of April 30, 2012 No. 25
About some questions of financial accounting
Based on subitem 4.32 of item 4 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1585 "Questions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus", the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve enclosed:
Instruction for financial accounting of intangible assets;
The instruction for financial accounting of intangible assets in state-financed organizations;
The instruction for financial accounting of the non-current assets intended for realization;
Instruction for financial accounting of the investment real estate.
2. Determine that the organizations have the right to consider the objects which are registered as those before the date of entry into force of this resolution as a part of intangible assets.
3. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus and their separate structural elements concerning financial accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets according to the list according to appendix.
4. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2013.
Minister A. M. Harkovets
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of April 30, 2012 No. 25
1. This Instruction determines procedure for forming in financial accounting of information on intangible assets in the organizations (except for banks, the non-bank credit and financial organizations, state-financed organizations) (further - the organizations).
2. For the purposes of this Instruction the following concepts and their determinations are used:
original cost - the cost at which the asset is accepted to financial accounting as intangible asset;
revaluated value - the cost of intangible asset after its revaluation;
residual cost - difference between the original (overpriced) cost of intangible asset and depreciation amounts which are saved up on it for the entire period of operation and impairment;
the current market value - cash amount which would be received in case of realization of intangible asset in the current market conditions;
public funds - means republican and (or) local budgets, including the state trust budget funds, and also state non-budgetary funds.
3. This Instruction is not applied in the relation:
the non-current assets accepted to financial accounting as intended for realization, and also the assets entering the disposal groups accepted to financial accounting as intended for realization;
goodwill (goodwill).
4. As intangible assets the assets which do not have the material and material form in case of accomplishment of the following conditions of recognition are accepted by the organization to financial accounting:
assets are identified, that is are separable from other assets of the organization;
assets are held for use in organization activity, including in production, in case of performance of works, rendering services, for managerial needs of the organization, and also for provision in use;
the organization assumes receipt of economic benefits from use of assets and can limit access for other persons to these benefits;
assets are held for use during the period lasting more than 12 months;
the organization does not suppose alienation of assets within 12 months from the date of acquisition;
the original cost of assets can be authentically determined.
5. As intangible assets property rights on results of scientific and technical activities are accepted by the organization to financial accounting (dalee-NTD) in case of accomplishment of the conditions of recognition specified in item 4 of this Instruction, and also the following conditions of recognition:
the organization supposes to finish creation of intangible asset;
the organization determines possibility of use of the created intangible asset in the activities, its realization or transfers by license (author's) agreements;
costs for creation of intangible asset and its reduction in the condition suitable for use are documented;
the organization assumes receipt of economic benefits from use of intangible asset in the activities, its realization or transfers according to license (author's) agreements and can limit access for other persons to these benefits.
The website created in the organization is accepted to financial accounting as intangible asset in case of accomplishment of the conditions of recognition specified in item 4 of this Instruction and part one of this Item.
6. In case of failure to carry out of any of specified in item 4 and (or) the parts one of Item 5 of this Instruction of conditions of recognition made by the organization of costs are recognized expenses.
7. Property rights belong to intangible assets:
7.1. concerning intellectual property items:
copyright objects, including the literary, drama, muzykalnodramatichesky, musical, audiovisual, photographic and other works, computer programs, databases or their copies acquired according to license (author's) agreements or other bases, stipulated by the legislation, other objects of copyright;
objects of the related rights, including execution, soundtracks, transfers of the organizations of on-air and cable broadcasting, other objects of the related rights;
objects of the right of industrial property, including the inventions, useful models, industrial designs, selection achievements, topology of integrated chips, trademarks and service marks received during transaction on acquisition of the company as property complex, know-how (know-how), other objects of the right of industrial property;
other intellectual property items;
7.2. following from license (author's) agreements, agreements of the complex entrepreneurial license (franchizing) and other agreements according to the legislation;
7.3. concerning other objects.
8. Do not treat intangible assets:
intellectual and business qualities of employees of the organization, their qualification and capability to work;
the costs connected with creation of the organization;
costs for marketing researches;
property rights on results of the specifications and technical documentation in case of failure to carry out of the conditions of recognition specified in item 4 and part one of Item 5 of this Instruction;
trademarks and service marks, except for received during transaction on acquisition of the company as property complex;
names of the published editions;
the client base created by the organization;
copies of the works containing on any carriers in which works of science, literature, the arts acquired and used in organization activity are expressed;
other objects and costs according to the legislation.
9. Unit of financial accounting of intangible assets is inventory object.
Inventory object of intangible assets is set of the property rights arising from the patent, the certificate, the license (author's) agreement or in other procedure established by the legislation, the certain independent functions intended for accomplishment.
10. Analytics of intangible assets on inventory objects are kept in inventory accounting cards of intangible assets or in other registers of analytics.
Analytics of costs for accomplishment of research, opytnokonstruktorsky and experienced and technological works (further - NIOKTR) are conducted on work types, agreements (orders), etc.
11. The procedure for charge and reflection in financial accounting of intangible asset deprication is established in the Instruction about procedure for depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus of February 27, 2009 No. 37/18/6 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2009, No. 149, 8/21041).
12. Intangible assets are accepted to financial accounting on account 04 "Intangible assets" on original cost based on the act of reception-transmission of intangible assets in form according to appendix 2 to the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of April 22, 2011 No. 23 "About establishment of forms of the act of reception-transmission of fixed assets, the act of reception-transmission of intangible assets and approval of the Instruction of procedure for filling of the act of reception-transmission of fixed assets and the act of reception-transmission of intangible assets" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2011, No. 56, 8/23625).
13. The original cost of the acquired intangible assets is determined in the amount of actual costs on their acquisition, including:
acquisition value of intangible assets;
customs fees and duties;
percent on the credits and loans;
costs for the services of other persons connected with reduction of intangible assets in the condition suitable for use;
other costs which are directly connected with acquisition of intangible assets and their reduction in the condition suitable for use.
The original cost of the intangible assets brought by the owner of property (founders, participants) on account of contribution to authorized capital of the organization is determined based on the conclusions about their assessment which is carried out by persons performing estimative activities.
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