of August 24, 2012 No. 254
About approval of Rules of accounting, storage, transportation and collection of banknotes, coins and values
According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 30, 1995 "About National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan", for the purpose of establishment of accounting treatment, storage, transportations and collections of banknotes, coins and values the Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of accounting, storage, transportation and collection of banknotes, coins and values.
2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Chairman of National Bank
G. Marchenko
Approved by the resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 24, 2012 No. 254
1. These rules of accounting, storage, transportation and collection of banknotes, coins and values (further - Rules) are developed according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 30, 1995 "About National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
2. Rules determine accounting treatment, storages, transportations and collections of banknotes, coins and values in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities (further - banks).
3. In Rules the following concepts are used:
1) clients of bank - the physical persons and legal entities using services of bank;
2) collection - acceptance, collection, delivery, transportation, storage and delivery of banknotes, coins and values, and also escort of the client with banknotes, coins and values;
3) cash desk - specially equipped room for storage, receiving and delivery of money and other values;
4) cash desk evening - the cash desk of bank performing acceptance and recalculation of banknotes and coins from clients and divisions of bank after the termination of the working day;
5) cash desk receipt - the cash desk of bank performing acceptance of banknotes and coins from clients of bank in operational time;
6) cash desk of recalculation - the cash desk of bank performing recalculation of the banknotes and coins accepted from clients and divisions of bank, forming and their packaging;
7) values - currency values, banknotes and coins of national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, securities, precious metals, products from them, and also the coins made of precious metals, which left the address and valuable objects;
8) the deliverer - subject to collection which banknotes, coins and values are collected;
9) service of special communication of the National operator of mail - the structural division of the National operator of mail providing services of special communication and performing services in collection of banknotes, coins and values.
4. For acceptance and collection of banknotes and coins at clients and divisions of bank, delivery of banknotes, coins and other values to clients and divisions of bank, escort of clients and employees of bank with banknotes, coins and other values, transportations, storages and delivery of banknotes, coins and other values, banks create services of collection based on the Republic of Kazakhstan issued by National Bank (further - National Bank) licenses or sign the contract with other banks having own service of collection or the organizations performing activities for collection.
5. The head of service of collection (chiefs and their deputies), collectors and drivers-collectors are part of service of collection. Combination of transactions on collection and transportation of values with transportation and delivery of special shipments of service of special communication of the National operator of mail by employees (the courier, the courier-driver) is allowed.
It is not allowed:
To involve 1) on collection of banknotes, coins and values and transportation of values of the workers who are part of other divisions of bank;
2) to use employees of service of collection for accomplishment of the functions and tasks which are not connected with collection of banknotes, coins and values and transportation of values (protection of buildings and rooms, control of access control of bank and other types of activity which are not connected with collection of banknotes, coins and values and transportation of values).
6. Types of the works and transactions performed by service of collection, are specified in naryadakhrasporyazheniye in form, according to appendix 1 to Rules.
7. The list of clients of bank whose revenue shall gather collectors and also the list of banks and branches with which operations on reinforcement of operational cash desks of banknotes and coins are performed is kept in service of collection. On each client the attendance card with assignment of number by it behind which the client of bank is registered in the list is monthly constituted. The attendance card is constituted in form according to appendix 13 to Rules of conducting cash transactions and transactions on collection of banknotes, coins and values in the banks and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities, the approved resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 3, 2001 No. 58 "About approval of Rules of conducting cash transactions and transactions on collection of banknotes, coins and values in the banks and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 1482) (further - Rules No. 58).
The necessary quantity of special collector bags is assigned to each client of bank depending on amount of banknotes and coins. On each bag fractional number where numerator - the customer number under which it is registered in the list of clients, and denominator - sequence number of bag is put down. Sequence numbers on collector bags shall not repeat.
Control of storage and use of collector bags is performed by service of collection.
8. Clients of bank represent to bank two samples of seal with accurate print of ice cream which will seal bags with cash revenue. On print of seal number and the abbreviated name of the client of bank shall be designated.
The head of service of collection checks the specified samples and certifies them by imposing of the seal of seal of the client of bank one twine lower than sample. Samples fasten on leaf of cardboard on which the name of the collected client of bank and its number according to the book of registration are specified.
