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of August 25, 2012 No. 851

About procedure for disclosure by federal executive bodies of information on preparation of projects of regulatory legal acts and results of their public discussion

(as amended on 20-04-2024)

According to the subitem "an" of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 "About the main directions of enhancement of system of public administration" and for the purpose of enhancement of system of disclosure by federal executive bodies of information on preparation of projects of regulatory legal acts the Government of the Russian Federation decides No. 601:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of disclosure by federal executive bodies of information on preparation of projects of regulatory legal acts and results of their public discussion.

2. Determine that:

concerning application of the Rules approved by this resolution the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation gives explanations;

information on preparation of projects of regulatory legal acts and results of their public discussion is posted on the official site of on the Internet created for placement of the specified information (further respectively - Internet network, the official site);

the choice of forms of public discussion, including decision making about use of departmental resources and specialized resources in Internet network, is performed by federal executive body taking into account the rules establishing the minimum requirements to the organization of public discussion of projects of regulatory legal acts;

federal executive bodies place information on preparation of projects of regulatory legal acts and results of their public discussion till April 15, 2013 on the official sites of the specified federal executive bodies in Internet network, since April 15, 2013 - on the official site;

the paragraph of the sixth ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.07.2017 No. 813

3. To the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation:

submit within the Government of the Russian Federation within 3-month term offers on modification of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with adoption of this resolution;

the paragraph third ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.07.2014 No. 729

4. Determine that the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation is operator of the official site.

The official site is placed on technical means of the data-processing centers providing functioning and entering the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of the information systems used for provision of the state and municipal services and execution of the state and municipal functions electronically.

The ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation performs functions on technological support of functioning of the official site by means of provision in the amount approved with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the technical means of the data-processing centers providing its functioning and entering the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of the information systems used for provision of the state and municipal services and execution of the state and municipal functions electronically at the expense of the means of the federal budget provided to the Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2012 No. 851

Rules of disclosure by federal executive bodies of information on preparation of projects of regulatory legal acts and results of their public discussion

1. These rules establish procedure for disclosure by federal executive bodies of information on preparation of projects of regulatory legal acts and results of their public discussion.

2. These rules are not applied in the relation:

a) drafts of the Federal Laws on questions:

the federal budget, the budget of state non-budgetary funds and their execution, and also subject to introduction along with the specified drafts of the Federal Laws;

legal regime of frontier of the Russian Federation;

changes of number of magistrate judges and the number of judicial sites in subjects of the Russian Federation;

b) following projects of regulatory legal acts:

the projects of regulatory legal acts containing the data carried to the state secret and data of confidential nature, and also the projects of regulatory legal acts (except for drafts of the Federal Laws) governing the relations arising in connection with reference of data to the state secret, their classification or declassification for the benefit of safety of the Russian Federation;

the projects of regulatory legal acts specified in Item 60 (1) Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2004 No. 260 "About Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and Regulations on the Russian Government Office" and also in Item 3 (1) Rules of preparation of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1997 No. 1009 "About approval of Rules of preparation of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration";

the projects of regulatory legal acts providing from the federal budget of the interbudget transfers and also the projects of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies governing the relations in the field of ensuring execution of the federal budget, cash servicing of execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, internal state financial control behind conducting transactions with means of the federal budget by the main managers, managers and receivers of means of the federal budget;

projects of regulatory legal acts concerning the conclusion, the terminations, suspension of action, ratification, denouncement of international treaties of the Russian Federation and expression of intention of the Russian Federation not to become the participant of international treaties;

projects of regulatory legal acts in the field of military and technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states;

the projects of regulatory legal acts providing accomplishment of the international obligations of the Russian Federation in the field of nonproliferation, means of its delivery and also in the field of export control of products of military and dual purpose;


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