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of May 2, 2012 No. 92

About approval of the Procedure for the publication of customs statistics on foreign trade

(as amended on 13-05-2016)

For the purpose of ensuring execution of subitem 1.3.18 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of September 15, 2011 "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Customs code of the Azerbaijan Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides No. 499:

1. Approve "Rules of the publication of customs statistics on foreign trade" (are applied).

Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic

Artur Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 2, 2012 No. 92

Rules of the publication of customs statistics on foreign trade

1. General provisions

1.1. These rules are prepared according to Article 317.5 of the Customs code of the Azerbaijan Republic and determine procedure for the publication of customs statistics of foreign trade (TSVD).

1.2. TSVT is integral part of official statistics.

1.3. Basic data when forming TSVT are the data containing in declarations on goods and other documents provided to customs authorities.

1.4. In TSVT accounting of import and commodity export is conducted on the date of issue of goods which is put down in the declaration on goods.

1.5. TSVT join all goods which import and export increases or reduces material resources of the republic.

2. TSVT purposes

2.1. Complete and reliable reflection of data on import and commodity exportation.

2.2. The customs statistics of foreign trade characterizing condition and dynamics of trade and economic relations of the Azerbaijan Republic with other countries is intended for the solution of the following tasks:

2.2.1. analysis of tendencies, structure, dynamics of development of flows of foreign trade;

2.2.2. the analysis of results of application of measures of tariff and non-tariff regulation in regulation of foreign economic activity;

2.2.3. providing TSVT for decision making in the field of foreign trade policy and state regulation of foreign trade of Administration of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, National assembly of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Economics of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Finance of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of taxes of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of transport of the Azerbaijan Republic, Central Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic and State Committee of statistics of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2.2.4. control of receipt of customs payments in the government budget;

2.2.5. forecasting of macroeconomic indicators;

2.2.6. calculation of indexes of quantity, cost and average prices;

2.2.7. assistance to development of foreign economic activity, to expansion of the foreign trade bonds;

2.2.8. the solution of the questions following from the external economic actions realized by the state and other questions.

3. Main indicators of TSVT

3.1. For forming of TSVT the following key indicators are used:

3.1.1. commodity code according to the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - TNVED);

3.1.2. description of goods on TNVED;

3.1.3 direction of tovaropotok (import or export);

3.1.4. accounting period;

3.1.5. the statistical cost of goods (in US dollars);

3.1.6. net weight (kg);

3.1.7. additional unit of measure on TNVED;

3.1.8. goods quantity in additional units of measure;

3.1.9. country of destination of goods;

3.1.10. country of goods' origin;

3.1.11. country of departure of goods;

3.1.12. the trading country;

3.1.13. mode of transport by means of which the load is transported through border;

3.1.14. nature of the transaction.

3.2. The country from which sending goods and vehicles to the Azerbaijan Republic is begun is considered the country of departure of goods, and country of incorporation (accommodation) of the partner in the foreign trade transaction who is not resident of the Azerbaijan Republic trading the country.

3.3. As the partner countries are considered: when importing - the country of goods' origin, when exporting - the country of the last known purpose of goods.

3.4. Commodity import is reflected over the country of departure:

3.4.1. for goods which country of source is unknown;

3.4.2. for the goods placed under customs procedure of "reimport";

3.4.3. for the goods included in group 97 TNVED (works of art, objects of collecting and antiques).

3.5. Commodity import is reflected over the trading country if the country of source and the country of departure are unknown.

3.6. If the country of destination of goods is unknown, commodity export is reflected over the trading country.

4. Publication TSVT

4.1. TSVT shall be published regularly on official the website of the State Customs Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic (daleekomitt), in seal, in collections and statistical bulletins.

4.2. Monthly data shall be posted on the website of Committee no later than the 15th and be published in publication of Committee.

4.3. Quarter data - during the next 90 days in the form of the collection "Customs Statistics of the Azerbaijan Republic on Foreign Trade".

4.4. Annual data - until the end of the second quarter of the next year it is also published in the form of the collection "Customs Statistics of the Azerbaijan Republic on Foreign Trade".

4.5. For increase in trust to the accuracy and accuracy of the information, and also for achievement of their correct understanding to users statistical publications join information which were also this about source, and information is regularly updated.

4.6. TSVT is published separately or in the form of the collection on the following areas:

4.6.1. general results on foreign trade of the Azerbaijan Republic;

4.6.2. dynamics of export and import on months;

4.6.3. data of export and import on goods;

4.6.4. data of export and import on the countries;

4.6.5. data of export and import on goods to these or those countries;

4.6.6. data of export and import on the countries of these or those goods;

4.6.7. data of export and import on groups of the countries;

4.6.8. customs assignments.

5. Restrictions on distribution of data

5.1. Information, about foreign trade, provided by legal entities and physical persons, is used only for the customs purposes, including for forming of TSVT.


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