of October 16, 2012 No. 771
About approval of the Veterinary sanitary standard concerning the African plague of horses
Based on part (1) article 29 of the Law on veterinary and sanitary activities No. 221-XVI of October 19, 2007. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, No. 5154, of the Art. 153), with subsequent changes and amendments, for the prevention, exception or decrease in risk of outbreak of disease at animals and ensuring protection of health of animals, and also the Government DECIDES: preventions of penetration of disease on the territory of the country
1. Approve the Veterinary sanitary standard concerning the African plague of horses it (is applied).
2. Determine that this Resolution becomes effective in month after publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.
3. To impose control over the implementation of provisions of this Resolution on the National agency on safety of foodstuff.
Prime Minister
Vladimir Filat
Countersigns: Minister of Agriculture and food industry |
Vasile Bumakov |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 16, 2012 No. 771
The veterinary sanitary standard concerning the African plague of horses (further - Veterinary sanitary standard) is brought into accord with provisions of the Directive No. 92/35/EEC of Council of April 29, 1992 about setting standards on control and measures of fight against the African plague of horses (The official magazine of the European Communities No. L 157 of June 10, 1992, page 19), the last change made by the Directive No. 2008/73/EU of Council of July 15, 2008. (The official magazine of the European Community, L 219 of August 14, 2008, page 40).
1. This Veterinary sanitary standard establishes regulations on control and measures of fight against the African plague of horses.
2. In this Veterinary sanitary standard the following concepts are used:
object - any agricultural or training unit, stable or, in general, any space or the device in which usually are grown up or contain horse, irrespective of their use, or natural reservations in which horse live at liberty;
horse - wild or pets of type horse (including zebras) either the donkeys or animals received as a result of their crossing;
the registered horse - any registered animal of family horse, identified by means of the identification document issued by competent authority of country of source of animal which administers genealogical leaf or the register for this breed horse or any society or the organization which own horses for competitions or races;
horse, intended for slaughter, - horse, intended for direct transportation or after their stay in the authorized market or in the procurement center on slaughter for slaughter;
horse for reproduction or production - horse, except for registered and intended for slaughter;
the country, free from the African plague of horses, - any country in the territory of which any is not revealed clinical serological (at not vaccinated horse) or epidemiological sign of the African plague of horses within the last two years and in which vaccination against this disease in the last 12 months was carried out;
temporary stay - stay in the territory of the Republic of Moldova for the period up to 90 days of the registered animal coming from other country whose state of health is established by competent authority, taking into account epizootic situation in country of source;
the owner or holder - any persons or physical persons or legal entities owning horse or containing them on the right or without the property right;
vector - insect of type of "Culicoides imicola" or any other insect of the sort "Culicoides" who can transmit identifiable African plague of horses;
confirmation - the announcement of availability of the African plague of horses based on laboratory results, and in case of epidemic - confirmation of disease based on clinical and/or epidemiological results competent authority;
competent authority - the central body responsible for the organization and conducting the official veterinary sanitary inspections concerning the African plague of horses.
3. Emergence or suspicion on availability of the African plague of horses is subject to immediate and obligatory notification according to the veterinary health requirements according to the announcement, the notification and internal and international notification established by competent authority.
4. If on object contain one or more animals of family horse concerning which there is suspicion of infection with the African plague of horses, then the competent authority shall be convinced that the official veterinarian immediately uses official means for research for the purpose of confirmation or exception of availability of the corresponding disease.
5. From the moment of the notification about suspicion of infection the official veterinarian shall:
1) to deliver the suspected object under official veterinary sanitary inspection;
To carry out 2):
a) official census horse with indication of for each type of quantity of the fallen, infected animals and animals who can be infected and update this census to record given rise or fallen horse throughout the suspicion period, representing, on demand, on check data of the conducted census;
b) census of places which can be favorable for survival of vector or its adaptation and use appropriate means for removal of insects from these places;
c) epidemiological questioning;
3) it is regular to inspect object on purpose:
a) inspections of each animal family horse on object;
b) performing detailed clinical trial or opening of the suspicious or fallen animals;
c) selection of necessary tests for laboratory researches;
4) to make sure that:
a) all animal families horse on object contain in the rooms or in other places protected from vector;
b) all transportations of animals of family horse on object or from object are prohibited;
c) appropriate means for liquidation of insects in rooms with these animals and around them are used;
d) corpses horse, fallen on object, are destroyed, removed, burned or buried according to veterinary health requirements on removal and conversion of waste of animals.
6. The owner or holder of any animal, suspicious on disease, shall:
a) take all necessary measures for protection of animals to the notification about suspicion of infection;
b) promote accomplishment of the provisions specified in Item 5 of this Veterinary sanitary standard.
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