg of Russia;
models of filling of statements and other documents;
bank details for payment of the state fee for provision, renewal and issue of the duplicate of the license.
In the information and electronic terminal it is possible to obtain all information posted on the Website.
13. Licensing of activities for development, production, testing, repair of the aircraft equipment includes the following work types and the rendered services constituting the licensed type of activity:
1) Development of the aircraft equipment.
2) Carrying out research works in the field of the aircraft equipment, including using methods of natural and mathematical modeling.
3) Carrying out developmental works on creation, upgrade, modification of the aircraft equipment.
4) Carrying out experienced and technology works on creation of aviation materials and engineering procedures.
5) Development of technical proposals on creation of the aircraft equipment.
6) Development of model sample of the aircraft equipment.
7) Development of design documentation of the aircraft equipment.
8) Development of technology documentation of the aircraft equipment.
9) Development of repair documentation of the aircraft equipment.
10) Production and carrying out testing of prototype of the aircraft equipment.
11) Carrying out engineering supervision (supervision) in case of production and repair of the aircraft equipment.
12) Development of program software of functioning of the aircraft equipment.
13) Production of the aircraft equipment.
14) Upgrade, product modification in case of production of the aircraft equipment.
15) Assembly, setup and installation of products of the aircraft equipment in case of production of the aircraft equipment.
16) Preparation of spare part cases (materials, semifinished products) of the aircraft equipment, incoming inspection, storage, packaging, degreasing, preservation.
17) Production of aviation materials for the basic power elements of design and especially responsible details of the aircraft equipment.
18) Carrying out damage works.
19) Work on establishment and prolongation of resources (service life) of the aircraft equipment.
20) Completion according to bulletins of the developer (manufacturer) of the aircraft equipment.
21) Capital repairs of the aircraft equipment.
22) Average repair, running repair of the aircraft equipment.
23) Dismantling, assembly, setup, installation and testing of products of the aircraft equipment in case of repair of the aircraft equipment.
24) Assessment of technical condition, fault detection of products of the aircraft equipment.
25) Testing of the aircraft equipment.
26) Development of programs and techniques of testing.
27) Flight testing of the aircraft equipment, preparation for flight testing, preparation and survey of flight and technical structure.
28) Flight testing of the aircraft equipment with use of the flying laboratories.
29) Ground tests, preparation and conducting bench and laboratory researches, including aerodynamic, strength, acoustic, on firmness and resistance to the external influencing factors, fail-safe tests.
30) Processing and analysis of results of testing.
14. The state service is performed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
15. The structural division of Minpromtorg of Russia responsible for provision of the state service, the Department of the aviation industry is (further - Department).
16. By provision of the state service it is forbidden to demand from the applicant of implementation of actions the, including approvals necessary for receipt of the state service and connected with the appeal to other state bodies and the organizations, except for receipts of the services included in the list of services which are necessary and obligatory for provision of the state services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
17. Is result of provision of the state service:
- decision making about provision (about refusal in provision) licenses;
- decision making about renewal (about refusal in renewal) licenses;
- decision making about cancellation of the license;
- provision to interested persons of data on the specific license;
- issue of the verified copy or duplicate of the license.
18. Methods of receipt of result of provision of the state service:
by personal delivery to the applicant, licensee, license applicant or their authorized representatives;
the mailing with the assurance of receipt;
by the direction in electronic form.
19. Decision making term about provision of the license (about refusal in provision of the license) cannot exceed 45 (forty five) working days from the date of receipt in the licensing body of properly issued application for provision of the license and in full the documents attached to it.
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The document ceased to be valid since March 9, 2021 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2020 No. 4569