of September 6, 2012 No. 5203-VI
About administrative services
This Law determines legal principles of realization of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, in the sphere of provision of administrative services.
In this Law the terms below are used in such value:
1) administrative service - the result of implementation of powers of authority by the subject of provision of administrative services in the statement of physical person or legal entity directed to acquisition, change or the termination of the rights and/or implementation of obligations of such person according to the law;
2) the subject of the address - physical person, the legal entity who addresses for receipt of administrative services;
3) the subject of provision of administrative service - executive body, other state body, authority of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local government body, their officials, the state registrar, the subject of state registration authorized according to the law to render administrative services.
1. Operation of this Law extends to the public relations connected with provision of administrative services.
2. Operation of this Law does not extend to the relations relatively:
1) implementation of the state supervision (control), including the state control of compliance with law concerning foodstuff, forages, by-products of animal origin, health and wellbeing of animals;
2) metrological control and supervision;
3) accreditations of conformity assessment bodies;
4) inquiries, pretrial investigation;
5) investigation and search operations;
6) legal proceedings, enforcement proceeding;
7) notarial actions;
8) execution of punishments;
9) access to public information;
10) applications of the legislation on protection of the economic competition;
10-1) implementation of state regulation of the markets of financial services;
11) implementation of the activities connected with the state secret;
12) acquisitions of rights on the competitive principles;
13) acquisitions of rights concerning the objects limited in the civil address;
14) implementation of state regulation in spheres of power and utilities;
15) certifications of the operator of system of transfer according to the Law of Ukraine "About the market of electrical energy";
15-1) guarantees of origin of the electrical energy made from renewable energy resources;
16) authorizations of electronic platforms and decision making about disconnection of the authorized electronic platforms from electronic purchasing system provided by the Law of Ukraine "About public purchases";
17) implementation of the actions connected with protection of the rights to intellectual property items (inventions, useful models, industrial designs, configurations of semiconductor products, trademarks (signs for goods and services), geographical designations, objects of copyright and the related rights, registration and accreditation of the organizations of collective management);
18) implementation of state regulation in the sphere of television and broadcasting;
18) acquisitions of resident status Action of City and entering of data into the register Action of City according to the Law of Ukraine "About stimulation of development of digital economy in Ukraine";
18) No. 2024-IX Is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 27.01.2022;
19) issues of the international certificates, international veterinary certificates and other veterinary documents provided by the laws of Ukraine "About the state control of compliance with law about foodstuff, sterns, by-products of animal origin, health and wellbeing of animals" and "About veterinary medicine".
1. The legislation in the sphere of provision of administrative services consists of the Constitution of Ukraine, the present and other laws adopted according to them the regulatory legal acts governing the relations in the sphere of provision of administrative services.
2. Provision of administrative services is performed according to the Law of Ukraine "About ministerial procedure" and this Law taking into account the features determined by the laws which govern the public relations in the respective spheres, in particular the Law of Ukraine "About licensing of types of economic activity".
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