of March 24, 2003 No. 167
About procedure for representation of guarantees of material, medical and housing security of foreign citizens and stateless persons for their stay in the Russian Federation
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on representation of guarantees of material, medical and housing security of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship for their stay in the Russian Federation.
2. Bring in Item 3 of the Regulations on presentation by foreign citizens and persons without citizenship of guarantees of provision of means for their accommodation in the territory of the Russian Federation and the departure from the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 1998 N1142 (The Russian Federation Code, 1998, N 41, Art. 5020; 1999, N 40, Art. 4862), following changes and amendment:
a) recognize subitems "g" and "d" invalid;
b) add the subitem "e" with words: "(in case of their entry into the Russian Federation without registration in accordance with the established procedure invitations to entry into the Russian Federation)".
Russian Prime Minister
M. Kasyanov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2003 No. 167
2. Inviting party are:
a) federal bodies of the government;
b) diplomatic representations and consular establishments of foreign states in the Russian Federation;
c) the international organizations and their representations in the Russian Federation, and also representations of foreign states under the international organizations which are in the Russian Federation;
d) public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation;
e) local government bodies;
e) legal entities;
g) citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens who are constantly living in the Russian Federation.
3. Guarantees of material, medical and housing security of the foreign citizen for its stay in the Russian Federation are guaranty letters of inviting party about acceptance on themselves the following obligations:
a) provision of money by inviting party for accommodation of the foreign citizen for its stay in the Russian Federation at a rate of not less than the subsistence minimum established in appropriate subject of the Russian Federation, and also the money necessary for departure from the Russian Federation of the foreign citizen upon termination of the term of its stay in the Russian Federation;
b) providing with inviting party the foreign citizen arriving to the Russian Federation for the purpose of implementation of labor activity, the salary at a rate of not less than the minimum wage established by the Federal Law;
c) providing the foreign citizen with inviting party for its stay in the Russian Federation the insurance health policy which is drawn up in accordance with the established procedure if other is not provided by the international treaty of the Russian Federation, or provision to the foreign citizen in need of money for receipt of medical care by it;
d) housing providing the foreign citizen with inviting party for its stay in the Russian Federation according to social norm of the area of housing established by public authority of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation.
4. The physical person acting as inviting party encloses guaranty letters about material, medical and housing security of the foreign citizen for its stay in the Russian Federation to data on the income (money) allowing it to provide accomplishment of obligations, 3 this provision specified in Item.
5. The inviting party in case of the appeal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation either the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or its territorial authority with the petition for issue of the invitation to entry into the Russian Federation at the same time represents guarantees of material, medical and housing security of the foreign citizen for its stay in the Russian Federation.
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