It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
June 18, 2012
No. 988/21300
of May 29, 2012 No. 623
About approval of the List of departmental qualifiers of information on questions of customs affairs which are used in the course of execution of customs declarations, and the Procedure for their maintaining
According to Article 454 of the Customs code of Ukraine of March 13, 2012 No. 4495-VI, the subitem 64 of item 4 and the subitem 3 of Item 10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of April 08, 2011 No. 446, I ORDER:
The list of departmental qualifiers of information on questions of customs affairs which are used in the course of execution of customs declarations;
Procedure for maintaining departmental qualifiers of information on questions of customs affairs which are used in the course of execution of customs declarations.
2. (Chmeruk M. O.) and to Department of the organization of customs control and registration of the State Customs Service of Ukraine (Syomk S. M.) in accordance with the established procedure to provide to department of tax, customs policy and methodology of financial accounting of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine:
submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine;
promulgation of this order.
3. This order becomes effective from the date of the introduction in action of the Customs code of Ukraine of March 13, 2012, but not earlier than day of official publication.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine Myarkovsky A. I. and First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Service of Ukraine of Dorokhovsky O. M.
Yu. Kolobov
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of May 29, 2012, No. 623
Qualifier of types of declarations;
Qualifier of customs regimes;
The qualifier of features of movement of goods through customs border of Ukraine;
Qualifier of delivery conditions;
Qualifier of natures of agreements;
Qualifier of modes of transport;
Qualifier of types of packagings;
The qualifier of exemptions of customs payments in case of commodity importation on customs area of Ukraine;
Qualifier of exemptions of export duty;
Qualifier of documents, certificates, permissions and additional information;
Qualifier of methods of calculation;
Qualifier of types of containers;
Qualifier of methods of providing customs payment;
Qualifier of types of penalties;
Qualifier of the bases of implementation of surcharge (return) of the amounts of customs payments;
Qualifier of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, its territorial authorities and their structural divisions;
The qualifier of types of receipts of the budget which are controlled by customs authorities;
The qualifier of units of measure and accounting which are used in the course of execution of customs declarations;
The qualifier of separate goods when which declaring additional units of measure are applied;
Qualifier of information necessary for identification and classification of goods;
Qualifier of trademarks;
The qualifier of customs formalities which can be determined by results of application of risk management system;
The qualifier of initiators of carrying out customs formalities who can be determined by results of application of risk management system;
The qualifier of results of accomplishment of customs formalities which can be determined by results of application of risk management system;
Qualifier of the reasons of failure to complete of customs clearance.
The qualifier of the additional information necessary for identification of goods is brought in electronic invoice which is applied to the customs declaration completed on the form of the single administrative document.
The qualifier of places of customs control of the goods moved with pipeline transport and power lines.
Director of the department of tax, customs policy and methodology of financial accounting
M. O. Chmeruk
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of May 29, 2012, No. 623
1. This Procedure determines general requirements to implementation, modification of departmental qualifiers of information on questions of customs affairs which are used in the course of execution of customs declarations (further - departmental qualifiers).
2. Departmental qualifiers do not contain precepts of law and take root for the purpose of accomplishment of the Customs code of Ukraine and other legal acts for the coding of information which is used in the course of implementation of customs procedures, maintaining customs statistics, electronic declaring and risk management system.
3. Departmental qualifiers are developed in the form of tables of distribution of subjects to classification with observance of such requirements:
Tables of distribution of subjects to classification such obligatory graphs contain 1):
code of subject to classification - conditional digital and/or alphabetic reference which displays system of the coding and distribution of objects on classification groups;
the name of subject to classification with its verbal description which gives the chance to distinguish specific subject to classification from others;
2) in case of change of system of the coding of subjects to classification the departmental qualifier is subject to revision.
4. The excluded code of subject to classification is not used for newly created subjects to classification. For ensuring reliability and objectivity of statistical data for previous periods in case of exception of code of subject to classification it remains as reference information in the single automated information system of customs authorities of Ukraine.
5. Approval of departmental qualifiers, introduction of changes in them and amendments, and also approval in case of need of methodical recommendations concerning their application are performed by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
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