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The document ceased to be valid since December 14, 2018 according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 12, 2018 No. 1231


of September 26, 2012 No. 710

About compensation of the workers performing maintenance and providing activities of degrees of jurisdiction, prosecutor's office and bodies of the central and local public authority

(as amended on 05-09-2018)

In pursuance of the Law No. 163 of July 11, 2012 on modification and amendments in the Law on wages system in the budget sphere No. 355-XVI of December 23, 2005 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, No. 166-169 a, the Art. 567) the Government DECIDES:

1. Establish since September 1, 2012 official pay rates of the workers performing maintenance and providing activities of degrees of jurisdiction, prosecutor's office and bodies of the central and local public authority according to appendix No. 1.

2. Official pay rates for deputy managers of divisions are established 5-10% below than the official pay rates provided for the corresponding heads. The specific amount of reduction is determined by the head of budget unit after consultation with the head of the relevant division.

3. To the workers performing maintenance in bodies of public management of left bank of Dniester the Saltworks sat down (the area Aneny Noy) and in the villages of Kopanka and Hadzhimus (area Keushen), the allowance at the rate to 30% of official pay rate is established.

4. The allowances or surcharges connected with specifics of activities (for combination of positions; expansion of zone of servicing or increase in amount of the performed works; for accomplishment along with the main work of extra works or for fulfillment of duties of temporarily absent worker; for work at night; other surcharges of the stimulating and compensation nature, stipulated by the legislation), are established according to the procedure and conditions provided in article 30 of the Law on wages system in the budget sphere No. 355-XVI of December 23, 2005.

5. For the purpose of stimulation of the workers performing maintenance and providing activities of public bodies in which they work, to heads of degrees of jurisdiction, prosecutor's offices of bodies of the central or local public authority the right to monthly award the specified workers and to give them financial support is granted.

For awarding means of compensation in the amount of 20% of the annual salary fund estimated proceeding from the official pay rates provided in the staff list of bodies of public management for maintenance positions are used, and for rendering financial support one average monthly salary fund a year is used.

The specific sizes of monthly awards are established to workers is differentiated, within the funds allocated for these purposes depending on personal deposit of each worker without restriction of the amount of the paid award to one worker.

Financial support is provided based on the written application at all seasons of the year or joins holiday benefit.

The financial support given to workers is recalculated in proportion to worked time in position in settlement period in case of suspension or cancellation of the individual employment contract by resignation or dismissal before the termination of settlement year, except as specified, when the worker stopped or suspended activities based on Items and) and e) Articles 76, of Item d) parts (1) Articles 78, of Items and) and i) Articles 82, of Items b) - e) and u) parts (1) Article 86 and in case of transfer in educational institution according to part (2) Article 85 of the Labor code.

6. For the carried-out work workers who perform maintenance have the right to the annual bonus in the amount of one official pay rate added for actually worked time.

The annual bonus is paid in February of the year following after year for which awarding is made.

The head of degree of jurisdiction, prosecutor's office, body of the central or local public authority after consultation with employee representatives has the right to reduce or deprive of annual bonus of workers who within year inefficiently or inadequate image performed the professional activity or were exposed to authority punishment.

6-1. The workers performing maintenance and providing functioning of the State office, the ministries, other central administrative authorities subordinated to the Government, and organizational structures in the sphere of their competence having the right to receive the stimulating payments. The stimulating payments are paid monthly for the account of the means which are annually allocated for other stimulating payments according to the legislation on payment system of government employees and due to economy of the funds on compensation allocated to authority for the corresponding year along with salary payment and installed for each worker separately in proportion to the salary, according to the following formula:

PS = S * FS E/


PS - the stimulating payments for one person;

S - the official pay rate of the worker performing maintenance, established in appendix No. 1;

Е - total amount of the funds allocated for payment of other stimulating payments and economy of the funds on compensation allocated for the corresponding year calculated for month of calculation of the stimulating payments;

FS - the general fund monthly/official / the base pay provided by the staff list of public authority for month of calculation of the stimulating payments.

6-2. The workers performing maintenance and providing activities of bodies of local public authority have the right to the monthly stimulating payments at the rate to 15% of official pay rate. The corresponding payments are performed for actually worked time is pro rata to the official pay rate established in appendix No. 1, at the expense of the means planned for these purposes in budgets of relevant organs.

7. The workers performing maintenance and providing activities of degrees of jurisdiction, prosecutor's office and bodies of the central and local public authority have the right for the account and within the salary fund for the corresponding year to award in connection with anniversaries, professional holidays and on the occasion of non-working holidays which size in each case shall not exceed monthly official pay rate of the awarded worker.

8. Compensation of the workers occupied in the bodies specified in Item 1, is performed according to the Order of the Government No. 381 of April 13, 2006 "About payment terms of work of workers of the budget sphere" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2006, Art. No. 66-69, 431).


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