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of September 5, 2012 No. 2421

About approval of the National plan of activities for development of the Open Government for 2012-2015 and the National plan of activities for fight against corruption for 2012-2015.

(as amended on 07-08-2017)

Being guided by Item 32 of article 109 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, for the purpose of ensuring duration of the events held within "National strategy for increase in the transparency and fight against corruption" approved by the Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of July 28, 2007 No. 2292, of enhancement of regulatory framework and institutional mechanisms in this sphere, reductions of activities of state bodies and self-government institutions in compliance with the principles of the open government, expansion of participation of the public in decision making process and increases in transparency, I decide ensuring execution of the international obligations of the Azerbaijan Republic in this area:

1. Approve "The national plan of activities for development of the Open Government for 2012-2015" it (is applied).

2. Approve "The national plan of activities for fight against corruption for 2012 - 2015" it (is applied).

3. To the central bodies and bodies of the local executive authority:

3.1. annually till January 15 to represent to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Commission on fight against corruption of the Azerbaijan Republic annual statements about execution of the actions provided in "The national plan of activities for development of the Open Government for 2012-2015" and "The national plan of activities for fight against corruption for 2012-2015" (further - "Plans of Activities");

3.2. approve annual working plans on execution of Plans of Activities and provide information on it in the Commission on fight against corruption of the Azerbaijan Republic.

4. It is regular to Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic and Commission on fight against corruption of the Azerbaijan Republic to analyze condition of works, the Plans of Activities implemented in connection with execution and to inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

5. Recommend to Audit Chamber, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman), Judicial legal to council of the Azerbaijan Republic, courts, to local government bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic to provide execution of the actions provided in Plans of Activities.

6. Recommend to the Commission on fight against corruption of the Azerbaijan Republic to involve institutes of civil society in process of assessment of execution of Plans of Activities and to regularly inform the public on the carried-out work on execution of Plans of Activities.

7. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic to resolve other issues following from this Order.

President of the Azerbaijan Republic

Ilham Aliyev

Approved by the Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of September 5, 2012, No. 2421

National plan of activities for development of the Open Government for 2012-2015.

Increase in transparency in activities of state bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic, ensuring accountability, expansion of participation of the public, use of new technologies are the basic principles. For the purpose of enhancement of activities of state bodies according to modern standards "National Strategy for increase in transparency and fight against corruption in 2007-2011" was executed. In Strategy essential actions for use of the principles of the Open Government are also established. The Azerbaijan Republic joined all international initiatives on development of due management.

For enhancement of the activities connected with increase in transparency and development of the Open Government, exchange of the international experience in this area and opportunity to make contribution to international efforts our country in 2011 joined Partnership of the Open Government.

For application in activities of state bodies of transparency and the principles of the open state, the following events are generally performed:

In the sphere of ensuring freedom of information

In 2005 the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About receipt of information" is adopted. Control of execution of the Law is imposed on the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Azerbaijan Republic. For simplification of receipt of information within "National Strategy for increase in transparency and fight against corruption" practical work is carried out.

The actions connected with submission of information of the public by state bodies in pro-active form are established. In the sphere of the organization of electronic services


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