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The document ceased to be valid since  January 1, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 16, 2018 No. 197


of October 12, 2012 No. 1303

About approval of the list of space objects and the equipment of the objects of land space infrastructure imported by participants of space activities whose import is exempted from the value added tax, and confirmation form of import of space objects and the equipment of objects of land space infrastructure for the purposes of space activities

According to subitem 6-1) of Item 1 of article 255 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 10, 2008 "About taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES: (Tax code)

1. Approve enclosed:

1) the list of space objects and the equipment of the objects of land space infrastructure imported by participants of space activities whose import is exempted from the value added tax;

2) confirmation form of import of space objects and the equipment of objects of land space infrastructure for the purposes of space activities.

2. This resolution becomes effective since October 1, 2011 and is subject to official publication.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

S. Akhmetov

Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 12, 2012, No. 1303

The list of space objects and the equipment of the objects of land space infrastructure imported by participants of space activities whose import is exempted from the value added tax

1. Means of removal of space objects and their components:

1) carrier rockets;

2) steps of carrier rockets, transitional systems, head fairing;

3) mezhstupenny compartments and mechanisms of joint and separation of steps of rockets and unmanned aerial vehicles;

4) accelerating blocks;

5) transport modules.

2. Spacecrafts:

1) devices of communication, broadcasting and relaying;

2) devices of remote sensing of Earth, including for environmental monitoring and meteorology;

3) devices of coordinate and time providing and navigation;

4) devices for scientific research;

5) devices for carrying out testing in the conditions of space and production in space of materials and other products;

6) the devices piloted;

7) space stations.

3. Means of the information and measuring equipment:

1) complexes of the information and measuring equipment;

2) devices of the information and measuring equipment;

3) control test apparatus, control instrumentation, control units and settings;

4) spare part cases, tools, accessories;

5) operational and educational and training means.

4. Onboard systems and equipment of management, control and trajectory measurements:

1) onboard equipment of autonomous management systems of carrier rockets;

2) function blocks and elements of the onboard equipment of autonomous management systems of carrier rockets (stabilization automatic machines, regulators of the seeming speed, automatic equipment of propulsion systems, automatic machines of management of range approving devices of systems of telemetric control, onboard cable networks, power supply systems and switching);

3) the completing blocks and elements of the onboard equipment of autonomous management systems of carrier rockets;

4) management systems of spacecrafts (the navigation system and stabilization, system of navigation, system of the managed ballistic descent, system of soft landing, system of correction in orbit, management systems object, management systems joining, power supply systems, systems of single time and synchronization, system of direction finding, system of emergency blasting object, power supply sources, switches, other systems and the equipment of management systems);

5) structural blocks and elements of management systems of spacecrafts;

6) onboard equipment of command and measuring systems, communication systems and relaying of space complex;

7) blocks and elements of command and measuring systems, communication systems and relaying of space complex;

8) onboard digital computers and machines (computers) for the space equipment;

9) structural blocks and elements of on-board computers;

10) special software of on-board computers;

11) the equipment of special onboard systems of spacecrafts (geodetic and radio geodetic measurements, photographic, visual, infrared, phototelevision, optical-electronic and radar observation, for scientific research of terrestrial radiation and magnetism, solar and primary space radiation, astronomical radiation of stars and the atmosphere, aktinometrichesky);

12) structural blocks and elements of special onboard systems of spacecrafts;

13) gyroscopic devices;

14) the completing blocks and elements of gyroscopic devices;

15) spare parts, tools, accessories of management systems of spacecrafts, connecting cables;

16) life support systems.

5. Components and equipment of the spaceports and land complexes of management of space objects:

1) equipment of starting and technical complexes, test complex, special constructions;

2) equipment transport, docking and transport and adjusting;

3) the equipment of filling with components of fuel and providing with the compressed gases, zapravochnoneytralizatsionny stations, the cryogenic equipment;

4) equipment technological, test, auxiliary;

5) controls special processing, test and technical equipment;

6) means of servicing, storage and operation of carrier rockets and spacecrafts;

7) special control facilities and procedural checks of processing, test and technical equipment;

8) aggregates, nodes, details, means lifting;

9) equipment of the educational and training centers;

10) stations of acceptance and processing of space information;

11) objects, the equipment and means for land experimental working off and testing of the space equipment;

12) equipment of control and monitoring of useful load of the spacecraft;

13) means of transportation of components of the carrier rocket;

14) land processing equipment of complexes of operation of areas of fall, aviation means for search of the separated parts of the carrier rocket;

15) optical telescopes for observations of space objects and land support of space programs.

6. The land automated complex of management:

1) stations of command and measuring systems, including land stationary, on mobile land, floating and flying means;

2) the equipment, special software, information and software products for computer facilities of control centers of flights of spacecrafts;

3) components and spare parts of means of the land automated complex of management;

4) the control and test and control and checking equipment of means of the land automated complex of management;

5) land checking and starting electric equipment;

6) the control device for pre-launch and launching for starting positions;


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