One copy of the certified sample of seal is transferred to the client of bank. This sample is shown to the collector in case of receipt of bag by it with cash revenue from the cashier of the client of bank. The second copy is transferred to the cashier of receipt (vespers) cash desk or other cash worker who will accept bags with banknotes and coins from the client and to check their identity to seals on bags (sacks).
9. For collection of cash revenue at clients of bank the head of service of collection constitutes routes and schedules (time) of arrivals of collectors. Routes and schedules (time) of arrival of collectors to subjects to collection are established in coordination with clients of bank taking into account the maximum receipt of cash revenue in cash desk of bank and rational creation of routes.
10. Collection of banknotes, coins and other values is made by crew of collectors on the specialized vehicle of service of collection (further - the specialized vehicle). The crew of collectors shall be at least three people.
One of members of crew is appointed the senior of crew, another - the collector. Inkassatorsborshchik accepts collector bags with cash revenue from clients of bank. During the work on route the senior of crew and the driver-collector protect bags from banknotes and coins and observe work of the collector-collector.
11. The head of service of collection (the duty collector) before departure of crew of collectors on route to subjects to collection issues on receipt in the magazine for accounting of attendance cards, bags, seals and powers of attorney on collection of cash revenue which is conducted in form, according to appendix 2 to Rules, (further - the magazine for accounting of attendance cards, bags, seals and powers of attorney on collection of cash revenue):
1) to the collector-collector:
the power of attorney for form, according to appendix 3 to Rules;
attendance cards;
seal of service of collection with designation of number of route;
official ID;
2) to the senior of crew:
empty bags;
means of communication;
official ID.
The head of service of collection (the duty collector) on the issued empty bags and attendance cards constitutes and transfers to evening cash desk or cash desk of recalculation the certificate of the bags (sacks), attendance cards issued by collectors in form, according to appendix 15 to Rules No. 58.
12. Before departure the head (the duty collector) of service of collection checks readiness of the specialized vehicle for work on route on collection of cash revenue (technical serviceability, completeness spare parts, filling with fuels and lubricants, operation of means of communication, fire extinguishing means) and makes the corresponding entry in the route sheet. Also readiness for the driver-collector's route (physical condition and availability of driver's documents) is checked.
Before departure on route it is instructed collectors about procedure for task performance, under list in the magazine which is specially created for this purpose.
13. The workers occupied on collection are provided with equipment, individual remedies, including bullet-proof vests, and are armed with organic firearms.
For the period of accomplishment of service duties members of crew of collectors get the permit to carry a weapon, weapon, ammunition to it and bullet-proof vests on receipt in the magazine of registration of issue and acceptance of weapon and ammunition which is kept in form, according to appendix 4 to Rules, (further - the magazine of registration of issue and acceptance of weapon and ammunition).
Accounting, storage and use of organic firearms and ammunition to it is performed according to requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of the state control of turnover of separate types of weapon.
14. The head of service of collection (or his deputy) periodically, at least two times a month, makes checks of observance by collectors of Rules regarding collection of banknotes, coins and transportation of values about which results makes the corresponding log entries for accounting of attendance cards, bags, seals and powers of attorney on collection of cash revenue in the column "Note".
15. For delivery of banknotes, coins and values in the sealed-up collector bags in subjects to collection preparation of bags for delivery to their collectors is performed.
The cash worker of the deliverer to each bag which is handed over to collectors writes out by hand in triplicate the preprovoditelny sheet.
The first copy of the sheet invests in bag, the second copy (delivery note to bag) is transferred to the collector-collector in case of receipt of bag by it, the third copy (the copy of the preprovoditelny sheet) remains at the deliverer.
16. After investment of banknotes, coins and the first copy of the preprovoditelny sheet in bag, it is sealed up so that to prevent its opening. It is allowed to use lead and plastic seals for packaging of collector sacks (bags). Use of seals is determined by internal regulations of bank.
17. Before receipt of bag the collector-collector shows to the deliverer the official ID, the warrant for receipt of values. The cash worker of the deliverer shows the ice cream print sample certified by ice cream of service of collection, bag with cash revenue and two copies (second and third) of the preprovoditelny sheet.
18. The collector-collector accepts bag with values and checks:
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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2020 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2019 No. 231