of July 13, 2004 No. 94
About approval of the State concept of the Azerbaijan Republic on policy of management of migration
Considering need of determination of state policy in the field of management of migratory processes for the preparation of the State migratory program provided by the State program on reducing poverty and economic development in the Azerbaijan Republic for 2003-2005", approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of February 20, 2003 No. 854, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:
1. "Approve" the state concept of the Azerbaijan Republic on policy of management of migration", by the prepared commission on preparation of "The single state program of the Azerbaijan Republic on migration" and approved with the relevant state bodies it (is applied).
2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.
Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic
Arutur Rasi-Zade
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of July 13, 2004 No. 94
Regulation of migratory processes is essential from the point of view of development and safety of the country. Now each of 35 people in the world is the international migrant. And it constitutes 175 million people, that is 2,9 of % of the world population. These figures confirm again the fact that migration represents one of bright indicators of globalization of the world and characterizes processes of movement of people. In view of the fact that the migration policy based on political totalitarianism applied on space of the former USSR did not consider features of economic, ethnic, historical and natural development of the certain republics and regions, the basic human rights and freedoms of citizens, including the migratory rights approved internationally were regularly broken.
Along with it, as a result of the systematic policy of ethnic cleaning of 250 thousand Azerbaijanians who were historically living in this territory pursued by Armenia in 1988-1992 all of the person were violently expelled from homes and arrived to Azerbaijan. At the same time about 50 thousand Meskhetian Turks banished from Central Asia in 1990 also found shelter in Azerbaijan.
As a result of military aggression of the Armenian armed forces against our country since the beginning of 1988 of 20 percent of the Azerbaijani lands, the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, and also 7 areas, adjacent to it, underwent to occupation, 60 thousand Azerbaijanians from Nagorno-Karabakh and more than 600 thousand from other neighboring areas lost places of the permanent residence.
Besides, 100 thousand Azerbaijanians from the border settlements bordering on Armenia of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Akstafinsky, Gazakhsky, Tovuzsky, Agdzhabedinsky, Kedabeksky, Geranboysky and Tartar districts of the republic by force left places of the permanent residence as a result of the performed military aggression.
Thus, as a result of forced displacements of the population and emergence of spontaneous mass flows since 1988 in connection with origin on space of the former USSR of the centers of the conflicts, availability in Azerbaijan more than one million refugees and displaced persons, violations of the commercial ties developing for years, existence of political opposition in the republic in the first years of the independence, social and economic instability characteristic of transition period, aggression wave from Armenia and other reasons migratory processes much more became complicated that caused the necessity of implementation of immediate measures at the national level.
The undertaken economic reforms aimed at the development of the market relations in the Azerbaijan Republic, the signed and already begun to bear fruits, contracts with the leading world companies, recovery of historical "Silk Way" and advantageous geopolitical position of Azerbaijan were caused by increase of migration flows in the Republic.
From this point of view the Azerbaijan Republic is faced by extremely important task consisting in acceptance of state policy on management of the migration corresponding to interests of the country and the international standards, enhancement and development on its basis of the state management system by migratory processes.
The purpose of the concept is forming of policy of estimation and management of the existing situation in the migratory sphere.
Depending on origins, methods of regulation and methods of permission there are internal and external migration flows uniting in themselves migratory types with various features.
1.1. Internal migration
In the Azerbaijan Republic there are following forms of flows of internal migration:
forced migration;
social and economic migration.
The main subject of forced migration within the country are displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh captured by the Armenian armed forces as a result of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict across Nagorno-Karabakh and other neighboring regions adjoining to it, and also from areas, posing hazard to life border with the Armenian Republic.
Along with it, it is the ecological migrants forced to replace the places of residence in view of change of level of the Caspian Sea, earth landslides, mudflows and other natural disasters, and also salinization of soils due to the lack of necessary means and the equipment for implementation of meliorative works and also the social and economic migrants connected with the flow of able-bodied population which went from rural districts to the large cities, in particular to Baku and to Absheron on which it is located in job searches.
1.2. External migration
In the Azerbaijan Republic the subject of external migration is made by the following categories of migrants expressed in emigratory and immigration form:
persons, intended to receive the status of "refugee" and looking for shelter;
the migrants who are in provision, similar to refugees;
labor migrants;
transit migrants;
illegal migrants;
Azerbaijan was the first country among the former Soviet republics,
faced problem of refugees.
The first flow of refugees began with violent exile in 1988-1992 of all Azerbaijanians who were historically living in this territory from homes as a result of the carried-out Armenia of systematic policy of ethnic cleaning.
Along with it the Meskhetian Turks deported from Georgia and placed in Central Asia, expelled from there as a result of the conflict which erupted there on the international soil in 1990 were also settled in Azerbaijan as refugees.
In Azerbaijan there are also about 11 thousand persons from the Iranian Islamic Republic, Russia, Afghanistan, the Iraqi Republic, persons interested to receive the status of the refugee and the looking for shelters.
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