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of July 5, 2012 No. 5081-VI

About the emergency medical care

(as amended on 18-11-2021)

This Law determines the organization-legal principles of providing citizens of Ukraine and other persons who are in its territory, the emergency medical care, including during emergence of emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences, and the principles of creation, functioning and development of system of the emergency medical care.

Article 1. Determination of terms

1. In this Law the stated below terms are used in such value:

1) crew of the emergency (fast) medical care - structural unit of the station of the emergency (fast) medical care or the center of the emergency medical care and medicine of catastrophic crashes which task is provision of the emergency medical care to the person in medical emergency directly on the scene and during transportation of such person in health care institution according to this Law;

2) challenge of the emergency medical care - the message on medical emergency of the person and the scene and/or the address on need of provision of the emergency medical care according to single telephone number of the emergency medical care 103 or according to single telephone number of system of the emergency help to the population 112;

3) department of the emergency (urgent) medical care - structural division of multi-profile hospital in which in the round-the-clock mode provision of the emergency medical care is provided;

4) the domeditsinsky help - the immediate actions and organizational actions directed to rescuing and preserving human life in medical emergency and minimization of consequences of influence of such condition on his health which are performed on the scene by persons who have no medical education, but on the service duties shall own the main practical skills on rescue and preserving human life, being in medical emergency, and according to the law shall perform such actions and actions;

5) the emergency medical care - medical care which consists in implementation by workers of system of the emergency medical care according to this Law of the urgent organizational, diagnostic and medical actions directed to rescuing and preserving human life in medical emergency and minimization of consequences of influence of such condition on his health;

6) the scene - the territory, the room or any other location of the person in medical emergency at the time of implementation of challenge of the emergency medical care;

7) medical emergency of the person - sudden deterioration in physical or mental health which poses direct and inevitable threat of life and to health of the person or the people surrounding it and results from disease, injury, poisoning or other internal or external reasons;

8) Item of permanent basing of crew of the emergency (fast) medical care - the location of crew of the emergency (fast) medical care and the specialized hospital transport adapted and equipped for its work in the round-the-clock mode;

9) Item of temporary basing of crew of the emergency (fast) medical care - the place of temporary stay of crew of the emergency (fast) medical care for ensuring timely provision of the emergency medical care, including during mass actions and actions with participation of persons concerning whom the state protection is performed;

10) system of the emergency medical care - set of the institutions of health care determined by this Law and their structural units which provide the organization and provision of the emergency medical care, including during emergence of emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences;

11) the specialized hospital transport - the vehicle equipped with special light and sound signaling devices intended for transportation of the person in medical emergency and equipped for rendering the emergency medical care or intended for transportation of anatomic materials of the person which are applied to transplantation.

2. Other concepts and terms are used in this Law in values which are determined in Bases the legislation of Ukraine on health care and other legal acts of Ukraine.

Article 2. The legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of provision of the emergency medical care

1. The legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of provision of the emergency medical care is based on the Constitution of Ukraine and consists of Bases of the legislation of Ukraine on health care, other legal acts which govern the relations on the questions connected with health care, this Law and other regulatory legal acts adopted according to them.

2. If the international treaty which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation Ukraine in the sphere of provision of the emergency medical care are applied rules of the international treaty.


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